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Lol. I am raised in the UK and rely on books written by English historians for my knowledge of the subcontinent. Maybe your part of India may have escaped Muslim rule but other large parts of India were only "saved" by the arrival of the English.

This is where you go wrong!

The British won India mostly from the Hindus and Sikhs, not the Muslims. Check your history again.

A famous saying about one Mughal ruler:

Sultanat-e-Shah Alam, Az Dilli ta Palam (The realm of Shah Alam stretches from Delhi to Palam).

All of 10 miles! ;)

Lol. You were in no position to do anything to us. The English were in charge mostly after the defeat of the Mughals.

The Mughal rule was just limited to Delhi for at least a 100 years. And they were at the mercy of the Marathas and Jats before the British defeated the Marathas.

No, Pakistanis only killed a few hundred thousand Bangladsehis. If it was millions I would have had a few members of my family(not immediate) that died but this is not the case, nor do I know many other people where this is the case.

Leave this number issue for now, the cause for that genocide remains a fact.

As I have said before they are only on a transient(for a finite period of time) basis. You Indians will rinse them of their technology over the next decade or 2 and then dump them. As an American once said "countries have no permanent friends, only permanent interests". Look how Turkey is distancing itself from the Jews now.

No one can predict the future. As of now, we have a lot of common interests.

Turkey still has good relations with them.

You need to get over this Muslim rule and "Hindu-convert" thing. It is the past and I am not especially religious and judge people based on their character rather than religious beliefs. After all none of us chooses whether we are to be born Muslims, Christian, Jew. Hindu tec. The only reason Muslims have an issue with Jews is because they have stolen Palestine from the Palestinians. We would not have any issues with then if that was not the case.

Not all of you think that way. Anyway, why would you care for Palestinians more than the millions of victims of Darfur genocide? Just because the Muslims were the perpetrators there! And the victims were kaffirs!

Check out this, this is the real reason for many of you.

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Your post makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense, read it again.

By the way do u know that before 1992 India did not even recognize Israel?

Do you know, that Turkey-Israel trade is much bigger than Turkey-Pakistan and Turkey-Bangladesh trade combined? :lol:
It makes perfect sense, read it again.

By the way do u know that before 1992 India did not even recognize Israel?

Do you know, that Turkey-Israel trade is much bigger than Turkey-Pakistan and Turkey-Bangladesh trade combined? :lol:

Yes. India is opening up because you have a little to offer and that is your influence with the current superpower(drowing in debt and wars btw) and also you happen to be in a position to supply the Indians with missiles and radars which they cannot make themselves to the same standard. Once they do not need this from yourself, they would ditch you in an instance. You proved my own argument that India's only interest in you is on current benefits and not on any real long term bonds.

As for Turkeys trade with bangladesh, well the Bangalsdehi economy is growing at 7% a year now and Bangladesh's trade with the rest of the world is increasing by 15-20% each year. The future is heading towards Asia and away from the old industrialised countries.

Btw, since I live in the UK I would like to point out the fact that the UK economy contracted by 5% in 2009(the largest since the 1930s) and it is now stuck on 1% or below GDp growth as the government has no long term growth plan apart from printing money. The plight of the UK illustrates the loss of prosperity for the western world that we shall see over the next couple of decades.
Yes. India is opening up because you have a little to offer and that is your influence with the current superpower(drowing in debt and wars btw) and also you happen to be in a position to supply the Indians with missiles and radars which they cannot make themselves to the same standard. Once they do not need this from yourself, they would ditch you in an instance. You proved my own argument that India's only interest in you is on current benefits and not on any real long term bonds.

As for Turkeys trade with bangladesh, well the Bangalsdehi economy is growing at 7% a year now and Bangladesh's trade with the rest of the world is increasing by 15-20% each year. The future is heading towards Asia and away from the old industrialised countries.

Btw, since I live in the UK I would like to point out the fact that the UK economy contracted by 5% in 2009(the largest since the 1930s) and it is now stuck on 1% or below GDp growth as the government has no long term growth plan apart from printing money. The plight of the UK illustrates the loss of prosperity for the western world that we shall see over the next couple of decades.
When I was born Israeli and Bangladeshi economies were of same size. Today Israeli economy is 2 times bigger. Enjoy your dreams.
We have Manmohan Singh in our midst, talking about India's long term strategic policies in detail.
When I was born Israeli and Bangladeshi economies were of same size. Today Israeli economy is 2 times bigger. Enjoy your dreams.

Ok genius. Please digest as below:

Country Subject Descriptor Units Scale Country/Series-specific Notes 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Bangladesh Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change 5.600 4.834 4.845 5.776 6.108 6.302 6.525 6.305 5.959 5.789 6.023 6.303 6.555 6.855 7.000 7.000 7.000
Israel Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change 9.139 -0.062 -0.580 1.543 5.110 4.872 5.697 5.315 4.227 0.801 4.606 3.779 3.841 3.708 3.732 3.437 3.300

Please take a look at the IMF prediction that shows the Bangladeshi economy heading towards 7% GDP growth by 2014(actually we are at 7% now and may possibly head towards 10% by 2016) and the Israeli economy going towards 3% by 2016. Even IMF says the future is Asian. Bangladesh has grown faster than Israel in the last decade and will grow even faster than Israel in this one.

Source: Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
Israel and India are the only two major non muslim country from North Africa all the way to South East Asia. India-Israel nexus is there to stay, wannabe arabs can cry all they want. If anyone is the used condom its the arab wannabe states, who get used by their arab masters to fan the arab culture in the world. Go and look how Bangladeshi arab wannabes are treated in Saudi Arabia:lol:

ITT lot of butthurt and ungrateful muslims, who sit and eat in western countries and hate western countries.
Israel and India are the only two major non muslim country from North Africa all the way to South East Asia. India-Israel nexus is there to stay, wannabe arabs can cry all they want. If anyone is the used condom its the arab wannabe states, who get used by their arab masters to fan the arab culture in the world. Go and look how Bangladeshi arab wannabes are treated in Saudi Arabia:lol:

ITT lot of butthurt and ungrateful muslims, who sit and eat in western countries and hate western countries.

Well there was a post that predicted that the Indian economy would hit 30 US trillion by 2030. What possible benefit would a 30 US trillion India have with a sub 1 trillion Israel?Face the facts you Hindus are using the Jews while you can and will dump them when the time comes. And Bangladeshis do not identify themselves as Arab. We are South Asian Muslims and you just need to get used to this fact.
Well there was a post that predicted that the Indian economy would hit 30 US trillion by 2030. What possible benefit would a 30 US trillion India have with a sub 1 trillion Israel?Face the facts you Hindus are using the Jews while you can and will dump them when the time comes. And Bangladeshis do not identify themselves as Arab. We are South Asian Muslims and you just need to get used to this fact.

If only real politik worked like that mate. What does sub trillion dollar Israel has to offer to 15 Trillion dollar US. What does 200 Billion dollar Pakistan has to offer 7 Trillion Dollar China?

Israel-India relationship has never been about money, and there is more to Israel India relationship than India buying weapons from Israel.

Useless logic. Why don't you tell me what does Bangladesh gets out of boycotting Israel?
Ok genius. Please digest as below:

Country Subject Descriptor Units Scale Country/Series-specific Notes 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Bangladesh Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change 5.600 4.834 4.845 5.776 6.108 6.302 6.525 6.305 5.959 5.789 6.023 6.303 6.555 6.855 7.000 7.000 7.000
Israel Gross domestic product, constant prices Percent change 9.139 -0.062 -0.580 1.543 5.110 4.872 5.697 5.315 4.227 0.801 4.606 3.779 3.841 3.708 3.732 3.437 3.300

Please take a look at the IMF prediction that shows the Bangladeshi economy heading towards 7% GDP growth by 2014(actually we are at 7% now and may possibly head towards 10% by 2016) and the Israeli economy going towards 3% by 2016. Even IMF says the future is Asian. Bangladesh has grown faster than Israel in the last decade and will grow even faster than Israel in this one.

Source: Report for Selected Countries and Subjects
I talk about facts, not predictions.


Bangladesh - 19.4 bln $
Israel - 12.3 bln $

Bangladesh - 115.4 bln $
Israel - 234.9 bln $
I talk about facts, not predictions.


Bangladesh - 19.4 bln $
Israel - 12.3 bln $

Bangladesh - 115.4 bln $
Israel - 234.9 bln $

I am also talking about fact. Bangladesh outgrew Israel in the last decade and our economy is now growing at 7% a year. What is your current growth rate? I will tell it to you it is just a shade under 5% a year. Now remember Bangladesh has a lot of potential to speed up it's growth while Israel's will only decline as it gets closer to the levels of countries such as Japan and France .
If only real politik worked like that mate. What does sub trillion dollar Israel has to offer to 15 Trillion dollar US. What does 200 Billion dollar Pakistan has to offer 7 Trillion Dollar China?

Israel-India relationship has never been about money, and there is more to Israel India relationship than India buying weapons from Israel.

Useless logic. Why don't you tell me what does Bangladesh gets out of boycotting Israel?

China needs Pakistan as a gateway to the riches of the Arab Middle East and to have an alternative energy route to the Malacca Straights. Also it uses pakistan to keep India "busy". Why do you think it is giving 50 JF-17s to the Pakistanis by June next year? I will tell you they won't be much use in fighting US F-22s if America attacks.

As for US and Israel, surely you know about "white guilt" about the holocaust and also the powerful jewish lobby in the US. Please educate yourself a bit more. The US is filled with Jews in power in finance, the media, hollywood and the US government.

Now please answer what will Isreal have to offer India by 2030 that it already dose not have or could not get from elsewhere? No Indian dare answer this question because they all know they are using the Jews and will dump them like a used condom when they are surplus to requirements. At least you have attempted an answer but i hope this posts helps you understand geopolitics a bit bitter.

As for why bangladesh boycotts Israel? Ok let us take everything else out of this and let us narrowly look at the economic side. Israel is so small that it cannot take much of our goods, mainly ready made garments. In return the only real products that it has to offer are defence goods. Now even if Bangladesh was interested in procuring systems such as AWACS, why should we pay so much more when we can obtain nearly equivalent products from China at 50% of the cost? It has little to offer us honestly.
Now please answer what will Isreal have to offer India by 2030 that it already dose not have or could not get from elsewhere? No Indian dare answer this question because they all know they are using the Jews and will dump them like a used condom when they are surplus to requirements. At least you have attempted an answer but i hope this posts helps you understand geopolitics a bit bitter.

Sorry for butting in, but you yourself answered that question.

You say Israel has a strong influence over America, well thats good enough reason for India to maintain relationship with Israel irrespective of what Israel has to offer. India having good relationship with Israel means India maintaining good relationship with America.

Also what exactly is India going to gain from deserting Israel?

And use a different analogy will you? For the sake of decency.
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