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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Stop bringing ethnicity into this. I'll start deleting then banning from this thread.

I have an adopted sister who is a Pathan and her family is as dear to my Urdu Speaker family as my blood relatives are to us. But there needs to be an awakening in Pakistan about tribalism which is rampant in some regions of Pakistan. Until people in those regions do some introspection and fix problems then no good is going to come out of cosmetic measures. Unless people discuss issues with sincerity and honesty then the issues won't ever resolve.

So please be careful in what you ban. PDF is generally a free space and should keep that tradition and not let 'patriotism' blind us from having open discussion which could well be seeds for positive change.
Sad sad some of the videos from this operation show us the complete disarray of tactics being displayed by police a serious countrywide reprogram and organization is needed until then you will see lunatics kicking in doors like its childplay inside a active shootout.
You speak harsh truth to people here who'd find it hard to accept. It may sound 'divisive' but there is a lot of truth in what you are saying and I just hope there is some 'introspection' among Baluchis and Pashthuns to start course correction. But they ARE a tribal people!! Too tribal. But the vast majority of Pakistanis, who live generally east of the Indus River, are not as tribal. The 'real' Pakistan lies to the east of Indus River. The Baluchis and Pashtuns are more Middle Eastern or Central Asians unless and until they rise above their primitive tribal societies.

Language is one important clue to that division between the two distinct societies: Tell me how many Pakistanis are able to communicate with Balochs or Pashtuns?? Not as many as Pakistanis from Sindh and Punjab are able to communicate with each other: Sindhis, Seraikis, Urdu Speakers, Punjabis, Hindkos and multiple other people in regions bordering India are able to communicate much better with each other than with people from K-P and Balochistan. Heck, I'd know as much Balochi or Pashto than I'd know Arabic or Latin!!

A tribal society, which the Pashtuns and Balochs are, seem too much to think along ethnic lines! A tribal oppressive leader like Akbar Bugti gets killed and all Balochs feel betrayed??!! A tribal Pashtun Mullah Omar hides the biggest terrorist since Hitler, and all tribal Pashtuns from east and west of the Durand Lines become Mr. Omar's automatic supporters?? Contrast that with with the Urdu Speakers: At least two 'operations' had been launched against them since early 90s (by Benazir and Nawaz) but their level of patriotism remains the highest in Pakistan. They don't blow themselves up! Sindhis were brutally crushed by Zia and one can justifiably say that Sindhis would have grave misgivings because their mightiest leaders were killed. But they are not blowing themselves up! The sectarian organizations in Punjab and their affiliates had been brutally crushed but in terms of proportion of the population, extremists from Punjab are relatively uncommon.

I'll posit that there are actually two Pakistans: One is more Central Asian/Middle Eastern vs the one who is more South Asian. It is a controversial thing to say but that's what I have been sensing for the last several years. From food, to marriage customs, to civil liberties there are two distinct Pakistan, roughly divided along east and west of Indus.

Many regions in KPK up until peshawer have been integrated overall. The main problem lies in the tribal belt which for some reason can never be integrated. Same can be said for most of balochistan. There needs to be a multi pronged approach to tackle this terror issue.

1. No more negotiations. We need to deal with terrorism as a strictly security/law/order matter. Not more political religious BS. No more negotiating with our "muslim" brothers. No more making excuses for the actions of TTP/BLA/Terror groups. They must be tackled head on and punished severely. Automatic firing squad for anyone engaging in terror or supporting terror groups including family members who most of the time have prior knowledge yet fail to report to security authorities of suspicious activities. 99% of the problem can be resolved before the terror attack even occurs. This must become a community issue for pashtuns/baloch but at the same time all of pakistan must remain vigilant

2. To the point above, no more negotiations with The Afghans or Iranians when it comes to threats to our security. For any terror strike we will reply x3 air/missile strikes on their territory. We must go after terrorist camps in afghanistan/Iran (balochistan region), without any excuses. What can afghanistan/iran do? they will not risk a war with pak as the whole world including major regional powers would support Pak.

3. We must integrate the Pashtun tribal belt (waziristan) and all of balochistan in any way possible. This includes deporting afghan refugees, deporting balochis who sympathize with BLA, deporting pashtuns who are part of PTM/TTP. All of them should be arrested, hung, and family members deported. There must be a resettlement of punjabis/mujahirs/sindhis/ etc... into these regions. Dont know how that could be possible without economic benefits but there needs to be a innovative solution. All tribal laws must be abolished. Rights should be expanded to women in these regions to empower them out of their tribal slavery.
You really dont know crap.. TTP/Afgan taliban dine together, fight together, pray together, marry amongst one another and here you are spreading fitna and fasad with 0 knowledge of ground realities. People like you are 99% of the cause of terrorism in pak because you cause sympathy for terrorism and spread confusion to others who dont have any knowledge.

Apart from the Haqqani clan no other group in afghan taliban is pro pakistan. If Haqqani takes over maybe just maybe there might be a change of policy towars TTP, but even that is not a gaurantee.

The only thing gauranteed is that our military has the capacity including fighters, missiles, drones, attack helis, SSG it rip these terrorist apart. But not the political will.
probably a false flag with agenda to invoke sectarian & ethnic debate .... read his posts again carefully the line he has taken would be more exposed to you
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Every such attack is a failure of ISI.
1. Is ISI the sole intelligence agency?
2. Is she supposed to meddle in everyone`s domain and be on everyone`s turf?
3. Then why not disband or merge the rest of the agencies into ISI?
You speak harsh truth to people here who'd find it hard to accept. It may sound 'divisive' but there is a lot of truth in what you are saying and I just hope there is some 'introspection' among Baluchis and Pashthuns to start course correction.
Pakistanis in general are tired of terrorism, now economic issues also coming to the forefront, political crisis which means we are going around looking for lazy solutions - like all lazy approaches, that'll be bad

you are looking at it from the wrong lens
But they ARE a tribal people!! Too tribal.
This is actually false and lazy- Pakistanis, in general, are divided into clans and tribes, In rural areas, they play an important role while in urban areas they don't - In rural Sindh, Punjab your clan politics is still dominant, just like in FATA and Baluchistan tribalism reigns supreme, IN AJK we still see clan politics - In urban areas, its not as big an issue- Its not a big issue in urbanized cities of central , northern Punjab, Karachi, Peshawar valley, Gilgit (cause its very mixed)
its basic urban, rural divide that you are wrongfully attributing to tribalism

Pakistan is tribal at its core but urbanization blunts tribalism- regions with less urbanization are more clannish and tribal in nature
But the vast majority of Pakistanis, who live generally east of the Indus River, are not as tribal.
this is not true, 100 years ago we were also killing each other over water disputes till all the able-bodied men died- I read historical works on it and east or west it was a very tribal society
Over the next 100 years we saw things changing- employment in the army, agriculture though canal building, better economic conditions, more population, more urbanization, industrialization - that meant all the clans had to live together, In SIndh we saw canal colonies, agricultural land, same in Peshwar valley with its agricultural land

alright for example, Persians came and wrote my clan as a barabric race with no relgion or morality, another arab muslim traveller of the time said the same thing about people of salt range and how cruel they were towards the Muslims, Brahmins of up wrote the same things and didn't like the tribal nature of the people of the region
Now we are regular middle class folks doing middle class stuff, you'll see people with that surname professors, doctor's, politicians, teachers, ambassadors, generally literacy rates are not abysmal, poverty rate is not going through the roof, there's semblance of industry - why?

Last 100 years of changes brought prosperity and first step towards prosperity was agricultural land

SO its again its not the societies fault- Pakistani east or west read our history are a tribal people - only thing is FATA and Baluchistan never saw agriculture, thus no urbanization, while rest of the country had agriculture which later created a population boom leading to urbanization or villages living side by side, people settling down- you won't see peshwar valley or city folks having any issues anywhere in the country, cause of agricultural land better economic conditions, higher HDI levels, Baloch of interior Sindh, Punjab are poor but they still have land to farm on, are settled in villages (in some cases not true, it's a mix of nomadic and agricultural lifestyle, but generally), all of Pakistan in general, we grow our own food or fruits and or are settled in urban areas, like we have agriculture, we have villages - that's our base - which unfortunately isn't present in Balochistan and parts of fata

You are looking at it all wrong, problem is if 20-30% society a big part 60-70% is how economic lifestyle of rest of the country is different to that of Balochistan and fata

You need to address that by somehow bringing urbanization- it's base won't be agriculture like rest of the country, you have to find the something else - can be mining or like what government is doing rn in Balochistan by building katchi canal to irrigate parts of Balochistan

If you take us back to our previous generations economic lifestyles - 80% of the country would be like fata and Balochistan in many ways

Rest of it I won't comment, it's literally dividing Pakistanis which is not something I want anything to do with

East or west there's one Pakistan, one people in many ways than not, our blood relationships are just a start

Don't divide us
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Wow so speaking against tribal people supporting taliban is an attack on Pashtun ethnicity?.
Great. So now speaking against criminal infested areas of Some Rural Sheikhupiur, Faisalabad and Hafizabad etc will be attack on Punjabi Ethnicity.
and a criticism on Kacha area thugs will be an attack on Sindhi Ethnicity.
Or Calling out BLA supporters will become attacking Baloch Ethnicity.

We had enough on one Holy Cow in Pakistan. Now every one have there holy cow. Great.

The thing is Pakistan Far right have made a terrible experiment in the form of radicalizing common people in the name of our Religion that have ripped the roots of this country. Now thr supporter of this doctrine are going hay wire to defend it.
The worst kind of What aboutism can be observed on this thread.
Saying it must be BLA not Taliban. Like there is a difference between them for a common Pakistani that are shot by both of them. Like Taliban actions are any different from BLA actions. Like it will make an ounce of difference if this attack is NOT done by Taliban.
And some are masking the Talidogs behind Pashtun card.
Yes thats what i will call them. In case people have short term memory and forget about 2004 to 2014/15 time. My generation grew up under the dark shafow of sucide blasts attacks anarchy by these Pigs and there facilitators. Pashtuns should be mature enough themselves that when some one calls oit obvious support in some tribal areas for these Pigs and their shit** Ideology, he is not talking about some ethnoracism against them.

1. Is ISI the sole intelligence agency?
2. Is she supposed to meddle in everyone`s domain and be on everyone`s turf?
3. Then why not disband or merge the rest of the agencies into ISI?
Why ISI dont want to be answerable to Ministry of defence? They are not Military Intelligence are they?. There operational core are civilian officers. Why are they answerable to Military?.

If they claim they are exclusively a wing of Armed forces, Why they dont allow developement of a civilian based intelligence agency with real powers like FBI of USA and RAW of oir neighbor?

Why exclusively hold to power? If they claim what they are then they should be answerable to Head of state and MOD not GHQ. Otherwise sadly their motives are not to serve our country but an institution only.
probably a false flag with agenda to invoke sectarian & ethnic debate .... read his posts again carefully the line he is taken would be more exposed to you

False flag my arse, your saying since 2004 these have been false flags???

We are dealing with savage criminal tribal barbarians. You dont have to look to far in what direction pakistan is going. Just look right next door to Afghanistan were these savage tribals have utterly destroyed the country.
Sources said that terrorists allegedly entered KPO by climbing the rear wall and the three security checkpoints at the city police chief’s office were not manned at the time of the attack.

Stop bringing ethnicity into this. I'll start deleting then banning from this thread.
they brought in everything from ethnicity to ISI to politics but at the end of the day, it was the wall and there unmanned check posts.
False flag my arse, your saying since 2004 these have been false flags???

We are dealing with savage criminal tribal barbarians. You dont have to look to far in what direction pakistan is going. Just look right next door to Afghanistan were these savage tribals have utterly destroyed the country.
I think you have comprehension issue ....

I was talking about the poster of the post which u quoted not about the incident ....

and please keep emotions in check .... other can also reply with same tone
You're no different to Patwaris this is what's ironic lmao

The whole point of the attack is literally probably because they want PSL to be cancelled for security reasons, but youthiya chutiyas like you want to hand everything into the hands of the enemy because of your temper tantrums with GHQ daddies 😹
The only chutiyas are the boot lickers like you who are born submissive to the power right from your mother womb.

100%, no one has any sympathy for PPP/wadera thug force AKA Sindh police backed by colonial sepoys of GHQ.
The two policemen who got killed were from interior sindh not even local karachites. Their will and competence is already known.
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