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Leaked info about J20, AC and 055 destroyer of PLA!

The Russian engine for J-20 now is out of question.

The only candidate right now is WS-10X or WS-15.

Some leaked information shows that the engine used by J-20 is in fact WS-15.

WHY ???

Sorry ... again I do not want to be seen as arrogant, but nothing fits to this assumption:

- the external details simply match an AL-31FN, the inner structure of the flame holder as well.
- there was just an additional AL-31FN Series III acquisition ... fit's nicely to the J-20.
- otherwise the timeline does not fit: Core testing for the WS-15 was only (to admit not sure) 1year or 1 1/2 year ago.

Please give some more
WHY ???

Sorry ... again I do not want to be seen as arrogant, but nothing fits to this assumption:

- the external details simply match an AL-31FN, the inner structure of the flame holder as well.
- there was just an additional AL-31FN Series III acquisition ... fit's nicely to the J-20.
- otherwise the timeline does not fit: Core testing for the WS-15 was only (to admit not sure) 1year or 1 1/2 year ago.

Please give some more

Those so-called proofs were the invention of the CD forum, and I have nothing to contribute my opinion on this at all.
I seriously doubt your claim. What do you mean by proven when all latest J-11B enter service are equipped with WS-10 engine? China has also stop buying anymore engine from Russia, so may I know where they are getting those engine since the old Su-27SK and J-11A also needs Russian engine to replace expended one. Its hard to believe J-11B are using domestic engine while J-20 not using? WS-10A engine is proven to have more thrust than AL-31.

I have never heard of AL-31 series III. Only AL-41 or 117S engine. There is no such things called AL-31 III. If there is what is the different between AL-31 III and 117S with thrust so similar?

The WS-10 engine now has more thrust than the AL-31 engine, that's true.

But the AL-31 engine has the lower bypass ratio.

The new Chinese engine is trying to become lower in the bypass ratio as well.

That's why the sound has become more similar to the AL-31 engine family.

The CDers have fabricated a bunch of bogus claims as the proofs.

First they claimed that the engine with the blue flame must be the AL-31 engine, then it has been debunked as both American engine and Chinese engine can also produce the blue flame, since any engine can produce the blue flames when it has fully efficient combustion.

Now they are claiming that the noise sounds like the AL-31 engine, but the fact is that the new Chinese engine has been made with the lower bypass ratio, that's why the sound has become more AL-31 ish, that's all.
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Sorry, but maybe I misunderstand Your post: Where did I laugh "at the claims of current J-20s using Russian engine" ??? I know when I wrote the first report on the J-20 for the Combat Aircraft right after its maiden flight in 2011 I added a sentence that also a WS-10G is said to power that type ... in the meantime I never questioned it to be powered by the AL-31FN.

Or did I misunderstand Your post ???

the 'He' was meant the guy who I got those infos from, it wasnt you,````that 'guy' was asked by others whether J-20s were using Russian engines, he did not give an absolute answer, but only mentioned that J-20s fly with modified domestic engines```i hope this clears your confusion ?

The Russian engine for J-20 now is out of question.

The only candidate right now is WS-10X or WS-15.

Some leaked information shows that the engine used by J-20 is in fact WS-15.
no, thats not leaked info``it is rumor, WS-15 is not even up for the air test yet, as far as I know```but ground test is quite smooth and coming to completion
Those so-called proofs were the invention of the CD forum, and I have nothing to contribute my opinion on this at all.

Sorry, but this logic I do not understand !?? :disagree:
How could be a physical evidence like external and internal details be only an "invention" but such a report without any substantial evidence be a proof !????

I agree that the question is not fully solved but for me it's simply a matter of "what's the most likely option":

All AL-31F and FN either installed in Flankers or the J-10A/AS have the same details - these are the number of pedals, they have the same inner flame-holder, they are even the dimensions of different segments on the afterburner ... and the same sound.
Also all WS-10A and the so far single B either installed in Flankers or the single J-10B '05' prototype have the same details - these are the number of pedals, they have the same inner flame-holder, they are even the dimensions of different segments on the afterburner ... and the same sound.

... but they are completely different to al AL-31 !

Now we have that strange-looking engine on the J-20 with a much more silversish colour, sawtooth details, etc. but if You compare the details it is much more common to an AL-31FN - in certain things even exactly the same - but they do not match in any detail with a WS-10 .... As such I do not have the slightest doubt that this strange engine is an AL-31FN regardless other reports and wishfull thinking.

The WS-10 engine now has more thrust than the AL-31 engine, that's true.
But the AL-31 engine has the lower bypass ratio.
The new Chinese engine is trying to become lower in the bypass ratio as well.
That's why the sound has become more similar to the AL-31 engine family.
The CDers have fabricated a bunch of bogus claims as the proofs.
First they claimed that the engine with the blue flame must be the AL-31 engine, then it has been debunked as both American engine and Chinese engine can also produce the blue flame, since any engine can produce the blue flames when it has fully efficient combustion.
Now they are claiming that the noise sounds like the AL-31 engine, but the fact is that the new Chinese engine has been made with the lower bypass ratio, that's why the sound has become more AL-31 ish, that's all.

To admit that's all irrelevant, especially since the dimensions are so close to each other that sound is much more related to the number of compressor stages, the inner temperature, the fuel-air-fraction, the number of revolutions/second (not sure how You call this exactly) but surely not the bypass ratio.

I agree with You that "CDers have fabricated a bunch of bogus claims as the proofs" but otherwise for the WS-15 there are also nearly as much "bogus claims as the proofs" and in the end a physical detail like the ones I explained cannot be "bunch of bogus claims", it's simply logic.

This is the example of both WS-10A and WS-10B being installed on the same J-11B.

In order to make the distinction, the one with the 'blue ring' before the nozzle is WS-10B.

This is the example of both WS-10A and WS-10B being installed on the same J-11B.

In order to make the distinction, the one with the 'blue ring' before the nozzle is WS-10B.

View attachment 183317

No, like I explained: the WS-10A is for the Flanker-series with the gear-box on top, while the WS-10B is the version for the J-10B with its gear-box on the bottom. You can't interchange both engines in the same way You can't fit an AL-31F from a Flanker into a J-10A.

This version You see is one of the so called "improved" WS-10A sometimes also seen with darker, nearly black AB-feathers but it is surely not a WS-10B (see: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9UsWX4031qs/UA3IHyYpbLI/AAAAAAAAANw/WYzvusK2TII/s1600/WS-10B.jpg).
Also it does not explain why the J-20s engine should be a WS-10 if it shares all details with an AL-31.

But to admit I showed You my considerations and even more I tried to explain it with details ... if You want to stick to Your opinion, then it's fine but I'm sure it is an AL-31FN.

AC 001A has high possibility to appear in 2015

055 has started construction
it has two phases; phase A and phase B
its combat displacement is 12,000 metric tons

engines; 4 QC280, gas turbine Hybrid Electric propulsion system for phase A, and phase B is integrated electric propulsion (IEP) system

no rail gun or any sort of plasma gun```but do have a laser device (he did not specify)
its Third Gen dual bands AESA is a class of its own, not even the AMDR specially designed for Arleight Burke Flight III can match its capability

has 96-112 units of VLS
new long range anti-air missile
, much more capable than HQ-9
Long range cruise missile

J-20 No.2015 is very close to final condition,
J-20 doesnt use Russian 99M2 as most foreign 'experts' and Russia media claimed
it uses improved third gen turbofan, domestic
phase A wont have WS-15 but domestic improved third gen turbofan, Max 14.3 metric tons thrusts
phase B will be fit with WS-15

J-20 deployment version will have soft laser weapon, not to shoot down a plane or kill a ground target, but to 'kill' infrared guided missiles

``pretty awesome i believe``!

It seems that Chinese members are more interested in propogating their weapon abilty on the name of leaked information rather than official specification.
It seems that Chinese members are more interested in propogating their weapon abilty on the name of leaked information rather than official specification.

... even more since there are rarely any official specifications given !

It's again that funny situation: there are a few who call us "Fan-boys", they ignore everything since there is no official data ... in in the same way they ignore all evidence, regardless how un-official it is simply since it does not fit their opinion.

Funny indeed.

Ofcourse, because you can not.

Then what is your goal to come here?

Just leave the thread alone if you don't wanna believe it.

... even more since there are rarely any official specifications given !

It's again that funny situation: there are a few who call us "Fan-boys", they ignore everything since there is no official data ... in in the same way they ignore all evidence, regardless how un-official it is simply since it does not fit their opinion.

Funny indeed.


Are you a German military enthusiast about the PLAAF or you are a Chinese expatriate in Germany?
Then what is your goal to come here?

Just leave the thread alone if you don't wanna believe it.

Are you a German military enthusiast about the PLAAF or you are a Chinese expatriate in Germany?

Well, Deino is an expert. He is a regular in Sino Defence Forum, and I'm one of his fan :D His analyst and thought about China Military is good, just like Jeff Head. I learn a lot from just reading his posts there.
It seems that Chinese members are more interested in propogating their weapon abilty on the name of leaked information rather than official specification.

Oooops ... "more" interested ... are you sure not "equally" interested or even the other way round? Brilliant discovery indeed .... incredible supapawa... show me your findings.

And BTW what the hell is "official specification"?

LMAO ... :cheesy:
Are you a German military enthusiast about the PLAAF or you are a Chinese expatriate in Germany?

Quite frankly...Yes,I am actually 'only' a German "China aviation enthusiast (my wife thinks even more a "China-aviation fanatic"), and that since decades ...should this reduce my credibility, then it is sadly just so !

By the way ... these are my works so far (sorry for this small advertisement):

1. Modern Chinese Warplanes: Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese Air Force and Naval Aviation
Juicebox Gallery
Modern Chinese Warplanes, Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese Air Force and Naval Aviation | Harpia Publishing

2. Dragon's Wings
Ian Allan Direct - Dragon's Wings: Chinese Fighter & Bomber Aircraft Development
Dragon's Wings (sadly still with the wrong cover)


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