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Featured Israel-Palestinian Conflict Resurgence 2021: Al-Aqsa attacks, riots, rockets, military clashes and Jerusalem conflict

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They're testing the waters, in the near future we might be unfortunate to see Al-Aqsa demolished, the Israeli's have been busy digging tunnels under the mosque to weaken the foundation since occupation.. The Arab despots have sold the Palestinians out... not surprising since they were hand picked by foreign imperial powers for such purpose.. Perhaps Pakistan should send the Shaheen sisters to damascus to act as a conduit to peace..
You seriously need to consider visiting a mental health professional.
They're testing the waters, in the near future we might be unfortunate to see Al-Aqsa demolished, the Israeli's have been busy digging tunnels under the mosque to weaken the foundation since occupation.. The Arab despots have sold the Palestinians out... not surprising since they were hand picked by foreign imperial powers for such purpose.. Perhaps Pakistan should send the Shaheen sisters to damascus to act as a conduit to peace..

The Israelis are testing Biden regime reaction. Trump was in Israeli pocket. With Biden it is a different story. He is more neutral and the Israelis don't like that. The Israelis have been irked ever since Biden came to power. He hasn't treated Israel with the same respect as Trump did. The Zionists are now creating ruckus to see how Biden administration and the Europeans react. Both are mum and terming it as clashes. Both the Americans and Europeans are hypocrites.
Temple mount is controlled by Waqf, Israel is not allowed even to check the worshipers who come there. They bring stones and fireworks freely.

3 years ago Israel wanted to install metal detectors at entrance and in caused big riots.
What a tragic story. Can't you give ultimatum to Jordanian Waqf to allow security inspections on the compound or risk losing Waqf authority? IMO Israeli Arabs should have Waqf authority on the compound not Jordanians
Biden on Israel: "I'm a Zionist!"

Oh sleepy Joe like the rest is an Israeli worshipper. Don't get me wrong. It is just that the Democrats have a somewhat different approach to appeasing Israel as opposed to the neoconservative Republicans. The Republicans don't hide their favouritism. The Democrats are cunning. They appease both sides, but cajole Israel more. Behind the scenes the Democrats are hand and glove with Israel. Although sleepy Joe has irked Israel soon after coming to power. You could see that sleepy Joe took his time to approach Israel. That wasn't a coincidence. It was by design.
Oh sleepy Joe like the rest is an Israeli worshipper. Don't get me wrong. It is just that the Democrats have a somewhat different approach to appeasing Israel as opposed to the neoconservative Republicans.
Exactly. Both parties love Israel one way or another.
The truth is they don't want a war, most of the firing is done by other groups
So Hamas admits it has no central authority in Gaza? What a joke
Would it even matter. They don't have the depth to allow the rockets/missiles to gather speed before Iron Dome engagement. They need to go for cheaper low-cost large volume rockets in order to poke holes for heavy rockets to burst through.
Thanks for verifying the power of Iron Dome. Good job @500
Is cease fire possible at this time or red line has already been closed?
Red line crossed
Now more innocent civilians will die. May God help Palestinians
Yes, Israel should just allow innocent Hamas missiles rain over their own innocent civilians
You seriously need to consider visiting a mental health professional.

You first.

The Israelis are testing Biden regime reaction. Trump was in Israeli pocket. With Biden it is a?different story. He is more neutral and the Israelis don't like that.

I wouldn't say his more neutral, his a zionist to the core, but his more conventional than trump was with his approach, and Yh with trump the Israelis were able to speed up their plans, if You recall even Obama used to say Juruselem is the undivided capital of Israel, so the end goal was the same.. its just that Trump was their YES man.
You first.

I wouldn't say his more neutral, his a zionist to the core, but his more conventional than trump was with his approach, and Yh with trump the Israelis were able to speed up their plans, if You recall even Obama used to say Juruselem is the undivided capital of Israel, so the end goal was the same.. its just that Trump was their YES man.
Trump was much more open about it. Democrats support Israel more discreetly
It is not about Biden or Trump, American rulers will always support Israel no matter which party is in government.
Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱 ❤️ ✡️ 💪
You first.

I wouldn't say his more neutral, his a zionist to the core, but his more conventional than trump was with his approach, and Yh with trump the Israelis were able to speed up their plans, if You recall even Obama used to say Juruselem is the undivided capital of Israel, so the end goal was the same.. its just that Trump was their YES man.

That is exactly what I meant. They are both lackeys of Israel. The approach is a little different though. The thing is, Republicans are usually mad Bible thumpers. Their direct support for Israel stems from their Christian religious ideology. With the Republicans there is usually no room for reasoning. The bulk of Democrats are usually liberals. Unlike the Republicans the Democrats aren't often driven by Judeo Christian bond. The Democrats are cunning and want to seek world consensus and legitimacy on the issue. A very different approach as opposed to redneck Republicans who want to appease Israel without questions asked. They both want the best for Israel at the expense of Palestine.
Maybe synagogues globally will become targets. As our worshippers are not safe why should Jews be safe? Then we can blame zionost nazis
So attack mosques globally whenever Muslim terrorists attack Churches, Temples somewhere? Makes sense?
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