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Round One JF17 - Poor Display By Tejas Took 10 more sec Than JF17 To Go Up

Congratullation all my Indians brother for the Tejas in her first debut in an international show.

I will go with the ADA chief views and statement that the Tejas Story will inspire many Generations.

Coming up to the flying Display of LCA Tejas it was Great, and Tejas shows its capability what it is capable of :
1. Short take off and landing ability.
2. Agillity
3. Quick turn
4. Negative G turn
5. Quick verticle take off

I love the Video, and I was impressed with the performance of the GE 404INS Engine, FBW, low speed flypast and looks cool. Let trollers troll and haters burn their asses, brothers just enjoy this proud moment.

Normally I don't watch such show events, which are meant to general public for clapping. The event is for the interraction of the interested parties and the OEM, and they don't take such flying display too serious, rather the papers and specification of the planes. As far as @MastanKhan view is considered, my request to all Indians is that, don't bother too much on the defense display performance, rather the fact is LCA Tejas MK1 had long proved itself when she is able to take off from the high altitude runway in LEH with full load with short runway, in which all MMRCA including Grippen and F-18 have failed. When we started with the Missile program, their might be some people who laugh us on with Prithvi-1 with 150KM, a liquid fuel ballastic missile, but look at us where we are now -- K-5, Brahmos, Agni-V, Astra-1/2, Akash-1/2, NAG/NAMICA -- the indegenous path opens lot of gates and now we are working on KU band seeker, 1500-2000 KM range anti ship ballastic missile, 200 Km SAM, AAD, PDV, in short 199% indegenous missile status.
there is difference between descending and falling. I wish you were less of an Indian to see a fall. I know you don't need to see bad angles or falls but sorry I have no reason not to see bad performance when it is also visible to the world.

So when I am portraying a bs by taking an initial angle only, there is a great opportunity for you to take the full angle and excite rest of Indian members. Why don't you give your ambitions a try and post full angle instead?

Thanks for suggestion but I take advise after I ask for it. If you have evidence to prove me wrong that would be welcomed by many including me. Want to give yourself a try?

Actually no. A good FBW system can make a plane 'fall' in a particular direction in while simulating the same kind of motion that a normal aircraft does in that situation. SO 'falling' is just fine.
Umm.. shouldn't it also be about the maneuvers and all?

I mean that is the point about air show. Most combat or trainer jets can go vertical due to the thrust their afterburners unleash.

I honestly found both jets to be quite reasonable in performance.

What a joke this display is---the aircraft releases brake at 5:29---wheels up at 5:41---sticks its wheels in at 5:49---and keeps on flying low to gain speed till 5:59---ie is 10 seconds and when it gathers speed---and when it has enough energy buildup---it goes up---.

30 seconds---half a minute-----

What a chicken sh-it lack of power display----

@Viper0011. @Irfan Baloch @Zarvan @Manticore and everyone else----check this out bud----you would like the info

Now look at the take of of the JF 17 at paris

Brake release at 00:57 second-----the moment the wheels are off the ground--it takes a steep climb at 1:17 second and shoots up-----and still the wheels are down and not tucked in---which means a massive drag on the aircraft---.

The wheels go in at around 1:30---.

So---basically---it is up at close to 4000 feet elevation whereas the Tejas is just about lifitng off the runway to put its nose up in the air.

Guys---just check the vidoes out----. Pakistani guys---I told you many months ago---there was a reason for the wheels out take off and the hanging wheels----. They don't want to show the actual power of the aircraft.

PAF's JF-17 Thunder Flying over Paris Air Show 2015 - Video Dailymotion

Source: Bahrain Airshow 2016 : Light Combat Aircraft Tejas in action | Page 8

If you call short take off and slow speed takeoff and low and slow speed flying a blunder then all our life's of defence fan boys has no meaning brother.

I really overwhelmed by this demo... Of our Tejas. Best Light aircraft for economic choice of bomb truck from the air. Never the less MK1-P gonna make it a little more better than many in its league.

Enjoy the video. Enjoy the flight display of a war machine
Impressive performance indeed.

35 years of hard work is behind this performance that looks like exceeding F-35. India should be proud of the hard work of her scientists who (with the help of foreign consultants) were able to fit and utilize different equipment into its air frame.

This performance (better than F-35 and other fifth generation fighters) comes in a price that is several, several times cheaper than its counterparts.

Some sources are saying that different air forces (including those of Russia and US) have started communicating with HAL to procure this fighter in large numbers, however, despite Indian assurances to them of delivering an squadron per month, Air Forces are only worried if the suppliers of following equipment will be able to deliver their parts on time:

Engine (GE, US) US believes that GE is capable of providing 16 engines per month.
Radar (Israel)
Avionics (Israel)
Litening Pod (Israel)
NVG: (Israel)
HMD: (Israel)
Glass cockpit (Israel/ France)
Ejection Seat (UK)
Flight control (France)
Navigation (France)
Ring-laser gyroscope (Israel)
Quartz Radome (UK)
Inflight refueling (UK)
BVR missiles (Israel/ France/ Russia)
WVR missiles (Israel/ France/ Russia)
Main canon (Russia)

Also these air forces fear that the sale might face embargoes from different countries but even then, they are trying hard to get the deal finalized.

But again impressive performance.
Impressive performance indeed.

35 years of hard work is behind this performance that looks like exceeding F-35. India should be proud of the hard work of her scientists who (with the help of foreign consultants) were able to fit and utilize different equipment into its air frame.

This performance (better than F-35 and other fifth generation fighters) comes in a price that is several, several times cheaper than its counterparts.

Some sources are saying that different air forces (including those of Russia and US) have started communicating with HAL to procure this fighter in large numbers, however, despite Indian assurances to them of delivering an squadron per month, Air Forces are only worried if the suppliers of following equipment will be able to deliver their parts on time:

Engine (GE, US) US believes that GE is capable of providing 16 engines per month.
Radar (Israel)
Avionics (Israel)
Litening Pod (Israel)
NVG: (Israel)
HMD: (Israel)
Glass cockpit (Israel/ France)
Ejection Seat (UK)
Flight control (France)
Navigation (France)
Ring-laser gyroscope (Israel)
Quartz Radome (UK)
Inflight refueling (UK)
BVR missiles (Israel/ France/ Russia)
WVR missiles (Israel/ France/ Russia)
Main canon (Russia)

Also these air forces fear that the sale might face embargoes from different countries but even then, they are trying hard to get the deal finalized.

But again impressive performance.

The butthurt is real.
@PakSword , Thanks for kind words. Yes, we do know there is lot of foreign maal in Tejas. But Only US and Russia can build everything on their own.

On a different note, I feel for the guys who have worked so hard on it. There was never any good thing about Tejas by Media or prospective user - IAF. This performance is a huge facepalm on its critics.

Go Tejas Go !!

Kya chutya thread hain yaar!!
haha. Bro - MK ne start kiya hai yar. Another feather to his credit :D

The butthurt is real.
I did not find any butthurt in his response. Let's not club everyone from neighboring country in same group.
After decades struggle, they became able to fly their So called self-made plane.Everyone knows about its capabilities. IAFs has simply rejected it for large number induction.It is ultimately a dying project just like Arjun Tank.
Anyways Congrat on your first flight.
After decades struggle, they became able to fly their So called self-made plane.Everyone knows about its capabilities. IAFs has simply rejected it for large number induction.It is ultimately a dying project just like Arjun Tank.
Anyways Congrat on your first flight.
looks like you have just come owt of some time capsule :lol:

your clock sir is 22 days and 15 years late

4 January - LCA’s maiden flight successfully completed by Technology Demonstrator TD-1, on 2001. Prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee renames LCA as Tejas.
isnt it funny that LCA took just 12 seconds to be completely in air and JF17 takes well over 20 seconds 0:34 to 0:54 (at 34 the plane was already moving) to even get in air in paris. Tejas completed the run way to start show and should have been a rule from the organisers. Very bad observation.
I told you it drags, the most obsolete and conservative fuselage I ever see.

What a joke this display is---the aircraft releases brake at 5:29---wheels up at 5:41---sticks its wheels in at 5:49---and keeps on flying low to gain speed till 5:59---ie is 10 seconds and when it gathers speed---and when it has enough energy buildup---it goes up---.

30 seconds---half a minute-----

What a chicken sh-it lack of power display----

@Viper0011. @Irfan Baloch @Zarvan @Manticore and everyone else----check this out bud----you would like the info

Now look at the take of of the JF 17 at paris

Brake release at 00:57 second-----the moment the wheels are off the ground--it takes a steep climb at 1:17 second and shoots up-----and still the wheels are down and not tucked in---which means a massive drag on the aircraft---.

The wheels go in at around 1:30---.

So---basically---it is up at close to 4000 feet elevation whereas the Tejas is just about lifitng off the runway to put its nose up in the air.

Guys---just check the vidoes out----. Pakistani guys---I told you many months ago---there was a reason for the wheels out take off and the hanging wheels----. They don't want to show the actual power of the aircraft.

PAF's JF-17 Thunder Flying over Paris Air Show 2015 - Video Dailymotion

Source: Bahrain Airshow 2016 : Light Combat Aircraft Tejas in action | Page 8

I knew it, I knew that some disingenious Pakistani member would use this metric(low speed vertical on take off ) to write off the LCA and claim the Thunder superior. But please note:


This means that unlike the F-22, DHL Twisters, Saudi Hawks and JF-17 when it has performed elsewhere, the take off was NOT part of the display so OBVIOSULY the pilot is not going to be "pushing" as hard as if it was part of the display.

The fact is this is one of the most limited analysis you could possibly perform and how is a low speed vertical relevent to aerial combat? What about ITR? I am more than willing to bet the LCA is now able to turn harder and for longer than the Thunder. You've effectively ignored 100% of the actual display and focused on an irrelevent detail- how telling.Or do you think that a Thunder pilot pushing as hard as he can on take off and an LCA pilot carrying out a routine conservative take off are reperesentative enough to undertake a comparison?

This entire thread is absurd.

To think a quadruplex FBW flight control system is going to get beat by the Thunder's pitch-only FBW in agility is beyond laughable.
This is called Low Speed vertical up for your knowledge. tejas is design to preform well in upper atmosphere. BTW what is the time in sec / Length of runway required for JFT to leave the ground?
yea yea generation 4.5+++++++ my foot.

you guys trolled us to death for not showing up on the show of the shows of the centuries. now take it like a man not a mouse.

MK can teach you aviation for all day long.
@Oscar , want to share your view about the performance of Tejas? And if you want, comparison with JF17

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