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Support for secularism grows in Pakistan

Unless government put all madrassas under Education Ministry control Pakistan will not improve..The education provided in mardasses is third class education and Mullahs spread extreme hatred about West in children mind...Islam is just a religion like any other religions..i support secularism!
Why do we need Madrassah's in a modern society anyway? Whatever madrassah's provide, a modern school can provide better...way better!
Close all these institutions and replace them with subsidised government schools where poor children can enjoy free education.
Why do we need Madrassah's in a modern society anyway? Whatever madrassah's provide, a modern school can provide better...way better!
Close all these institutions and replace them with subsidised government schools where poor children can enjoy free education.
Most of the students in Mardrassh are basically people who cannot afford education in normal schools.Government should build more schools.
^^^^ LOL, sir, dont take my words to ur heart!!!

In the town where I was born,
Lived a man who sailed to sea,
And he told us of his life,
In the land of submarines,

So we sailed on to the sun,
Till we found the sea of green,
And we lived beneath the waves,
In our sunken submarine,

We all live in a sunken submarine,
sunken submarine, sunken submarine,
We all live in a sunken submarine,
sunken submarine, sunken submarine.

And our friends are all aboard,
Many more of them live next door,
And the band begins to play.

---john lennon, paul mccartney with help from U-571 .....
sir, TruthSeeker

sir when i read ur profile, i think u may be 60-65 yrs old, and i am very sorry, being an elder i think, u have displeased my comments through out this course, i thought u were a kid!!, anyways, heartfelt apologies from me!!, accept this!!
Point is my son I don't want a religious police beating me for missing prayer like they have in Iran and Saudi Arabia, the current pinnacles of "Islamic" governance.

hi sir, KB, its a late reply, but this video i post which i came across today is very relevant to ur comments, its very funny and explains well in a very simple way!!!

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Secularism is a threat to Pakistan, the same way Wahabism is!

We need to go back to our roots!

The TRUE Islamic teachings of holy Prophet (S)!

Looking up to people like Allama Iqbal is key, because he is one of our founding fathers, and his ideas are what helped shape this nation!
A government informed by Muslim ethics has to be by definition, a secular government.
No one should be allowed to follow any religion other than islam in pakistan.all people who dont follow islam should be killed.they have no right to live.

well well this is why the world is afraid of Islam.

Prophet mohammad must be crying in heaven or wherever he is on hearing these words. This is not the islam he brought to this world.

I personally feel most of the pakistanis are secular and for that matter Islam is secular by nature.

Follow true islam and secularism will follow.

What is secularism? that u must respect evry individual and its beleif.

i am sure islam preaches this. every religion preaches this.

U have the added benefit that everything in Islam is written and defined.Go read ur religion and become a true muslim then we will see what u have to say.

I am not a muslim. I am a jain.
Ignore the troll he is indian with Identity crisis.Just waiting for mods to come online and ban him.
No one should be allowed to follow any religion other than islam in pakistan.all people who dont follow islam should be killed.they have no right to live.

Lets start with you then .. You have no idea what religion is.
Stop dreaming about going back to the glory days and start doing something now to make the present good. It cracks me up every time people come down here singing khilafat, khilafat, khilafat as if that's the solution to all problems. No one is saying to let go of your cultural traditions, just try to blend your cultural traditions with the new ideas of the modern world and let people live the way they want to live end of story. All people want is to follow their dreams and become who they want to be without being religiously oppressed or harassed. Try to understand that Secularism is Freedom of Religion which means no one is telling you to stop following your religion. I just don't understand how that's possibly a bad thing? Its such a simple concept to grasp, yet so hard to get the message across some people who associate Secularism with Atheism or see it as a direct threat to their religion.

Do well and you will have no need for Ancestors or their way of thinking.

No respectable country goes back to its old ways, everyone tries to find new ways and implement new laws based on new knowledge and new technology. You have to be intellectually disabled to beg to resort back to old times. Take responsibility as a member of society to bring out proper education/schooling. Make Madrases like Catholic schools if your so hell bent on teaching religion at schools. Teaching things like Religion is a personal matter that your family is responsible for or you can hire a Maulvi everyday for 2 hours to come your house and teach you Quran and its meaning, it has no place in a school environment.

Seriously.. for once put Pakistan as a nation first ahead of religion and if you can't than don't take it into the wrong direction by resorting to old traditions. If you love religion so much keep it to yourself, its a personal matter and has nothing to do with governance. Live your life as religiously as you want, but don't force it upon other people. Let Pakistan compete in a sophisticated manner with other countries around the world and let it flourish as a secular state where everyone is free to practice their religion and everyone has equal rights under the same constitution.

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