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Mass protest against covid lockdown erupts in Urumqi city, Xinjiang province, Mayor tries to appease the angry crowd and promises quick lifting

For CCP Noth are same because they treat Chinese people as animals anyway
Ermmm that's definitely India not China. You guys practically let your people starve to death even before covid and md dump bodies into the ganges.

COVID is not as bad as it used to be. Let's face the issue and cope with it according to the latest development.

Apparently people are fed up with lockdowns again and again. People need to make a normal living.

Moreover, people are fed up with Xi as well. China need move forward, not move backward.

Whatever Xi has, ego or "ambition", he should understand the devastating damage culture revolution has done to China.

People protest due to their ultimate frustrations and disapprovals over what Xi has done.

For the nth fcking time 99.9% of China is not under any form of lockdown. The problem is some housing communities are, maybe a few hundred people to thousands. I don't support zero covid, i prefer 2 mil old farts dying.
The government should deliver an official account on the government website, some people should be held accountable for this tragedy.
Err, don't knw what u talk abt.

google translate of how the fire start:

"At about 19:00 on the same day, a resident of Room 1502, Unit 2, Building 8, Jixiangyuan Community, Buayi Xianmu Maimaiti Aili was taking a steam bath, and the circuit tripped halfway. She then restart the main switch and returned to continue the steam bath.​
During this period, Buayi Xianmu's daughter smelled a strong burnt smell, followed the smell and found that the socket in the bedroom was on fire, and hurried to the door and shouted: "Mom, it's on fire!" At that time, the flames had ignited the bedding and wooden dado, and the dado and ceiling were made of flammable wood, so the fire spread very quickly. Buai Xianmu took two pots of water to put out the fire, but he still couldn't control the fire, so he took his daughter and ran out of the house to ask for help.​

Bu Ai Xianmu opened the door, and Deng Mingxing, a community worker who heard the news, was facing him. At this time, billowing thick smoke was billowing upstairs, "The fire is too big, go downstairs to escape first!" Deng Mingxing took them downstairs and called 119 fire alarm at the same time. The three went to the 14th floor for help, and went back to the 15th floor to put out the fire with the residents on that floor, but failed, so they went downstairs together to avoid danger.​

Therefore, it is no problem to go downstairs to escape when the fire starts, but the pictures uploaded on the Internet that the floor doors are tied with iron wires are actually malicious lies. No one died in the house that caught fire. The problem is that those who ran away did not contact the upstairs. Later, many of them were suffocated to death on the top roof.​
Err, don't knw what u talk abt.

google translate of how the fire start:

"At about 19:00 on the same day, a resident of Room 1502, Unit 2, Building 8, Jixiangyuan Community, Buayi Xianmu Maimaiti Aili was taking a steam bath, and the circuit tripped halfway. She then restart the main switch and returned to continue the steam bath.​
During this period, Buayi Xianmu's daughter smelled a strong burnt smell, followed the smell and found that the socket in the bedroom was on fire, and hurried to the door and shouted: "Mom, it's on fire!" At that time, the flames had ignited the bedding and wooden dado, and the dado and ceiling were made of flammable wood, so the fire spread very quickly. Buai Xianmu took two pots of water to put out the fire, but he still couldn't control the fire, so he took his daughter and ran out of the house to ask for help.​

Bu Ai Xianmu opened the door, and Deng Mingxing, a community worker who heard the news, was facing him. At this time, billowing thick smoke was billowing upstairs, "The fire is too big, go downstairs to escape first!" Deng Mingxing took them downstairs and called 119 fire alarm at the same time. The three went to the 14th floor for help, and went back to the 15th floor to put out the fire with the residents on that floor, but failed, so they went downstairs together to avoid danger.​

Therefore, it is no problem to go downstairs to escape when the fire starts, but the pictures uploaded on the Internet that the floor doors are tied with iron wires are actually malicious lies. No one died in the house that caught fire. The problem is that those who ran away did not contact the upstairs. Later, many of them were suffocated to death on the top roof.​
The true footage and the account of this story don't add up

The true footage and the account of this story don't add up

Once again, I don't understand what u mean. The video from this s'pore media actually have the footage of gov't official saying the exact same word to the public.

If u r referring to the larger fire engine specially for high rise unable to reach the building effectively, it was explained that because of the narrow roadway leading to the building and parked cars blocking the way. Firefighter is able to reach the building through other method. And if u live in China, u would know this is not that unusual, u would hv heard that this has happened many times, before or after the pandemic.
No lockdowns anywhere in the world. Why is China locking down? Look at the FIFA world cup. Not one wears a mask in the audience. Something isn't right in China's policy.
No lockdowns anywhere in the world. Why is China locking down? Look at the FIFA world cup. Not one wears a mask in the audience. Something isn't right in China's policy.
No lockdowns anywhere in the world. Why is China locking down? Look at the FIFA world cup. Not one wears a mask in the audience. Something isn't right in China's policy.
Well you have to understand what is being locked here? It is an area in a city for 5 days or less, 99.99% of the country is not locked. To me i don't agree with it but my government thinks it's a good idea to make sure 2mil to 3 mil old idiota don't die. I am not talking hypothetically, even if jabbed with the Pfizet vaccines, these 70+ year olds will either die from the vaccine or the virus and Pfizer vaccines has no use against the latest strain.

Keep this up and CCP will realize their failed recruitment.
Technically isn't it good for India if we continue doing it?
No lockdowns anywhere in the world. Why is China locking down? Look at the FIFA world cup. Not one wears a mask in the audience. Something isn't right in China's policy.
The world cup can not deny the fact that back to the football teams' countries Covid kills >100 people every day.

Guess Indian crap is better than CcP crap. Don't get emotional, assess the facts.

US did screw up handling covid in spite of huge budget. But they did make up for it somewhat with their vaccines and vaccine pgm.

CCP failed on every step. They hid Wuhan virus too long. Then injected china made crap vaccine into their people. And then continue to pay for it with lockdowns while the rest of the world is mostly over it.

India in spite of being poor created a fantastic vaccine pgm, made vaccine for much of the world especially poor countries and in a way, saved the world from CCP virus bungle.
To be fair, US did not screw up COVID response. It's Trump who failed........
The world cup can not deny the fact that back to the football teams' countries Covid kills >100 people every day.

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The survey you posted was much before even the vaccine was introduced. These days, I have not worn a mask since my vaccination. I didn't get infected, even if I did, I won't die because of the vaccine. Don't need to be so paranoia about covid. It's just become another flu. I experienced this mainly with mainlanders. So scared of getting infected. If you're vaccinated then you shouldn't care.
To be fair, US did not screw up COVID response. It's Trump who failed........
Yes and to be totally fair Trump also sped up funding for vaccines really well. After that he got into dirty politics leading to the screw ups.
No lockdowns anywhere in the world. Why is China locking down? Look at the FIFA world cup. Not one wears a mask in the audience. Something isn't right in China's policy.

Actually it comes down to if younger Chinese are willing to forgo some of their freedom in exchange for their older or less healthy family members to stay alive.
Yes and to be totally fair Trump also sped up funding for vaccines really well. After that he got into dirty politics leading to the screw ups.
Well, yes, the vaccine is probably the only thing he has done right during his entire presidency, then the rest of the stuff he did make Nixon looks like a saint.

Otherwise, he would have been just completely incompetent..
Actually it comes down to if younger Chinese are willing to forgo some of their freedom in exchange for their older or less healthy family members to stay alive.
I think the problem is NOT whether the Young Chinese willing to forego their freedom in exchange for their older and more vulnerable family member

The problem is they think they had already done that. I mean every country went thru some sort of Lock Down phase, even Texas and Florida was in Lockdown, and I was completely locked (Metaphorically as I can actually go out) inside my home from April to September by the Australian Government stay at home order in order to curb the virus, we all did that, and we did not complain about that (well, most of us) when the COVID was high. But not in 2022 and we are near 2023, you lock people down and restrict their movement so they won't be carrying the infection anywhere they go, it would make sense at the beginning of the pandemic because there are nothing really they can do about it, but it wouldn't make much sense after vaccine and after oral medication is available.

The golden chance has come and gone, now the situation become how long do China continue to lock people down, without a vaccination push like we did in the west or even Hong Kong from some of my friends there, the situation will always be the same, because you achieve herd immunity when 90-95% of your vulnerable people are vaccinated, China is no where near that (Last I heard is 85%).

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