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Pakistan repatriation push, rising hostility alarms Afghan refugees

It's for sure that Pakistani Brits aren't loyal to the UK. Further given that they contribute the least amongst all ethnicities in the UK, we should repatriate them to Pakistan.

See. Ignorance and racism works both ways.
It's for sure that Pakistani Brits aren't loyal to the UK. Further given that they contribute the least amongst all ethnicities in the UK, we should repatriate them to Pakistan.

See. Ignorance and racism works both ways.
They are not refugees, nor did they enter UK illegally, they paid for whatever they have there.
Come on people who have children their work,business you cant just uproot all that and come back later.

They are foreign nationals and now that the government of their country considers it to be democratic and stable, there's no further reason for us to extend their stay.
Shocking to see how much ignorance is displayed by what I'm assuming, are Pakistani Muslims. This slaughter is not acceptable and DOES NOT fall under the category of Sadaqa.

This backward practice of slaughtering a black animal is to ward off evil and bad luck. That makes it both an act of shirk and bid'ah and therefore sinful. That is a fact, irregardless of what good comes of the meat.

What are PIA going to do when they crash a B777 or A320? Slaughter a 100 black goats? :crazy:

Only if a non-descript (colour) animal was slaughtered with the intent of only pleasing God would the sacrifice be acceptable.

They are not refugees, nor did they enter UK illegally, they paid for whatever they have there.

In which case the Afghan gov should do what the Pak gov does when the UK deports Pakistani illegals, refuse them entry!
I really feel sad for them since I believe not all of them are terrorists and anti-Pakistan...most of them would love Pakistan..but their idiotic Afghan govt + NDS do not let go any opportunity of bashing Pakistan.
What these Afghan refugees should have done was to show their love and solidarity with Pakistan...stage a demonstration against the anti-Pakistan stance of the Kabul govt. Someone should have risen up and done that. They can still do this if someone gives them this idea, they should show their love for Pakistan and that may change the govt's stance. Leaving a place after 40 years is really a tough emotionally and we can't be that insensitive and heartless.
I still feel bad for these people because they are just paying for the mistakes / blunders of others.

However, we must throw all characters like Mehmood Kan Cheechak Zada out of Pakistan.
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but Bibi has never done the paperwork to change her nationality.

Then why are you complaining?? If you really wanted to stay in Pakistan then you should have applied long ago, you cant expect to stay as a refugee your entire life?

Many Afghans complain of discrimination when considered for jobs and university places. Pakistani officials deny there has been systematic harassment of Afghans living in Pakistan and say their country has demonstrated great generosity to the refugee population, despite severe economic problems of its own.

The only 'discrimination' is against those without legal documents. Tell me if theres any other nation in the world that would let people without legal documents or identification apply for university places or most jobs.

...and the officials are right, we have a billion problems of our own, and the Afghan govt. is using refugees as a means of destabilising Pakistan. We obviously cannot allow that, but the time they have spent here so far was as guests and not enemies.

“I was born here and love this soil. No matter where I go, Pakistan will always have a special place in my heart,” she said.

Instead of complaining, why don't you just apply for citizenship??? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Also, lets not forget the Germans, who abduct Afghan refugees in the middle of the night and throw them on a plane to Kabul without even letting them collect their belongings.

At least Pakistan gives a generous amount of food, and money to each refugee leaving the country.

Why is the media only targeting us?
1. Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani has said Afghans are no longer refugees, they are economic migrants. He has called on Afghans to stay in Afghanistan. And, accordingly, European Union is deporting over 80,000 Afghans to Afghanistan. It is only natural that Pakistan would follow suit.


2. Government of Afghanistan (GoA) has received international aid to the tune of $250 billion, $100 billion from U.S. alone. Afghan political elites should deliver the aid money to their poor citizens instead of embezzling it to buy luxury apartments in UAE.


3. Pakistan has spent $100 billion on Afghan refugees over the last 45 years despite being a poor country itself. Its unfair to blame Pakistan for not doing enough.

Source: Afghan refugees: Pakistan has spent $US 100 billions since 1979

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