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‘Moment of truth is near:’ Israeli Air Force set to attack Iran

Time will tell. You are all right though, if there is one (a war) it would be the dumbest thing they've instigated. And if the US joins them it would be even worse. Americans are angry over a few thousand casualties over a ten year war, I dont think were ready to see a few tens if thousands dead within a week. Irans no small fry... Much to the ignorance of the American public.
Presidential election later this year is only thing that is holding back the WAR right now. I personally think if new guy comes in office there will definately a war but if Obama come back in office ( I don't think so ) war chances are 90%.
Mean while if Israel attempt solo strick and Iran retaliate which it will definately do. Then we have war in few months.
If you look at the history you will see that most of empires ended up by a stupid mistake or by waging a war , attacking Iran could be the American one . Only simpleton folks think a country like Iran will be only a witness duration of war .
War does not end up being nice for anyone - the attacker or the attacked. The sad thing is - the Iranian regime is mad enough to think it can stand up to the western powers and the Israelis are equally insane - they will not hold back either.
War does not end up being nice for anyone - the attacker or the attacked. The sad thing is - the Iranian regime is mad enough to think it can stand up to the western powers and the Israelis are equally insane - they will not hold back either.

Why do you think the Iranian regime is mad?

Just because they have the guts to stand up to the West?
Iran will damage Israel but not that much. Forget erasing something. And if Iran successfully erase anything then it will be under force occupation which will be even worst. I personally don't think Iranian missile will be of that quality unless they have some good source. Iron dome will take care of 70 % threats plus there will be patriot batteries well placed before war

Looking at Israel's past reputation and measures it take against any possible threat I will not say Israel won't attack.

Israel is not known to back down to threats. In 2006, Israel invaded Lebanon to address the threat from Hezbollah, sending in over 30,000 troops in aforementioned region. It was a tactical victory for the IDF.
Iran is not a country anyone in the world want to attack.... I think the current scenario is only a diplomatic pressure to achieve the interest of US in Asian region...
Hyenas - described as the " master scavenger " - a truly apt name you use to describe the USA and Israel.

I vehemently oppose such unwarranted remark towards the US.

Iran is not a country anyone in the world want to attack.... I think the current scenario is only a diplomatic pressure to achieve the interest of US in Asian region...

Agreed. We all want a diplomatic solution to this debacle. If one can evade war through diplomacy, then all resources should be exhausted for that purpose. Military action should only be considered in the case that : 1) US interests are attacked , 2) Diplomacy fails.
I vehemently oppose such unwarranted remark towards the US.

To quote a famous Lollywood hero Maula Jat: "Sonyaa, nawaan aayaan ey?"

You must be new around here. This is just one of many rampantly anit-US comments you will see in most threads on PDF. Better toughen up! :D
i think someone has said it right........ "Barking Dog seldom Bites"........
I vehemently oppose such unwarranted remark towards the US.

I would suggest reading the previous post i was responding to. The mention of hyena came from him. I merely defined how people see the hyena. It wasn't made to personally sneer you individual - it was made as regards to the "American regime". Their track record does suggest they like to enter countries under false accusation and pretenses and systematically rape the coffers - for example Iraq possessing WMD - afterwards it was proved to be complete fabrication.....
I would suggest reading the previous post i was responding to. The mention of hyena came from him. I merely defined how people see the hyena. It wasn't made to personally sneer you individual - it was made as regards to the "American regime". Their track record does suggest they like to enter countries under false accusation and pretenses and systematically rape the coffers - for example Iraq possessing WMD - afterwards it was proved to be complete fabrication.....

Understood. Thanks for clarifying your case.

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