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Palestinians condemned Turkish/UAE reaction to Quds operation

Shouldnt have tried to genocide various ethnic groups lol

Reality is between 1821 and 1922 , over 5 million Ottoman muslim population were killed by Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Rumanians,Armenians,Russians in Anatolia , Balkans and Caucasus

and Most of the Ottoman era Mosques of the Balkans have been destroyed

When the Turks were busy to fight Russia,Europe,Iran in many fronts
Reality is between 1821 and 1922 , over 5 million Ottoman muslim population were killed by Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Rumanians,Armenians,Russians in Anatolia , Balkans and Caucasus

When the Turks were busy to fight Russia,Europe,Iran in many fronts
In which universe?

Reality is between 1821 and 1922 , over 5 million Ottoman muslim population were killed by Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Rumanians,Armenians,Russians in Anatolia , Balkans and Caucasus

and Most of the Ottoman era Mosques of the Balkans have been destroyed

When the Turks were busy to fight Russia,Europe,Iran in many fronts
Ottomans underestimated Iranians and got screwed in the process. They should have agreed with Shah Ismayil's peace offer instead of bullying the smaller neighbor. You historically were strong only against the weak. Never dropped that hold habbit.

Christians were misbehaved in Ottoman empire, that's an undeniable fact.
In which universe?

Only a few examples

1821 Greeks killed 15.000 muslim civilians
The worst massacre happened in Tripolitsa, some 8,000 Muslims and Jews died

Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)

1,5 million Muslim population of Bulgaria was gone, an estimated 200,000 muslims died

Size of the Muslim population drew to 130.000 from 200.000 in Serbia

From 1878 until 1918, around 150,000 Bosnian Muslims departed Bosnia to Anatolia

up to 1.5 million Circassians were killed by Russians or expelled to the Middle East, especially modern-day Turkiye

2,315,293 Muslims that lived in the areas taken from the Ottoman Empire in Europe (excluding Albania), 812,771 ended up in Turkiye

632,408 died, and 870,114 remained

World War I and the Turkish War of Independence

600,000 Muslim Turks and Kurds were killed by Russian troops and Armenian irregulars

Ottomans underestimated Iranians and got screwed in the process. They should have agreed with Shah Ismayil's peace offer instead of bullying the smaller neighbor. You historically were strong only against the weak. Never dropped that hold habbit.

Iran was an ant to compare with super power Ottoman Empire
even Iran was ruled by the Turks between 960s and 1925
The British helped Shah Pehlavi to destroy Turkish Dynasty in Iran by 1925

Ottoman Empire focused on conquest christian Europe

and when Ottoman Empire fought Europe+Russia at the same time , Iran attacked Anatolia from behind
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Only a few examples

1821 Greeks killed 15.000 muslim civilians
The worst massacre happened in Tripolitsa, some 8,000 Muslims and Jews died

Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)

1,5 million Muslim population of Bulgaria was gone, an estimated 200,000 muslims died

Size of the Muslim population drew to 130.000 from 200.000 in Serbia

From 1878 until 1918, around 150,000 Bosnian Muslims departed Bosnia to Anatolia

up to 1.5 million Circassians were killed by Russians or expelled to the Middle East, especially modern-day Turkiye

2,315,293 Muslims that lived in the areas taken from the Ottoman Empire in Europe (excluding Albania), 812,771 ended up in Turkiye

632,408 died, and 870,114 remained

World War I and the Turkish War of Independence

600,000 Muslim Turks and Kurds were killed by Russian troops and Armenian irregulars

Oh wait a minute,now wikipedia is dependable for you?

Weren't you the guy who shouted and mocked others with "ignorant troll who only posts from wikipedia!" and "your source wikipedia what a joke!" etc.?
Oh wait a minute,now wikipedia is dependable for you?

Turkiye has millions of Ottoman documents to prove everything

Criminal savage Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Rumanians,Armenians,Russians killed over 5 million muslims in Anatolia , Balkans and Caucasus between 1821 and 1922

and Most of the Ottoman era Mosques of the Balkans have been destroyed

go and read books of American and European Historian and Academics such as J. Rummel , Justin Mccarthy , Adam Jones , Norman Itzkowitz , Stephen Hemsley Longrigg, James P. Jankowski, Claus Heinrich and many more

only one example historian Justin McCarthy

The Ottoman Peoples and the End of Empire

Criminal savage Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Rumanians,Armenians,Russians killed over 5 million muslims in Anatolia , Balkans and Caucasus between 1821 and 1922
Criminal everybody and poor Turks :'(

Always poor Turks. Invade Anatolia,invade the Balkans,kill,enslave entire populations,organize genocides later on,but always "poor victim Turks" :'(
Arabs hate us, Iranians hate us and they show this hatred by supporting PKK,Armenians and by trying to lock us in mediterranean sea.. Erdogan support Palestine like no one did but than Arabs themselfs work with Israel-Greece and turn against us in East Med. Only reason Erdogan became from hero to zero on Palestine issue is because our Muslim brothers became more deadly rivals than jews
Criminal everybody and poor Turks :'(

Always poor Turks. Invade Anatolia,invade the Balkans,kill,enslave entire populations,organize genocides later on,but always "poor victim Turks" :'(

Turks won the Wars losers ..
Turks never attacked civilians
Turks never forced Christians to become muslim or to speak Turkish

Turks ruled 44 countries for centuries but nobody speak Turkish
French,British ruled African countries , India for 90 years ,, almost everybody speak French or British in Africa ..even in India

but Criminal savage Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Rumanians,Armenians,Russians killed over 5 million muslims in Anatolia , Balkans and Caucasus between 1821 and 1922
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says ignorant waiter Foinikas
I'm not a waiter. Maybe you are?

You never said what your job is or what you have studied. What? Are you afraid you'll lose your claim as expert?
I know. So what? Palestine was a colonial outpost for Romans too.

Which they renamed Phillistine ("Sea People", raiders, later settlers, ancient Jewish/Egyptian enemies who came from Greek islands) to even more show the Jews their might.
Romans had a problem with cheeky jewish zealots who didn't obey the ROMAN rules.
Criminal everybody and poor Turks :'(

Always poor Turks. Invade Anatolia,invade the Balkans,kill,enslave entire populations,organize genocides later on,but always "poor victim Turks" :'(
Yeah, poor Turks in front of Vienna, 2 times they wanted to make vacation and barbarian, racist, european christian swines didn't allow them after their Akinci raiders plundered, raped and nailed women to crosses and shoving crosses into their wombs.
Turkey had hand over Barbary states, who enslaved 1-2 million Europeans and killed several more million in the process until they got their asses kicked.
We could need again new Janissaries leather for book binding, the last war was long ago.
I suggest you check the details. Non-combatant are regularly killed. Includes women and children.
Problem for the combatants when they start shooting from overfilled neighbourhoods and from own house where women and children are.
"I can shoot you, u can't shoot me, otherwise you harm our civilians, which give you bad reputation."
says a barbarian racist christian who killed over 100 million innocent people in Africa , Australia , Asia and American continents in the last 500 years

Criminal-Savage Europe
UK,France,Germany,Italy,Spain,Portugal,Belgium,The Netherlands also Greeks,Serbs,Bulgarians,Russians

Cancer of humanity
Cancer of humanity.
Cancer of forum (Military Mehmetcik Master-Earthtoiletkhan)
Cancer of humanity.
Cancer of forum (Military Mehmetcik Master-Earthtoiletkhan)

What a troll team

Slavery in Europe

From a quantitative perspective, an estimated 11 to 12 million people were trafficked in the Atlantic slave trade. Mediterranean slavery involved an estimated 7 to 9 million people, and the number of slaves in Europe in the period between 1500 and 1800 is estimated at just over 2.5 million.

Slavery in the United States

Cancer of humanity.
Cancer of forum (Foinikas's false flagger troll team)

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