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Pak Army wants to accept Israel - and fix resistive Imran Khan

No matter how bajwa is projected but I don’t trust the words khan says. He lied before in regards to former General Kiyani in love for his adored Indian-funded Afghan-based Terrorist-outfit aka TTP back then at wars.

I hope people don’t fall for traps without research.
That is the snake nature of Iran From Syria to Pakistan. The nature is continuous and unwavering
we are better than Iranians in that sense, we know we are always right and being right we annoy Muhammad Bin Suleman and the Ayatullahs as the same time and also manage to embarrass Erdogan as well.
other than that the states work without emotions and sectarianism. they are pragmatic and see what is in their national interest. it suits Arab royals today to be in bed with Israel because their target is the same. your and my feelings and lives of Palestinians be damned.

we didn't hand over Rigi their jets forced the plane down and captured him. we will continue to do what is in our best interest without worrying about shia sunni tag. although depending on our ISI chief we tend to favor a sectarian or ethnic organization for its "effectiveness" for local impact.
That is another myth. Israel is dying to get recognition from the Pakistani army.

At least Israel stands for its people. No matter how gruesome their crimes. The end goal is the enrichment of their people. The land that is confiscated from Palestinian people is provided to Jewish settlers. The Israeli army doesn't allot this to their armed forces. In Israel the army is subservient and answerable to its civilian rulers. The Israeli army doesn't have an askari bank or DHA project.

What justification does the Pakistani army have for overthrowing its governments and conspiring against its own people? Israel doesn't sell its people to other nations. Neither does it conspire to overhrow sitting government at the request of a foreign power. The Pakistani establishment does.

There is absolutely no benefit for Israel to get any recognition from a rogue force. The Pakistani army makes anyone who is aligned with it look dodgy and bad.
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Its is the Sharif supporting elements. Not the army as a whole.

Israel relations is unrelated.
do it already for all its worth before Israel refuses to accept our "recognition".

What makes us long for their friendship? Is it fear or is that perks? And have we concluded that the perks coming from Israel are better than perks of path of Allah, and the fear of Israel is better than the fear of Allah?

You see, other than very selfish reasons, you cannot explain to this countrymen why Israel, who has always been against Pakistan, is suddenly our friend. The Pakistan Army may be afraid of them, but the people of Pakistan are not. We are still proud children of this land, and we have not sold our bodies or our souls.

Our souls were not for sale in 1947 when Quaid said that, and our souls are not for sale in 2022. We are who we were.
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My understanding is Jundullah might have been purely Saudi/ American project.

Jundullah is not specifically Anti Iran. I remember that Jundullah moonlights as a Sunni militant organization fighting for Sunni rights inside Iran though attacking public and state targets and in Pakistan it fights under a Baloch Nationalistic flag under the banner of BLA, BRA etc much like sipah Sahabah and Lashkar Jhangvi have operated simultaneously as Shia specific terror organizations as well as part of Tehrik Taliban Pakistan as anti everything Pakistan.
but then again ISI has in the past *or maybe present) supported Sipah Sahaba and Lej leader Malik Ishaq was flown in to GHQ to negotiate with TTP terrorists on behalf of Pakistan army. General Kyani during his service in ISI supported Sipah Sahabh despite its links with TTP he also admired Malik Ishaq who our Patwari Prime minister eliminated in a police encounter bringing an end to that mass murderer of 100s of people including both public and government officials.

do it already for all its worth before Israel refuses to accept our "recognition".

The project was more like American-Israeli. Saudis were more interested in Deobandi militants like SSP, LeJ rather than Nationalistic Religious Baloch Militants.

ISI had a history of ties with SSP starting from it's creation by Haq Nawaz Jhangvi who was given all the logistics and support by Estb. Then transforming them into LeJ and literally handling Riaz Basra and Mr. Lahori along with Malik Ishaq whom the judges feared. Also don't forget Usman Saifullah who escaped from Quetta Cantonment, ofc with the help. ISI used Malik Ishaq sm in Punjab that this guy was untouchable, and then Aurangzeb Farooqi/Ahmed Ludhianvi in Sindh kept a check on Shias.

Some Shia military official once complained to Gen Mush when he was in power about the free movement of SSP leaders in president house. Upon that, Musharraf asked Brig Aijaz, what's Ludhianvi doing around? Aijaz said, Sir, he's our man. Brig Aijaz himself confirmed this, who was the hardpunch imposer of Musharraf and a man of intelligence.

Although they got Lahori, Basra and Malik killed when they were NO LONGER NEEDED. ISI wanted a more political side of Sipah Sahaba this time.

Meanwhile Jundullah turned their guns against us when we acted upon CIA orders and tried to shut them down.
This entire thread misses the greater strategic picture. Any increase in perceived utility of Pakistan to foreign actors is a temporary action to extract “aid” for the country at the expense of national sovereignty.

The only way forward is structural reform, starting with taxing adequately those in the society that benefit most, as well as ending subsidies to the large businesses, so that the government can focus on providing services to the people and building up our human capital and infrastructure.

These get rich quick schemes are only as good as one election cycle in the west, where the next set of westerners will say, what have you done for me lately, because the west is not a monolithic, but different individuals and power brokers vying for their own influence and personal gain.

Jinnah laid out the terms by which Pakistan would recognize Israel. Besides, it’s not like Israel would stop doing military business with India if Pakistan recognized them, so what’s the point.

The only foreigners Pakistan should be looking to please are those that will bring FDI. And even then, by the will of the people and not at the expense of national sovereignty.
If Israel pays few dollars to wardi they will even declare Pakistan as yahood nation
We, as a nation, deserve such a third-grade and third-rate criminal army.
My understanding is Jundullah might have been purely Saudi/ American project.

Jundullah is not specifically Anti Iran. I remember that Jundullah moonlights as a Sunni militant organization fighting for Sunni rights inside Iran though attacking public and state targets and in Pakistan it fights under a Baloch Nationalistic flag under the banner of BLA, BRA etc much like sipah Sahabah and Lashkar Jhangvi have operated simultaneously as Shia specific terror organizations as well as part of Tehrik Taliban Pakistan as anti everything Pakistan.
but then again ISI has in the past *or maybe present) supported Sipah Sahaba and Lej leader Malik Ishaq was flown in to GHQ to negotiate with TTP terrorists on behalf of Pakistan army. General Kyani during his service in ISI supported Sipah Sahabh despite its links with TTP he also admired Malik Ishaq who our Patwari Prime minister eliminated in a police encounter bringing an end to that mass murderer of 100s of people including both public and government officials.

do it already for all its worth before Israel refuses to accept our "recognition".

These all groups are Wahhabi, not Sunni.

If you say Wahhabi are Sunni,I will say then why are Shia not Sunni ?, they are more close to Sunni sects, due to their customs, and like in prayers.

Its like Hindus claim, Kaaba is part of Hinduism

Ahmed Qureshi, who lobbys for Israel in Pakistan, also a anti-Imran Khan journalist at PTV, part of Pakistani establishment, can be seen being a host of 23rd march parade.


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The project was more like American-Israeli. Saudis were more interested in Deobandi militants like SSP, LeJ rather than Nationalistic Religious Baloch Militants.

ISI had a history of ties with SSP starting from it's creation by Haq Nawaz Jhangvi who was given all the logistics and support by Estb. Then transforming them into LeJ and literally handling Riaz Basra and Mr. Lahori along with Malik Ishaq whom the judges feared. Also don't forget Usman Saifullah who escaped from Quetta Cantonment, ofc with the help. ISI used Malik Ishaq sm in Punjab that this guy was untouchable, and then Aurangzeb Farooqi/Ahmed Ludhianvi in Sindh kept a check on Shias.

Some Shia military official once complained to Gen Mush when he was in power about the free movement of SSP leaders in president house. Upon that, Musharraf asked Brig Aijaz, what's Ludhianvi doing around? Aijaz said, Sir, he's our man. Brig Aijaz himself confirmed this, who was the hardpunch imposer of Musharraf and a man of intelligence.

Although they got Lahori, Basra and Malik killed when they were NO LONGER NEEDED. ISI wanted a more political side of Sipah Sahaba this time.

Meanwhile Jundullah turned their guns against us when we acted upon CIA orders and tried to shut them down.
my friends and relatives who served during early 2000s in civil administration and police have many times complained in Quetta that they were told to let go these terrorists or look away despite the repeated terror committed on the Hazara community.

at one time the Sipah sahabah got so much encouraged that it it openly celebrated with a rally in Quetta with the slogan of double century when in repeated attacks over 200 people mostly of Hazara community were targeted in a single year.

the Baluchistan chapter of sectarian terrorists is extremely violent but I must say it changes caps as well because it has been repeatedly seen, now it has put on the daesh cap after discarding the Al Qaeda cap. it's activities are openly anti Pakistan state but some intelligence officers in the past (and maybe present) still see some use in them., you are right General Musharraf was not friendly towards them but his successor General Kyani has had a questionable past when it comes to relation with these terrorists,
I know people are in denial and have short term memory but I will just request them to look at the recent resurgence in Swat. the locals are complaining and I have received videos made by some of my friends in the area showing these guys stopping cars in the broad day light and going to mountain hills brandishing the weapons in their usual gear we are used to seeing.

These all groups are Wahhabi, not Sunni.

If you say Wahhabi are Sunni,I will say then why are Shia not Sunni ?, they are more close to Sunni sects, due to their customs, and like in prayers.

Its like Hindus claim, Kaaba is part of Hinduism

its not an ideological debate. so I will leave it there. I cant care less about the sentiments of fanatic ayatollah or mullah who decide my faith if I pray with hands closed or open.

wahabi is a derogatory term we must avoid that.
in short. no one can be a muslim who is not a sunni. Oneness of Allah as God and Muhammad PBUH as His Messenger.
(please dont quote me on that its my own personal fatwa for myself) after that one can have difference of thought and school which is his/ her choice to become Deobandi , shia or Ahl Hadith etc.
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That is another myth. Israel is dying to get recognition from the Pakistani army.

At least Israel stands for its people. No matter how gruesome their crimes. The end goal is the enrichment of their people. The land that is confiscated from Palestinian people is provided to Jewish settlers. The Israeli army doesn't allot this to their armed forces. In Israel the army is subservient and answerable to its civilian rulers. The Israeli army doesn't have an askari bank or DHA project.

What justification does the Pakistani army have for overthrowing its governments and conspiring against its own people? Israel doesn't sell its people to other nations. Neither does it conspire to overhrow sitting government at the request of a foreign power. The Pakistani establishment does.

There is absolutely no benefit for Israel to get any recognition from a rogue force. The Pakistani army makes anyone who is aligned with it look dodgy and bad.

In its renewed desire to recognise Israel, the Pakistani Army is not acting alone; nations like Saudi Arabia are also waiting for Pakistan to agree. The game is bigger than Imran Khan and Pakistan.
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