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TURKEY break dependence on Foreign Military Technology ( all projects with details )

I am saying that Turkey assembled parts after importing. None gave any technology. For example, USA gave Turkey engine for T129 and turkey assembled it. Turkey also makes Stinger missiles under license. SOM uses GPS guidance which is USA satellite based.


You should stop writing, really now no gps:-). Usa don't give it for free and we use L-TEC engine yes. Wtf is your point? We did assembled part and realised nobody is going give you technology so designed self. And still you are going delusional over subjects:(.
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I am saying that Turkey assembled parts after importing. None gave any technology. For example, USA gave Turkey engine for T129 and turkey assembled it. Turkey also makes Stinger missiles under license. SOM uses GPS guidance which is USA satellite based.

You are talking about LTECH T800

100% indigenous TEI TS-1400 Turboshaft Engine with 1500shp for T-625 and T-129 Helicopters

now TEI develops 3000 shp Turboshaft Engine for ATAK-II heavy class Attack Helicopter

if GPS capability is denied or degraded, SOM missile can follow its waypoints using infrared based terrain updates

First Turkey has to launch sounding rockets to test how the upper atmosphere is and then launch real rockets carrying small payload to test how orbit is and finally launch satellites. That is a long way to go.

We will see , what will happen in the next 10 years
Yes, the saudis brought down 50% of their own oil production as a "hoax" and Iran went along with it. Iran gave the saudis its weapons so it could stage the attack.

You're obviously not feeling okay.

Precisely because Iran wanted no one to die.

"bbc Persian". Go post fox news, I am sure that's accurate.

This is what we call accuracy:




You don't have a clue what you're talking about.

These missile incorporate both satellite and satellite guidance.

Fateh-110 IMU system.
*Using fiber optic gyroscopes


Qiam missile INS system.


Satellite guidance i.e GPS is child's play compared to these INS systems. Forgetting the fact there is zero evidence Iran is importing the satellite guidance kit, even if it did, it would be because it is economical, not because it could not produce it. Even your own source did not say Iran is importing it. It simply made baseless "potential" claims.

Now please, stop embarrassing yourself. By the way, have you finally figured out the difference between a solid fuel and liquid fuel missile? You did claimed Fateh was a liquid fuelled missile not long ago:lol:
I don't remember Iran having any semiconductor industry. So, if Iran did make INS, it is likely to be less accurate one than ones done with semiconductors. Iran may use simple circuit logic or even modify commonly available semiconductor in market to make guidance system but it is unlikely to be more sophisticated without dedicated fabrication and design of appropriate semiconductor.

Indeed, satellite guidance is child's play. Even mobile phone have them nowadays and in non-war scenario, GPS is not jammed or switched off. So, these missiles can be easily used.

Saudis did not destroy their oil facility and that is why it came back online so quickly. They simply set some points of it on fire temporarily to show that Iran did it. There is simply no way oil facility can be repaired that quickly in case of real bombing.
I don't remember Iran having any semiconductor industry.

Based on what? the fact they have not invited you to visit such facilities?

So, if Iran did make INS, it is likely to be less accurate one than ones done with semiconductors. Iran may use simple circuit logic or even modify commonly available semiconductor in market to make guidance system but it is unlikely to be more sophisticated without dedicated fabrication and design of appropriate semiconductor.

It does not get anymore accurate than this:


Indeed, satellite guidance is child's play. Even mobile phone have them nowadays and in non-war scenario, GPS is not jammed or switched off. So, these missiles can be easily used.

You seem have reading issues. GPS is nothing but an added guidance that these missiles will not be fully relying on in war time. Those missiles have their own internal guidance kit as I clearly showed.

Saudis did not destroy their oil facility and that is why it came back online so quickly. They simply set some points of it on fire temporarily to show that Iran did it. There is simply no way oil facility can be repaired that quickly in case of real bombing.

Once again demonstrating your lack of reading capabilities. I never stated destroyed. Iran targeted their containers and this attack was nothing but a warning and act to show the saudis how vulnerable they are.


This was once again, another demonstration of Iran's ability to target accurately.
Those "outdated" cruise missiles have longer ranges than anything you possess and Iran has actually used in proper combat, let us know when you achieve anything like that.

even 280km SOM Cruise Missile is enough to wipe out all Air Defense Systems in Iran

SOM is still currently relying on imported engines. Come back when it's actually truly using indigenous engines.

KALE KTJ-3200 turbojet engine is ready for SOM and ATMACA Cruise Missiles
TEI PG-50 engine is ready for 2.000 km KARGI anti radiation Drone

Iran has anti-tank missiles similar to Israeli Javelin which is better than anything you have.

JAVELIN is American , not Israeli

Iran copied 3rd gen American Anti Tank Missiles .. nothing else

Iran is nothing to compare with Turkey ....
Turkish OMTAS anti Tank Missile can firing behind covers with fire and update operating mode and lock on target after Launch to hit the enemy Tank with Top Attack capability

even Russian Anti Tank Missiles have no those capabilities

what about so-called superior Iranian Anti Tank Missile ?

And it's ironic you call Iran's missiles "copies" when your only ballistic missiles is a repainted Chinese one.

Anyway, tell me, which missile these Iranian systems are copied from:

North Korea has long been known to be a key supplier of missile technology to Iran
North Korea also has provided Iran with technical advice for its ballistic missile programs,

since 1980s Iran copied N.Korean Ballistic Missiles
and Ukrainian officials have acknowledged that a total of 12 Kh-55 air-launched cruise missiles were transferred from Ukraine to Iran and China in 2000-2001

since 1980 Iran focused on Ballistic Missiles because of Iranian Airforce and Navy were under embargo

Turkey has started developing BORA Ballistic Missiles in 2009 ... and Turkey doesnt show what we have . BORA Ballistic Missile will be gradual and the project will go through Satellite Launch Systems

and 1.000 km Ballistic Missile is nothing for Turkey ( to hit Tehran , Tel Aviv and Cairo in the region )

btw Turkey develops the FUTURE ( hypersonic speed Electromagnetic Rail Guns )
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It seems this troll cannot resist mentioning Iran.

Here is an Iranian missiles "missing" targets:


Don't talk about matter you know little about.

You do realise you're nowhere near Iran in missile technology, right?
You hit an empty helicopter maintanance hangar.
You hit an empty helicopter maintanance hangar.

It does not matter if it was filled with custard. The point was targeting such facilities in a pin point manner.
That was the message. And according to the Americans themselves, a helicopter was destroyed. Whether it was in the hanger I am not sure nor is it relevant.
Americans care because of this:

to attack on empty base ... and cheap Persian propaganda

Let us know when you can do something similar. This is what we call actual capability. All you can post is some copy and paste specs of systems that have never been used and are probably just imported european and south korean techologies.

Europe and S.Korea are nothing to do with Turkish Missiles

S.Korea has no even its own air launched Cruise Missiles .... and European STORM SHADOW - TAURUS air launched Cruise Missiles have no anti ship , Terrain hugging and network enabled capabilities

Turkish SOM Cruise Missile can hit every target in Greece , Syria , Iran , Israel and Egypt ..... and PATRIOT , S300 , DAVID SLING Air Defense Systems can not stop the Turkish Airforce F-16 Fighter Jets armed with 280-800 km SOM Cruise Missiles

As for the civilian plane incident, go read around what happened properly then talk. Tor-M1 does not do RCS calculation, so a plane and a cruise missile is the same to it.

Only low quality Military Forces can shoot down a civil plane ..... and Iran is one of them

-- IFF System
-- Network centric Warfare
-- Integrated Early Warning Radars

Iran could even detect the RQ-170 which is American tech. Your technology is mostly imported from NATO.
To think Iran could not detect a SOM is none-sense.

RQ-170 is joke ..... easly to jam RQ-170

and Stealthy SOM Missile has Terrain hugging capability ( in flight less than 5 meters ) .. Radars can not trace SOM

Good luck to enemies ... they will need it

Iran makes many different indigenous anti tank systems now anyway:

but still there is no any Iranian 5th gen Man portable anti Tank Missile like Turkish OMTAS and French MMP



Iranian system are at least tested in combat. Let us know when your systems are used with success.

Turkey use its own weapons in Iraq , Syria and Libya including missiles , LASER weapon , Electronic Warfare Systems , UCAVs

So what? Point is, today Iran makes such cruise missile with its own engine today.

copycat Iran and China .. whole world knows about it

And you have little to show after 10 years.

Ballistic Missile technology is secret in Turkey ....

but We have hundreds of Turkish military projects to show everyone between 2009 and 2019
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It does not matter if it was filled with custard. The point was targeting such facilities in a pin point manner.
That was the message. And according to the Americans themselves, a helicopter was destroyed. Whether it was in the hanger I am not sure nor is it relevant.
Unguided rockets hit buildings too, it doesn't mean they have a pin point accuracy. Most missiles completely missed. Nothing indicates the rockets hit what they were designated to hit, the fact that they hit that garage might be simply chance.
So, if Iran did make INS, it is likely to be less accurate

I am not talking to you... ;)

but I just use his post as an excample.. for him no one else than indians have developed something by themselves.. he just picks some parts of previous posts and act as if this is all said to neglect iran or turkey capabilities..

I recommend everyone not to anmser his idotic claims - dont use this thread as garbage talk place.. :)
Unguided rockets hit buildings too, it doesn't mean they have a pin point accuracy. Most missiles completely missed. Nothing indicates the rockets hit what they were designated to hit, the fact that they hit that garage might be simply chance.

Let's assume you're not a hasbara troll. Calculate to me, how many unguided missiles Iran would have had to fire to hit even one building like such:


Lets forget the rest of the pin point strikes:


Yes, they fell on these exact buildings "by chance" :lol:

@Cthulhu @skyshadow

For the record, these buildings were targeted because they were involved in housing the systems that were used in Soleimani's assassinations.

Anyway lets read:

Iran’s attack on Iraq shows how precise missiles have become
It scored a series of bullseyes

Satellite photographs of Ain al-Asad, an air base in western Iraq currently used by American forces, showed the aftermath of an Iranian ballistic-missile strike on January 8th. They were pictures of precision. Iran had struck at the heart of the sprawling base, in an area packed with planes, helicopters and buildings. The precision, however, was paradoxical. The missiles scored six direct hits, but against evacuated aircraft hangars. This, presumably, was enough retaliation for honour’s sake after an American air-to-surface missile had killed Qassem Suleimani, a prominent Iranian general, five days earlier, without being sufficient to provoke counter-retaliation. “The most important takeaway from Iran’s strike is just how precise their short-range ballistic missiles were,” says Vipin Narang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “The accuracy revolution is real and no longer a monopoly of the United States. This has huge implications for modern conflict.”

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I am talking about technology in general, not just missiles.

You are talking about T-129 Attack Helicopter with Italy and ALTAY Tank , T-155 Howitzer with S.Korea
only 3 of around 700 Turkish Military projects

btw Italian A-129 uses American-British Engine , Electronic and Weapon Systems and without fire control Radar
on the other hand Turkish T-129 to use Turkish TS-1400 Engine , electronic systems , CIRIT 70mm laser guided rocket , MIZRAK anti ship missile and MILDAR fire control Radar

Turning their system into air launch or anti-ship is as easy as drinking water for them. You're talking as if that's something ground breaking...

if its so easy , then why S.Korea bought SLAM-ER and TAURUS Cruise Missiles instead of developing its own ?

and French Airforce Rafale Fighter Jets use SCALP Missile for land attack and EXOCET Missile for anti ship

on the other hand Turkish Airforce use SOM Missile for land attack and anti ship ( also SOM missile have 6 guidance systems .. the best in Europe )

Yes of course, your super cruise missile violates the laws of physics and is incapable of being detected or stopped.

even Israeli DELILAH Missile destroyed Russian PANTSIR Air Defense Systems in Syria

SOM is far superior to Israeli DELILAH ..... btw Turkey produce more 415 SOM Cruise Missiles

only one night will be enough for the Turkish Airforce to wipe out enemy military and strategic targets in the region

Yes of course, the US is a low quality military given it also shot down an airliner. :lol:

the US Navy intentionally shot down airliner while flying over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf

on the other hand Iran shot down an airliner in Iranian airspace

And explain to me how your Utmas is more advanced than the Heydar.

OMTAS is man portable anti Tank Missile , HEYDAR is Helicopter borne Missile as like Turkish MIZRAK Missile

Iran , Russia have no 5th gen man portable anti Tank Missile similar to Turkish OMTAS and French MMP

That "joke" is decades ahead of anything you lot can produce.

Yes , We have seen pathetic RQ-170 against low quality military Iran

on the other hand the US and Israel could not jam even Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 tactical UCAV during the military operation in Afrin/Syria against the US/Israel backed Pkk/Ypg terrorists

because of advanced counter-measure capability of Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 tactical UCAV

Your talking as if you just heard of terrain hugging. Terrain hugging has existed for decades. What are you even talking about? Plenty of radars can detect such systems.

lightweight composite components that minimize the radar cross-section of SOM missile + Terrain hugging capability ( in flight less than 5 meters ) = Radars can not trace SOM

Yes, but only small scale use. Nothing like Iran has done. Try performing attacks like Iran did on saudi arabia with all it's American air defences etc.

Pathetic American PATRIOT Air Defense System has only 180 degrees of coverage and without vertical Launch capability with 360 degrees effectiveness ( PATRIOT missile launched at a 70 degree angle )

Its so easy to counter American PATRIOT Air Defense System

btw Turkish HISAR Air Defense Systems have vertical Launch capability with 360 degrees effectiveness to intercept Cruise Missiles

There is not such thing as secret ballistic missiles. The moment you test it, the world will know. So sorry, I don't buy it.

Turkey can not test 1.000+ km Ballistic Missile in Turkish soil

therefore in 2014 Turkish Missile was tested in S.Africa Denel Overberg test center and reached a range of 800+ km
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You are talking about T-129 Attack Helicopter with Italy and ALTAY Tank , T-155 Howitzer with S.Korea
only 3 of around 700 Turkish Military projects

btw Italian A-129 uses American-British Engine , Electronic and Weapon Systems and without fire control Radar
on the other hand Turkish T-129 to use Turkish TS-1400 Engine , electronic systems , CIRIT 70mm laser guided rocket , MIZRAK anti ship missile and MILDAR fire control Radar

The point was Turkey also imported technology. Iran could not import such a thing so it had to reverse engineer. Nations have to start from somewhere. That's what I am meaning.

if its so easy , then why S.Korea bought SLAM-ER and TAURUS Cruise Missiles instead of developing its own ?

Because those systems are more advanced generally speaking compared to what they can create.

on the other hand Turkish Airforce use SOM Missile for land attack and anti ship ( also SOM missile have 6 guidance systems .. the best in Europe )

My comment was saying that if French wanted to make add anti-ship role capability to their cruise missiles, they could easily.

even Israeli DELILAH Missile destroyed Russian PANTSIR Air Defense Systems in Syria

That incident was on a pantsir that was not in action. That has already been discussed in this forum.

SOM is far superior to Israeli DELILAH ..... btw Turkey produce more 415 SOM Cruise Missiles

I agree, SOM is superior in terms of capability to delilah.

only one night will be enough for the Turkish Airforce to wipe out enemy military and strategic targets in the region

No, you cannot. You are relying too much on this notion that your SOM cannot be detected and traced. You're badly mistaken.

the US Navy intentionally shot down airliner while flying over Iran's territorial waters in the Persian Gulf

Please be serious...They thought it was an attack plane.

on the other hand Iran shot down an airliner in Iranian airspace

That's because the operators were told to expect cruise missiles attack and like I told you, tor-m1 is old and rubbish.

OMTAS is man portable anti Tank Missile , HEYDAR is Helicopter borne Missile as like Turkish

Iran , Russia have no 5th gen man portable anti Tank Missile similar to Turkish OMTAS and French MMP

OMTAS is quite heavy to be honest, I would not see it as that portable.
And I am still waiting for you to tell me who sees the OMTAS as a 5th gen missile, minus yourself.

Yes , We have seen pathetic RQ-170 against low quality military Iran

Iran's air defence is much better to yours. Are you fielding long range air defences like Iran for a long time?
RQ-170 is "pathetic" only in the eyes of someone who does not know much about such things. It is a highly secrete and capable UAV with great stealth characteristic. Like I said, it is far beyond anything you have.

on the other hand the US and Israel could not jam even Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 tactical UCAV during the military operation in Afrin/Syria against the US/Israel backed Pkk/Ypg terrorists

because of advanced counter-measure capability of Turkish Bayraktar TB-2 tactical UCAV

Prove to us that US and Israeli were trying to jam it then we can discuss.

lightweight composite components that minimize the radar cross-section of SOM missile + Terrain hugging capability ( in flight less than 5 meters ) = Radars can not trace SOM

All of these are nothing new and are decades old. Claiming radars cannot trace SOM is not substantiated. You need to prove that in practise like Iran has with its systems.

Pathetic American PATRIOT Air Defense System has only 180 degrees of coverage and without vertical Launch capability with 360 degrees effectiveness ( PATRIOT missile launched at a 70 degree angle )

Its so easy to counter American PATRIOT Air Defense System

btw have vertical Launch capability with 360 degrees effectiveness to intercept Cruise Missiles

The angle of launch has nothing to do with how capable the system is.
As for degree of coverage of radar of patriot is a weakness generally, however it is not relevant in this case given saudis and Americans have many radars systems pointing towards Iran and yet they could not detect Iran's UAVs and cruise missiles.

Turkey can not test 1.000+ km Ballistic Missile in Turkish soil

therefore in 2014 Turkish Missile was tested in S.Africa Denel Overberg test center and reached a range of 800+ km

The point is this, Turkey has not tested any such missiles as it would have been detected. I am not saying Turkey cannot develop them, I am saying right now, there is no credible evidence for them. Ballistic missiles are not child's plays, you need to test them many times when developing them. Nowadays it is almost impossible to test a missile in that region without the news breaking.
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The point was the accurate hitting of the targets, not killing or destroying etc. Pay attention please.

I am talking about technology in general, not just missiles.

Turning their system into air launch or anti-ship is as easy as drinking water for them. You're talking as if that's something ground breaking...

Yes of course, your super cruise missile violates the laws of physics and is incapable of being detected or stopped.

Yes of course, the US is a low quality military given it also shot down an airliner. :lol:

I told you already, the Tor-M1 does not do RCS calculation.

That "joke" is decades ahead of anything you lot can produce.

i had my talks with him with all do respect he dose not want to wake up his portendin to be sleep so do not shake him no matter how much you shake him his not going to wake up

Your talking as if you just heard of terrain hugging. Terrain hugging has existed for decades. What are you even talking about? Plenty of radars can detect such systems.

5th generation according to whom? Turkey itself?

And explain to me how your Utmas is more advanced than the Heydar.

@skyshadow could probably post more about Heydar.

Yes, but only small scale use. Nothing like Iran has done. Try performing attacks like Iran did on saudi arabia with all it's American air defences etc.

Iran did reverse engineer in the past, but today you can see all sorts being designed in Iran. So please stop the trolling. All nations had to start from somewhere. Iran today produces long range air defence, it's own submarines etc etc.

There is not such thing as secret ballistic missiles. The moment you test it, the world will know. So sorry, I don't buy it.

i had my talks with him, with all do respect but he doesn't want to wake up he's pretending to be sleep so do not shake him, no matter how much you shake him his not going to wake up

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