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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

This is actually a wise move by Pak Army. This way Pak Government and military will be saved from the pressure of retaliation. As long as it achieves the desired result of preventing/reducing infiltration, what the Pak Army says does not matter.

Hopefully Pakistanis will gradually get used to a new equilibrium on the Eastern border, just as they have gotten used to US drone strikes on the Western Border. India is looking forward to Pakistani cooperation in the War on Terror.

LOL Provide proof. Empty words don't mean anything. The whole world knows how Pakistan would respond if India carried out an attack on our soil. You would bleed like a pig.
This is actually a wise move by Pak Army. This way Pak Government and military will be saved from the pressure of retaliation. As long as it achieves the desired result of preventing/reducing infiltration, what the Pak Army says does not matter.

Hopefully Pakistanis will gradually get used to a new equilibrium on the Eastern border, just as they have gotten used to US drone strikes on the Western Border. India is looking forward to Pakistani cooperation in the War on Terror.

Of course we will retaliate and we won't fill the news channels of endless bull plop about our paratroopers being air dropped into IOKo_O
Modi govt took an extreme position and couldnt back down as it would have severe political implications domestically, indians opened fire in 5 sectors and gave it the name of surgical strike to placate and pacify their public, this is going to be a huge embarrassment for modi led govt !!!
LOC firing is nothing new , soldiers and civilians die all the time. So back to the magnificent claim of surgical strike, where is the proof. Indian army must show the proof at least to show that they didn't attack PA but terrorists.
War is close....
No surgical strike by India: Pak Army:

Pakistan's ISPR, the media arm of the Pak army posts this statement on it's official Facebook page: There has been no surgical strike by India, instead there had been cross-border fire initiated and conducted by India which is an existential phenomenon. As per rules of engagement same was strongly and befittingly responded by Pakistani troops. The notion of surgical strike linked to alleged terrorists bases is an illusion being deliberately generated by Indian to create false effects. This quest by Indian establishment to create media hype by rebranding cross border fire as surgical strike is fabrication of truth. Pakistan has made it clear that if there is a surgical strike on Pakistani soil, same will be strongly responded."
Even the Indian DGMO didn't mention anywhere of "crossing into pakistani territory" - vaguely named the cross border firing as surgical strikes to give good night sleeps to Indian people and to help modi bail out of pressure to actually conduct surgical strikes across border.

You know what's funnier? The Indian DGMO says he spoke to Pakistani DGMO earlier today and "informed" him of last night's attack LOL!
its be like " Hey dude, we conducted a surgical strike last night by crossing into your territoty" BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Of course they will deny...what else will you do if you are caught with your pants down ??
If it was a surgical strike.Rest assured 2 surgical strikes have been counted in india by now by Pakistan.Ur govt is desperate to show some thing to their public to fool them,thats why lie machine is activated.:enjoy:
Spokesman emphatically stated that Indian claim was false.
File Photo


12:57 PM, 29 Sep, 2016


Pakistan Air Force has also rejected Indian claims of surgical strikes across the Line of Control.

PAF spokesman emphatically stated that Indian claim was false.

The spokesman said Pakistan's air defence would be ensured at all costs.
If you read my post carefully, nowhere did I make a positive assertion that Pak Army's claim is false. Let us assume the Pak Army is correct. Everyone wins that way. We get what we want, you get what you want.

LOL Stop stroking your ego. The claim is false until proven otherwise. We need clear evidence.
Sure. Why not? He also says Pakistan has nothing to do with terrorists crossing over. There are so many things the Pakistan Army spokesmen say. And will continue to say.

So you will believe. But see, we don't make tall claims. It's just a face saving exercise from Modi government to show Modi's 56" breasts and .56" nipples to Indian public to stop them from asking for revenge.
First there will be denial..

Then they will measure balls..

And finally they will leave some balls behind..

Jusy like the way they did in 1971...

There will be shrapnel,There will be lead
Ur daddy won't be home bcz he will be dead
your mom will cry ,your sister will weep
you won't get milk tonight from yours mom teat
Of course we will retaliate and we won't fill the news channels of endless bull plop about our paratroopers being air dropped into IOKo_O

No need for any retailiation. This is just empty Indian sabre-rattling, as claimed by Pak Army. Please believe that. And same holds true for all subsequent claims by Indian Army of surgical strikes.

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