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Rare photos of Sheikh Mujib with popular Indian personalities

Shut up!!!!!!!! you are obsessing over Pakistan.:lol:

Abusing Bangladesh and it's people is a God given right for Pakistanis here. If you protest that, then you are obsessing over Pakistan.
Not just Bd lol.you haven't seen the pakistanis of Zia time equating indians as malnurished and poor africans
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But these PDF guys are really impossible and very much abusive that we have no other option to speak in their own abusive language too in return.
Now that you have your so called freedom why don't you leave us alone. This PDF is created for "these PDF guys" not for you. We neither go to Indian or Bangali forums. Yet you people swarm our forums and even then we are the bad guys. Why don't you do this discussion on your own forums and I assure you we will not come and comment over their.
Now that you have your so called freedom why don't you leave us alone. This PDF is created for "these PDF guys" not for you. We neither go to Indian or Bangali forums. Yet you people swarm our forums and even then we are the bad guys. Why don't you do this discussion on your own forums and I assure you we will not come and comment over their.
The whole point of a forum is to discuss topics and share views.
This PDF is created for "these PDF guys" not for you.
I am really tired now . Why PDF guys are extremely dull? I am not going to explain anymore as why we are in PDF.
@Homo Sapiens, will you please explain them what mistakes they are making every time ?
I am tired now because of those muddy brained :sleep: clowns.
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Unfortunately we have a history together and that's the reason Pakistan comes automatically when we start such thread. And the aim of such threads are not necessarily to abuse Pakistan.
You guys are too much sensitive or perhaps too much arrogant to understand it .

Pakistan has a history with Britain too, also with India and also with Afghanistan and Iran, did you see us dragging them in every thread? Pakistan phobia is part of your patriotism now, thanks to continious brainwashing by your awami govt, accept it or deny it, you can't change the fact. Since I know your lots mentality now, I do peek in to threads that has something about mutkia terrorists, 71, etc etc, and guess what, I was correct in my assessment after I peeked in this thread

As for sensitive, nobody can be more sensitive than Bangladeshis,


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Well these kind of things remind us again and again, why Bangladesh shouldn't have been part of Pakistan in 47. And for bangladeshi's sake, it shouldn't have been part of India either, cant even imagine in how much worst state it would have been if it was with India. Btw Hasina also got Indira Gandhi Award from India.
Why do a few photographs become sore to your eyes? How about sending here similar photographs with your Bhutto and Yahya Khan also? Being a part of Pakistan meant our export money stolen by west Pakistan, and a good relationship with India means our sweat-earned $35 billion/year export money remains in our own coffer and is not stolen by India in the name of Islamic brotherhood as it was done before 1971.

Bangladesh has no big issue with India except that their BSF sometimes kill our cow smugglers. What do you want them to do? Kashmir is the issue that has taken away your economic vitality and made you dependent upon foreign donors.
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Why do a few photographs become sore to your eyes?

No, not exactly, just stating a fact that Bangladesh shouldn't have been part of Pakistan. There were lot's of issues, language, culture, loyalties, distance, etc. The only thing common was religion, it worked like a band aid for some time but the result is here.

How about sending here similar photographs with your Bhutto and Yahya Khan also?

Ohh, yes they both weren't Pakistanis, like their photograph's together would be such a shocker, no one could have imagined a picture of them taken together. (obvious sarcasm)

A part of Pakistan meant our export money stolen by west Pakistan

Don't kid yourself. Have you even seen your map? Small country with 17 crore (170 million) population. You lot were always a liability. You should have been separated in 47, it should have benefited all of us. Forefathers made a grave mistake, just in the name of muslim brotherhood, also to be on par with (Hindu majority) India. The recent boom in your economy is due to Pakistan moving it's textile industry towards Bangladesh. Once our issues are fixed (governance, electricity transmission), all you would provide is cheap labor. There is a reason why minimum wage for un-skilled labor in Bangladesh is 5000 Taka, which is 6000- 7000 PKR while Pakistan has 15000 PKR set as minimum wage. And also even in our worst of times for us population isn't an issue, we take refugees especially if they are muslims, e.g; look at Afghan immigrants (unlike you we don't shun them), it's called having a heart. And recently even giving them nationalities to bangali's, Afghani who have been here for one generation.

a good relationship with India means our sweat-earned $35 billion/year export money remains in our own coffer and is not stolen by India in the name of Islamic brotherhood as it was done before 1971.

Where did I say, you shouldn't have good relations with India. What I stated is if you would have been part of India you would have suffered more, because of multiple reasons.

Bangladesh has no big issue with India except that their BSF sometimes kill our cow smugglers. What do you want them to do?

Good for you.

Kashmir is your issue that has taken away your economic vitality and made you dependent upon foreign donors.

Every country has rises and falls. Unlike you we just don't abandon suffering Muslims, especially if they are so close to us. We learned a lot from our past, and I think we are moving in right direction. There was so much sectarianism here now there is none, there was so much hatred between muhajirs and the locals in Karachi, now there is none. Unlike you we don't bow down to India and give Kashmir if they ask, for us Kashmir is our heart and it's not like we want them to join Pakistan, if they want a free state surely they should get one. Unlike you we see India's beating the shit out of Muslim for eating beef and doing Eid qurbani. Unlike you we see the hypocrisy of India being a secular state with 15% of muslim population(17-20 ish) Crore's and still not having a Muslim PM for once in their 71 years of democracy. For you these facts could make India a dearly friend but for us.... Pakistan was made in the name of Religion Islam, and we knew exactly how we would be marginalized under Hindu majority India.
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Don't kid yourself. Have you even seen your map? Small country with 17 crore (170 million) population. You lot were always a liability. You should have been separated in 47, it should have benefited all of us. Forefathers made a grave mistake, just in the name of muslim brotherhood, also to be on par with (Hindu majority) India. The recent boom in your economy is due to Pakistan moving it's textile industry towards Bangladesh. Once our issues are fixed (governance, electricity transmission), all you would provide is cheap labor. There is a reason why minimum wage for un-skilled labor in Bangladesh is 5000 Taka, which is 6000- 7000 PKR while Pakistan has 15000 PKR set as minimum wage. And also even in our worst of times for us population isn't an issue, we take refugees especially if they are muslims, e.g; look at Afghan immigrants (unlike you we don't shun them), it's called having a heart. And recently even giving them nationalities to bangali's, Afghani who have been here for one generation.
You are quite good at reversing the cause with effect. Anyway, try to do good with your economy. But, I wonder, if a standing military numbering 650,000 will pull your economy up or down. Your legs are heavily stuck in the quagmire created by a huge expense for the military. Hope, another IMF bailout will do. Anyway, we are happy to build up a foreign currency reserve of $33 billion. You will appreciate that it is quite higher than it was in 1971 when the reserve was a complete zero.
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