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Israel destroys Gaza dairy for second time


Dec 18, 2011
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Israel destroys Gaza dairy for second time | The Electronic Intifada

I would really apprichate it if an Israeli forumer confirm this story... I first saw this on Ntv (very relaible Turkish news channel) and found this article in English. Is there any truth on this subject or was this factory a cover for weapons fatory?

It was not a chemical plant, nor a nuclear facility, nor a manufacturer of weapons of mass destruction. But almost all the rubble of the entirely destroyed factory was covered in white, with white chunks everywhere. These were pieces of cheese, butter and yoghurt — some of the products made by the Dalloul dairy factory in southern Gaza City.
Israeli warplanes bombed the factory shortly after midnight last Thursday through Friday night, 1-2 April, leaving the building, all its equipment and the distribution van completely destroyed.

“At 12:30am we heard a very loud explosion nearby,” said owner Mutassim Dalloul as he inspected the wreckage on Friday morning. “I got downstairs to find my factory completely destroyed. Everything inside, including the machines, the power generator and all our products, [was destroyed].”

This was not the first Israeli attack on the factory.

“During the January 2009 war on Gaza, Israeli warplanes hit my factory, inflicting an estimated loss of half a million dollars. However, my brothers and I decided to rebuild it, so we now have a newly-destroyed dairy,” Dalloul said. He estimated the losses from the latest attack to be at least $100,000.

The Dalloul dairy is located in southern Gaza City, far away from the Gaza-Israel boundary. The factory distributed its products all over the city.

“At least 60 family members used to be supported from the work at this diary. I myself have a family of nine, including myself and my wife. My two brothers along with a number of other workers used to work at this factory, trying to get by under these harsh circumstances,” Dalloul patiently explained, despite his loss.

The attack on the Dalloul factory was part of about a dozen air raids carried out across the Gaza Strip in what Israel said was a response to rockets fired from Gaza into nearby Israeli towns (Palestinian resistance factions for their part say their rocket fire is a response to constant Israeli attacks on Gaza). Israeli leaders have publicly threatened harsh attacks on the territory after Palestinian resistance fighters killed two Israeli soldiers when an Israeli patrol made an incursion into the Gaza Strip last week.

International officials have warned in recent days against an escalation in violence, and the Palestinian prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, called for international intervention to prevent further deterioration. Al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper reported on 5 April that representatives of all Palestinian factions in Gaza, except for Fatah which declined to attend, had met to discuss a moratorium on rocket fire into Israel, while reserving the right to self-defense.

“I cannot imagine what my factory has to do with the ongoing situation,” Dalloul said. “Can you see a homemade rocket? Can you see a single bullet? Can you see a gun? Why did they attack my dairy?”

Since June 2007 — when Israel tightened its blockade of Gaza — the economy has sunk into a deep depression as unemployment has hit as high as 70 percent. Poverty among the 1.5 million residents has reached unprecedented levels with more than 80 percent of the population dependent on food aid provided by UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestine refugees. The dire situation is the result of Israel’s closure, according to numerous international assessments. Although Israel erratically opens border crossings for the import of food and other basic necessities to Gaza, only a fraction of the people’s requirements get in.

Dalloul’s was one of the few dairies meeting Gaza’s needs. In one corner of the factory, Haroun Dalloul, who worked at the factory, was picking up pieces of cheese. “I didn’t imagine I would get up this sad morning to throw the cheese into trash cans, instead of helping distribute it,” he said.

Mustafa al-Qayed, a local resident, expressed resentment at the attack: “The destroyed factory used to provide our neighborhood with milk and cheese daily.” He noted that the prices of the locally-made products were much lower than the Israeli products that were occasionally imported into Gaza.

According to economic assessments in Gaza, approximately 95 percent of Gaza’s local industrial facilities have been forced to shut down because of the closure of Gaza’s commercial crossings. The closing of the these facilities has rendered more than 70,000 Gaza laborers jobless. Dalloul’s dairy, along with several metal workshops Israel also destroyed in the latest attacks, were vital to Gaza’s economy.

During its December 2008-January 2009 attack on Gaza, Israel destroyed a number of other facilities central to Gaza’s food supply, including the al-Badr flour mill — the only functioning one in in the territory — and the Sawafiry chicken farm which supplied the vast majority of the territory’s eggs. The UN-commissioned Goldstone report found that these attacks, as well as others on Gaza’s water, food and agricultural infrastructure, appeared to be part of a deliberate pattern and constituted violations of the right to food, as well as possible war crimes and crimes against humanity.

However, manufacturers like Dalloul are determined to get their businesses back up and running.

“The same way we rebuilt our factory that was bombarded during the war, we are determined to rebuild this one,” Mutassim Dalloul said. “We are determined with a great deal of hope to resume our production, to say to our enemy that whatever you do will never make us succumb.”

Meanwhile, Dalloul greeted well-wishers arriving to the factory offering sympathy and support.
I did not hear about any such attack on a dairy factory in Gaza, and did not see anything about it in Hebrew news sites.
I did not hear about any such attack on a dairy factory in Gaza, and did not see anything about it in Hebrew news sites.
Strike must be in alternate universe...:azn:
if confirmed, that's certainly inhuman incident.
Electric Intifada and the Israel loving Turkish news stations do not qualify as unbiased outlets of information, Deno.
No, this was not reported in any American, Israeli or Western news stations. Not even in RT which is an equivalent of PressTV.
Maybe Islamic Terrorists Were Hiding in the Dairy Factory.

The Dalloul dairy factory was destroyed in an overnight airstrike,
causing losses of $300,000, the owner said.

Ma'an News agency.
Electric Intifada and the Israel loving Turkish news stations do not qualify as unbiased outlets of information, Deno.
No, this was not reported in any American, Israeli or Western news stations. Not even in RT which is an equivalent of PressTV.

I don2t know anything about the english site but belive me Ntv is generally objective in these stuations... They are partner with Msnbc, although I can't say anything about other Turkish news agencies like anyother national news agency they are not objective when they faced with a stuation opposed by nation :)
I don2t know anything about the english site but belive me Ntv is generally objective in these stuations... They are partner with Msnbc, although I can't say anything about other Turkish news agencies like anyother national news agency they are not objective when they faced with a stuation opposed by nation :)
Well, if their sources are Arab sources like Electric Intifida, then they clearly do not check full-heartedly for the truth, don't you agree?
The date on the article in the original post is the 5th of April 2010. However the link below puts the date as the 4th of June 2012, which happens to be today's date.

Owner of dairy factory hit by Israel urges world action | Maan News Agency

It was also reported in the Saudi Gazette in the year 2010.

Saudi Gazette - Blogosphere

So I guess it isn't a recent event, here are two small quotes from the first link in my post.

The Dalloul dairy factory, in the al-Sabra neighborhood of Gaza City, was destroyed in the third day of airstrikes on the coastal enclave, leaving one person moderately injured.

Israel's army said it had "targeted a weapon manufacturing facility and a terror tunnel in the northern Gaza Strip," in response to rocket fire on communities in southern Israel.

Three days of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip have injured 13 Palestinians, with two men later dying of their wounds.

Gaza-based rights group Al-Mezan said nine houses were partially damaged, and one house was destroyed in the bombings. A poultry and cattle farm, a water well, a carpentry shop, and a storeroom were also damaged, it said.

The attacks started after a Palestinian gunman shot dead an Israeli soldier on the Gaza border on Friday. The Palestinian was also killed in the clash.
problem is with Palestinians.They don't want't live in peace, they instigate israelis by launching rockets in israels and when israelis retaliate they cry peace peace like a baby... if they have so much guts y don't they attack in a man to man manner. why do they involve civilians in it
There must be some reason for this strike.

There is -- creating misery among Palestinians. After all, as is already known by now, it is Israeli policy to strangle the Gazan economy and push it to the brink of a collapse.

In the 2008 war against Gaza, it was recorded that Israeli forces targeted even strictly civilian Palestinian infrastructure necessary for population survival. They destroyed Gaza's sole flour factory, which belonged to a man deemed trustworthy even by the Israelis themselves (they even allowed him in and out of the Strip for businesses purposes). Though the Israelis tried to usual excuses to justify the shelling -- "militants hiding in structure" -- no militants were in the area, as verified by both HRW and the UN comission. Israel even lied about the cause of the destruction, saying that the mill was brought down by tank shelling (which tends to be imprecise) even though the UN found the remnants of an air-dropped bomb on the ruins of the factory.

A report about the water apartheid policy that Israel carries out on the occupied territories, produced earlier this year by the French parliament, reccounted that Israel purposely shelled wells in the Gaza Strip.

As said before, the sole purpose of these attacks is to foster misery among Palestinians.
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