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Rangers recover arms from mosque in Karachi

and the cause of this IMo is the springing up of mosques all around Pakistan without any proper paperwork or registration. Mosques should be now registered in a proper manner, after what happened in Lal Masjid and this, and the mullahs propagating their foolish theories , it is high time it should be done.

In Oman, the friday sermon is given by the imam from a paper, and guess what, that paper is distributed and verified by the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Religion/Islam. It has a stamp on it as well.
in my opinion, Mosque no problem....but the maulvis should only be allowed to preach if they are given the license to preach.

the state should have a training program for clergy and religious scholars/students; they are religious schools but also focus on so-called ''seculár'' subjects as well....the Turks have something similar to that (Imam Hatip --> Ä°mam Hatip school - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and it has worked well ---though Turkiye is 78 million people and Pakistan is 180 million. Harder to enforce it in Pakistan.
in my opinion, Mosque no problem....but the maulvis should only be allowed to preach if they are given the license to preach.

the state should have a training program for clergy; the Turks have something similar to that and it has worked well ---though Turkiye is 78 million people and Pakistan is 180 million. Harder to enforce it in Pakistan.

The registration of mosques should be to see, where from the mosque is getting funding from? Who is the imam and what is his background and what is he preaching?

Another problem for pakistan is that there is only one planned city, so it is a bit difficult to enforce, but hey, the first step needs to be taken, and every drop makes up the ocean.
yaar bhai has israel has been bale to seal its border or US its border with mexico? you can't seal a border its impossible even with the berlin wall in place people used to get across. we can "try" but to no avail. and problem lies solely in karachi and you know it. hence seal karachi check double check anyone getting into karachi for weapons!

O yara US border petrol is much ruthless than any one , they have all sorts of technology + huge amount of border patrol etc ... the only mexicans sneaking in are for work ... watch some documentaries and you will know how it is controlled , as for Israelis you know those people dont even spare a Aid flotilla when it comes to sovereignty , Every one knows what they have done to the those who tried ... no such effort or technology is made on pak - afghan border !

I dont know why i am explaining this to you but its common sense to under stand here is the scenario again " those countries do not have a internal war ... and a full fledged war on the western border ... where as we have severe one... rather than adding additional arsenal of nukes or planes or missles we will be much better off sealing the entire teritory some how. If Karachi (MQM) dis-armed than it would be a severe blunder , you will un-arm one party and dis-arm another !!? In case of Taliban take over they can easily do so without firing a shot. And my understanding is its one of the reason army hasnt stepped in and Altaf announced that MQM will fight side by side with extremists rats ( thats offcourse once they come out in the open and stop their cowardly policy)

Note : "" remember other party is the extremists i am referring to here and their political allies who foolishly for their political gains are siding with the militants
O yara US border petrol is much ruthless than any one , they have all sorts of technology + huge amount of border patrol etc ... the only mexicans sneaking in are for work ... watch some documentaries and you will know how it is controlled , as for Israelis you know those people dont even spare a Aid flotilla when it comes to sovereignty , Every one knows what they have done to the those who tried ... no such effort or technology is made on pak - afghan border !

I dont know why i am explaining this to you but its common sense to under stand here is the scenario again " those countries do not have a internal war ... and a full fledged war on the western border ... where as we have severe one... rather than adding additional arsenal of nukes or planes or missles we will be much better off sealing the entire teritory some how. If Karachi (MQM) dis-armed than it would be a severe blunder , you will un-arm one party and dis-arm another !!? In case of Taliban take over they can easily do so without firing a shot. And my understanding is its one of the reason army hasnt stepped in and Altaf announced that MQM will fight side by side with extremists rats ( thats offcourse once they come out in the open and stop their cowardly policy)

Note : "" remember other party is the extremists i am referring to here and their political allies who foolishly for their political gains are siding with the militants
every single weapons should be taken from everyone who possessing it irrespective of their political party.......no single party should have weapons and armed gangs
MAke weapon free Karachi...............
every single weapons should be taken from everyone who possessing it irrespective of their political party.......no single party should have weapons and armed gangs
MAke weapon free Karachi...............

highlighted and replied the part you liked rather than whole thing ... what about the rest of the stuff ? you dont know a thing or you donr have an answer
highlighted and replied the part you liked rather than whole thing ... what about the rest of the stuff ? you dont know a thing or you donr have an answer
if i answer about the other parts related to terrorism then may be many people could not digest it ........ terrorism and extremism is not only confined to religion the things happening in karachi done by any party comes under the defination of terrorism ......... its upto you people i damn care about which party you support or not i am here only to get the solution of this critical situation in karachi........ I am not supporting here anybody but PAkistan.. if you want to say that MQM is innocent and other parties are involved then its nothing but a self deception.......i am not saying PPP, ANP. and any other religious party in karachi is innocent i only want to say that they are all killing each other+ lot of innocent citizens.......... i dont care you what MQM people do or ANP or PPP people do in their houses but when it comes to the safety of PAkistan and Pakistani people i can not close my eyes,,,
its our habit as a nation that when we want to hide our mistakes we said that other is also doing this but it does not justify the criminal act of both.................
weapon smuggling to any party should be stopped............
no one should allowed to have weapons and no one have rights to kill anyone else in the name of terrorism and extremism because it is the job of LAW enforcement agencies no one can take law in their hands otherwise there will be a chaos
and the cause of this IMo is the springing up of mosques all around Pakistan without any proper paperwork or registration. Mosques should be now registered in a proper manner, after what happened in Lal Masjid and this, and the mullahs propagating their foolish theories , it is high time it should be done.

In Oman, the friday sermon is given by the imam from a paper, and guess what, that paper is distributed and verified by the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Religion/Islam. It has a stamp on it as well.

Few days back i opened a thread about what have you said. About legistlation of mosques. I was almost about to declared "kafir" . So beware of upcoming fatwas from mullahs roaming around.
Few days back i opened a thread about what have you said. About legistlation of mosques. I was almost about to declared "kafir" . So beware of upcoming fatwas from mullahs roaming around.
its a fact that our Imams dont have full knowledge of islam and they pick only few things only to make their point........these type of imams are harmful both religiously and for the security of nation
Imam should be a well educated islamic scholar who have complete knowledge of ISlam......
and i personally think that there should be no mosques in the name of different sects
its a fact that our Imams dont have full knowledge of islam and they pick only few things only to make their point........these type of imams are harmful both religiously and for the security of nation
Imam should be a well educated islamic scholar who have complete knowledge of ISlam......
and i personally think that there should be no mosques in the name of different sects
You are absolutely right.

The problem here in Pakistan is that whoever have beard and offer five time prayers considers himself a true muslim and declares every non bearded person kafir.

Most of mosques here are constructed with some 'zid' with other mosques. Now the mosque gets contructed and molvi hunting is started. When there are uncountable mosques, how can we arrange so many scholars for these derh eent ki mosques.
if i answer about the other parts related to terrorism then may be many people could not digest it ........ terrorism and extremism is not only confined to religion the things happening in karachi done by any party comes under the defination of terrorism ......... its upto you people i damn care about which party you support or not i am here only to get the solution of this critical situation in karachi........ I am not supporting here anybody but PAkistan.. if you want to say that MQM is innocent and other parties are involved then its nothing but a self deception.......i am not saying PPP, ANP. and any other religious party in karachi is innocent i only want to say that they are all killing each other+ lot of innocent citizens.......... i dont care you what MQM people do or ANP or PPP people do in their houses but when it comes to the safety of PAkistan and Pakistani people i can not close my eyes,,,
its our habit as a nation that when we want to hide our mistakes we said that other is also doing this but it does not justify the criminal act of both.................
weapon smuggling to any party should be stopped............
no one should allowed to have weapons and no one have rights to kill anyone else in the name of terrorism and extremism because it is the job of LAW enforcement agencies no one can take law in their hands otherwise there will be a chaos

I respect your opinion and thats how it should be , however in order to solve or understand a complex problem one has to reach to the bottom of it .. this unrest is new for the rest of Pakistan but not for karachi .... 90's was a lost decade for Karachi ,we have seen mayhem on the streets it was much worst than what we have now .. Once this is sorted as it has too now it will be only prosper Pakistan and her sons and daughters. My request is If you are interested to know and understand please keep an open mind. Lastlyfor your opinion on religious extremism and terrorism and extremism & militancy in politics , you are right and offcourse is bound to happen ... you have to dig deep enough to figure out who is on offence and who is defending , the day you figured the day you or any one will understand half the problems of not even karachi the entire Pakistan.
You are absolutely right.

The problem here in Pakistan is that whoever have beard and offer five time prayers considers himself a true muslim and declares every non bearded person kafir.

Most of mosques here are constructed with some 'zid' with other mosques. Now the mosque gets contructed and molvi hunting is started. When there are uncountable mosques, how can we arrange so many scholars for these derh eent ki mosques.
yar its a very simple that everyone of us think that he is scholar......they declare kafir to each other and said they are only right ones but they dont know a simple HAdith that if someone declares a fatwa of kafir on other muslim and it is not true then a person who declare this is kafir........but iin logun ku kun samjaey satyanaas kar k rakh dia FIRQUN k naam par mazhab ka b r mulak ka b
I respect your opinion and thats how it should be , however in order to solve or understand a complex problem one has to reach to the bottom of it .. this unrest is new for the rest of Pakistan but not for karachi .... 90's was a lost decade for Karachi ,we have seen mayhem on the streets it was much worst than what we have now .. Once this is sorted as it has too now it will be only prosper Pakistan and her sons and daughters. My request is If you are interested to know and understand please keep an open mind. Lastlyfor your opinion on religious extremism and terrorism and extremism & militancy in politics , you are right and offcourse is bound to happen ... you have to dig deep enough to figure out who is on offence and who is defending , the day you figured the day you or any one will understand half the problems of not even karachi the entire Pakistan.
i agree with you i only want that everyone should be united in Pakistan because its a very hard time for PAKISTAN , foreign powers are trying to divide us........ remeber brother we have to solve our issues by ourselves so that our enemy can not get any advantage of this.....PAkistan zindabad...... united we stand
its a fact that our Imams dont have full knowledge of islam and they pick only few things only to make their point........these type of imams are harmful both religiously and for the security of nation
Imam should be a well educated islamic scholar who have complete knowledge of ISlam......
and i personally think that there should be no mosques in the name of different sects

Neen hakeem khatra e Islam.

I think the whole concept of Masajids should be changed there has to be land for a large scale Mosque centralized area around residences of various Areas instead of 10-15 masajids(people can walk a few minutes to reach masjids. Any person from any sect would come there & pray and receive education regarding Islam. We need to redefine standards of development.
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