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Lion roaring allah

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It should have been an everyday expedition for the Pakistani fisherman as he sought his catch in the Arabian Gulf.But what started as a routine voyage rapidly turned into a day he will never forget after landing a fish which allegedly had the Arabic inscription of the name Allah on its side.
No one knows if the fish was caught in that condition or whether a late April Fool's joke was behind the discovery.
News of the fish spread like wildfire prompting people to come to Dubai from all over the UAE.

the picture of the fish with Allah wriiten on it

Cool. I have seen bunch of pictures that have Allah written on them. One time in one my relatives house they got a tomatto which when they cut had written clear "Allah" in arabic on it.

Its amazing.
WebMaster said:
Cool. I have seen bunch of pictures that have Allah written on them. One time in one my relatives house they got a tomatto which when they cut had written clear "Allah" in arabic on it.

Its amazing.

there are a lot of such happening around the world where curous things have been reported.

Oh yeah have u seen the video of the dog who can count. u ask him how much is 5+7 it will say 12 by the times he hits the floor with his right paw.
Samudra said:
What else do they show on Animal Planet? :what:

Will you behave urself please.
if u cant you dont need to post
Prashant said:
No one knows if the fish was caught in that condition or whether a late April Fool's joke was behind the discovery.
News of the fish spread like wildfire prompting people to come to Dubai from all over the UAE.

the picture of the fish with Allah wriiten on it


Prashant if u cant stop ur hatred please dont post, im offended as a Muslim. You might had not seen such things but i can tell literaly i have seen such kind of happening myslef. so please dont be biase.
Jana said:
Prashant if u cant stop ur hatred please dont post, im offended as a Muslim. You might had not seen such things but i can tell literaly i have seen such kind of happening myslef. so please dont be biase.

Jana pls for gods sake,your commenting with prejudice.I posted this article with happiness thinking some of u might be happy seeing this.

I havent written a word of myself in that post,every single word was quoted from the article i quoted.And the words are of the author.
Prashant said:
Jana pls for gods sake,your commenting with prejudice.I posted this article with happiness thinking some of u might be happy seeing this.

I havent written a word of myself in that post,every single word was quoted from the article i quoted.And the words are of the author.

has anyone heard about this?:

This is said to be a scene on a piece of cultivated farmland in Germany. Many Germans have been said to have embraced Islam upon seeing this miraculous sight. The German government has put steel fences around that part of the farm to prevent people from visiting and witnessing this miraculous site


Is this true ? oir hoax ?

Anyone from germany ?
A.Rahman said:
I agree with you, has anyone heard about this?:

This is said to be a scene on a piece of cultivated farmland in Germany. Many Germans have been said to have embraced Islam upon seeing this miraculous sight. The German government has put steel fences around that part of the farm to prevent people from visiting and witnessing this miraculous site


Is this true ?

Anyone from germany ?

Its arabic can somebody say whats written there?
“There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
Prashant said:
Jana pls for gods sake,your commenting with prejudice.I posted this article with happiness thinking some of u might be happy seeing this.

I havent written a word of myself in that post,every single word was quoted from the article i quoted.And the words are of the author.

Sorry i thought the phrase "April Fool" was written by you so i was commenting on that.
Jana said:
Will you behave urself please.
if u cant you dont need to post

Sorry, I'm not a great believer in these "wonders".

God - if 'it' is a 'being'(which is a relative word and therefore cannot be equated to a creator which/whom created everything) has better things to do other than make a Lion roar his name.

Besides, watch any other Lion roar.You'll know what I'm speaking about.
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