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Support for secularism grows in Pakistan

I mean to say that the company of the best man ever born (Our holy Prophet PBUH) caused a purification of soul of those who were close to the Prophet (PBUH), what we call the companions of the Prophet or Sehaabas.

To put it in other words, you can’t have the justice and rule of Khilafat Rashidah. Therefore you won’t have the gov't where any ordinary person can stand up say “Oh Omar (RA) please explain how did you come by this expensive garment”. Because you wont have a man like Omar (RA) reborn. All other so called Khilafats were kingship or dictatorship and thus north worth the mention.

What is needed is genuine democracy with leaders who are servants of the people not only in words but also in Deed. We can’t have any law in Pakistan which is against the Sharia any way. Therefore IMO call of Khilafat in Pakistan is another name for the love of Taliban rule.

OK, u say, sahabas, were the purist, wht abt hazrat Mavia, he was Sahaba and he brought dictator ship and he named his son to be his successor or hier, wht abt Hazrat imam, he too was Sahaba, wht abt war bw Hazrat Ali and hazrat Mavia???, seriously man, u shuld reread my post, and understand wht i say!!, cheers

wht i mean to say is, a certain organization, like an imagined active OIC, becomes active like european union of today, but not on secular base, but on islamic base, and it serves the interest of muslim countries or muslim nation, with little more power and influence!!!, all muslim countries share common interest and all agree on this point in the imagined organization!!!, the leaders of OIC have deep influence in the region!!
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Quaid-e-Azam was a secularist!
You want to move the Mazar from Karachi to Mumbai? :rolleyes:

Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was not a secularist
I don't consider Jinnah to be a perfect man but I do believe Prophet Muhammad is a perfect man and an example to follow for all of us
Islam is not just a religion its a way of life
Secularism will work in nonreligious and christian countries
since Christianity is just a religion not an ideology based on the old testament or the new testament
Gospel of Matthew 22:15-21
Give back to Ceasar what is Cesar’s and to God what is God’s

Quran 002:231
Do not take the laws of Allah as a jest (or treat them frivolously). Remember the favors of Allah upon you, and the scriptures and the wisdom He has revealed to you. It instructs you (towards the right path). So, be (devoted and) dutiful towards Allah and be sure that indeed Allah knows every single thing!

you want me to debate with you on Islamic Laws I will love to
Wether the Prophet (PBUH) or Qauaid were secular or not doesn't matter, what counts is the future cource of Pakistan and how religion affects it.

We're only one of two nations which inherrited the right to be called a fundamentalist state based on religion. What did we achieve in past six dacades, both at national and international level?

I'm a proud muslim but indeed like a hon. member said earlier I don't want to be beaten by mullahs for not offering my prayers, my life is and should be my choice only because Islam gives me the right to chose for myself and only I will be held responsible for my deeds, not my government. Islam means "submission", based on free will and not enforced at the point of sword. Its not a crime to be a secularist, religion and state run business just can not go hand in hand without conflicts and thats what irks me. Let people chose for themselves, don't force it upon them.

I pray that I'll see a secular and moderate Pakistan in my life some day.
Keep in mind that Secularism is fluid, while religious books are static. There has to be paradyme shift every 5 years for country to advance itself. So what would you pick? I for one secularism.
Keep in mind that Secularism is fluid, while religious books are static. There has to be paradyme shift every 5 years for country to advance itself. So what would you pick? I for one secularism.

Count me in! :tup:
Wether the Prophet (PBUH) or Qauaid were secular or not doesn't matter, what counts is the future cource of Pakistan and how religion affects it.

all of sudden when I said Prophet was not a secularist you ended up saying oh it doesn't matter, then why did you brought up Quaid Azam in the discussion.
and off course it matters who the Prophet was, if you are a muslim Prophet is your example
what doesn't matter is the situation you are in
whether you live in harsh times or prosperous times
you just can't abandon Islam

We're only one of two nations which inherrited the right to be called a fundamentalist state based on religion. What did we achieve in past six dacades, both at national and international level?

Pakistan state is based on religion:what:
when did that happen
as far as I know Pakistan is way secular then it should be as a muslim nation

I'm a proud muslim but indeed like a hon. member said earlier I don't want to be beaten by mullahs for not offering my prayers, my life is and should be my choice only because Islam gives me the right to chose for myself and only I will be held responsible for my deeds, not my government.

always play the Mullah card
it doesn't work with me bro
when I said I want to follow Islam, I doesn't mean I want to follow the mullahs

Islam means "submission", based on free will and not enforced at the point of sword. Its not a crime to be a secularist, religion and state run business just can not go hand in hand without conflicts and thats what irks me. Let people chose for themselves, don't force it upon them.

Islam means submit your will to Allah
means whatever Allah says follow it
I don't claim to be a perfect muslim but I will never ignore something which is in the Quran neither I will go against the Quran
secularism cannot go hand in hand with religion
meaning of secularism is anti religion
Religious skepticism or indifference

there no such thing as secular muslim or liberal muslims
either you are muslim or not

I pray that I'll see a secular and moderate Pakistan in my life some day.

Pakistan is secular and moderate at least when it comes to the government and its laws
we don't follow the sharia law

again I will debate with you on sharia law not on how mullahs treat other people
mullah doesnt speak with knowledge, he doesnt know quran and islam, and i speak with knowledge, i am no victim of "brain washing", mullah dresses like a dirty beggar, hes doesnt care abt his hygiene, i am willing to face the world realities with religion, i dont hesitate to face the world, i am willing to counter the world's misconception abt islam, with reason and peace, i am willing to wipe off propaganda against islam, and make the world realize, wht really islam is and wht does it mean to be a true muslim, man has limited intelligence, man cannot overcome god by his intelligence, so its necessary, his guidance be followed, thts only source of "Real Peace", islam means peace!!!

Man, ur words have given me hyper, but its the rules i have to follow here, or u had gotten the taste of how i am reacting to ur silly stupid post!!!, really, its like i am going through like heart attack, seriously with all ur ridiculous comment of quran, first of all misspelling it, then comparing it to garbs like Bhagavad Gita, Purana, mahabharat and bible(all versions), i am very shocked to see this, bcoz untill now i have greately honourned u, man just one thing to u, right now, right here, in this thread, prove tht quran is man made!!!, and i dont agree to khilafat idea some wht, but i believe in the unity of the muslim world, sharing common interests like brothers regardless of racial identity!!!, and brotherly relations shuld be established bw muslims all over the world

u have passed this comment, and i think u talk by ur knowledge, so prove this to me, even u make any delay replying this post, i will take u as a loser!!, its just like u have abused Quran!!!

Seriously, Is this how you intend to spread the word? Is this what you call as Reason and Peace? If You are really interested in Peace, you would be wanting the brotherly relationship between all of humanity!
Yo buddies! laws are to help and provide support to the common man. The Shariah laws were probably useful during that time of the Year, ie around 750 AD. Do u seriously think that the same laws will apply now?

What is true today, wont be true tomorrow. Theoretically speaking, IF a religious law stated, that you cannot eat unless you see the sun, and if you are in Antarctica, you would eat food only for 6 months and the rest of the 6 months, you will have to starve. Would you agree to that?

During the day of the Prophet, Women were treated as property and any man who fancied a woman could kidnap her and add her to his harem, This was probably why the Veil thing came in the first place. Now, Things are not (!) as bad as it used to be then and probably why the law is obsolete now!

So Secularism is the in thing now.. and the way to progress is to provide fair and equal treatment to all irrespective of religion, caste..
I respect your opinion but will not debate you or any fellow muslim on religion.

we have to enlighten others and ourselves through discussions
I was agnostic at some point in my life like many muslims in the west
when finally my interest in religion grew i considered myself liberal muslim and thought secularism would be better for Pakistan, because it works in States, it took me some time to realize that for secularism you have to change the mentality of pakistanis, make them nonreligious in simple terms
and thats what I don't like
Pakistan is an Islamic nation
Islam and secularism can't go hand in hand with each other
if you abandon sharia you abandon Islam
as I said before there is nothing wrong with discussions
there are something that is bothering you about sharia
I would try my best to answer your questions
Keep in mind that Secularism is fluid, while religious books are static. There has to be paradyme shift every 5 years for country to advance itself. So what would you pick? I for one secularism.

no one is ever happy with something just like you said the term secularism changes in every 5 years
just like the laws in US no one is ever happy
not every agrees with every thing in the constitution of United States
does it really matter what we believe in since in the next century or two we will all be called barbarics
just now NEO said, quaid was secular, now he says, it doesnt really matter, either he was secular or islamic???
no one is ever happy with something just like you said the term secularism changes in every 5 years
just like the laws in US no one is ever happy
not every agrees with every thing in the constitution of United States
does it really matter what we believe in since in the next century or two we will all be called barbarics

Do you know what amendment means? If you don't let me explain. Amendment is changing something you did not like in the constitution. Just google Amendment you will see how many there are since the constitution was formed. In secular society where the constitution is static becomes fluid with amendments.

So when things are constantly moving/changing there is no way we all become barbaric.

class is dismissed. Cheers.
jeypore, wht is the image under ur nick??, this thing is causing my sleepless nights, i am very worried!!!, plss answer me!!
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