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Turkey is playing a dangerous game...


Aug 11, 2011
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United States
United States
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.

Hmm clever guy, US supply/support/protect separatist terrorists next to our borders. Nothing wrong with that for you but When Turkey raised the voice with operation to warn US about their contradicting policy although they gave us some promise for Syria, Turkey became a problematic one? You saw the big image in Syria but We, Turks are too stupid to realize what US are trying to do with those terrorists ? What do you suppose Turkish Republic ? Somebody like a camel riders on ME deserts ?
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.
So,what you're doing is ok,backstabbing an ally,a NATO ally?
You should really rethink that statement after what you(USA) have done to your ally.
Forget your plan for Syria or the whole ME,it wont work when the neighbours are not involved.
How many times have we(Turkiye) warned you not to support the terrorist YPG?
Dont worry about Turkiye,we have been attacked many times before,we are still here.
This has nothing to do with confidence,its a must for our survival.
My military has 40 years of experience in combatting terrorists,they can handle it.
Instead of threatening my country,you should do some research to find out why it came this far.
Maybe then you can answer who's fault all this is.
When user on the Internet act like they're the actual ambassador of a nation . . . pathetic.

You would be surprised by my military background... aswell as your thoughts and opinions on this matter.

We cannot simply leave Syria, we have the capability and opportunity to stop all of this. It's in our best interest to have this situation resolved in order for us to focus on Iran.

I might have said to much just now. We honestly value your opinions.
Turkey is right in this case.

America is trying to build a terrorist army to split away the Kurdish regions of Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran.

The USA has already turned the entire Middle East and North Africa region into a bloody warzone even before this, now they are trying to spread the war even further. Haven't they gone far enough?
Let's be honest here..

Turkey doesn't want war with Syria; they want to make sure the Kurds don't get an independent state. The Kurds and the Syrian troops have mostly avoided fighting each other... stop with the fake news.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.

Always have I supported Turkey in the past but this has gone to far. This is not how allies are supposed to behave...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked.. Don't be over confident either... Your Military has no experience in a major war.
what is your plan after 1 near million death and millions refugess sir? funny:)
America has messed with NK, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and now it seems like it is also diverting its attention from terrorism to containing China and Russia. Meanwhile, its president is a joke all around the world. What has become of USA? If you open to many fronts, you will exhaust yourself in lesser time.
Dear Ulysses;

You have a plan and we have a plan. We are in the "crystal clear" opposite side of the Syria & Turkish Security matters. And our "allied nation" USA continues arming terrorist in that region also. You don't want to hear us very long time. And we can not hear you now. That's all. If we have a war with US in near future, ok then. What we can do?.. This is our territory, not yours. We warn US many many many times already. Remember this: This is your choice, not ours. Whatever happen can happen in the near future. Best regards...





First of I want to say that Turkey is a country with its own interests, like any other one and I definitely don't like Turkey when it solely comes to (geo)politics. In this case I defend the Turkish position, however.

I have the sense you're thinking too much in black/white terms.

I understand why Turks are pissed off with the pkk and kurds for bombing turkish cities. If Kurds want freedom that's the wrong way to go about things. By bombing civilians you're going to piss off the local population and lose support. Try using peaceful protests, if it turns nasty then defend yourself then you'll get more support both locally and internationally. This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...
The Turks don't want any form a independent Kurdish state period. You know why? Because a lot of Kurds live in Turkey, them declaring (and thus gaining) independence will weaken Turkey a great deal, in terms of real politik, it only makes perfect sense that the Turks will do anything to prevent such things from happening. I can't blame them, no matter how much I feel for the Kurds (not PKK duh).
Do the Kurds in Turkey actually want independence beyond pkk? I have personally talked with someone from Kurdish Turk descent and that person did absolutely not support the idea of independence for Turkish Kurds and according to him, neither do a significant number of other Kurds. (living in Turkey), so the position of PKK does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the normal Kurd.

I will admit that I am not familiar with the situation, so be mindful of that. But do you have a good understanding?

This is what we were trying to teach Kurds...
What are you teaching them? I find this quite odd to say. Are you implying all Kurds are idiots and need to be shown 'de wey'? The simple and normal Kurds are just as smart as you or me, they already know how to act in this world. PKK is probably going to continue commiting their guerrila warfare, YPG (who are apparantly the Syrian PKK and have been commiting plenty of crimes) is also going to continue their way, likewise the SDF (YPG is one of the biggest force withtin the SDF) despite you 'teaching' them otherwise.

The further Turkey presses on the worse it will be for you. Things will never be the same from an economic stand point.
So you are saying that the USA should support SDF/YPG over Turkey, abandoning the Turks in the process? Are you aware that losing Turkey might be a critical mistake? Turkey is in the end of the day a very important location of access to the middle east and having the Turks against you isn't going to help you guys against the Iranians either... Also it has the second biggest ilitary of NATO, their military is reasonably modern too.

This is not how allies are supposed to behave...
Then how is an ally supposed to behave? Promising to create a force of 30.000 sdf/ypg fighters on the borders of your ally? Allies are supposed to keep each others interests in mind, you seem to be forgetting that...

We had a plan for Syria for peace in the region.
Really? I haven't seen much beyong the "Assad must go rethoric", perhaps Assad leaving is a good first step, but then what?
I think America, just like the Turks, Russia... are simply acting in their own interests and no one can blame any of these for that; I just dislike that the Americans are oushing 'we are the good guys' rethoric too much. (any other country does this too, obviously, but America seems to be a champion in it).

If Iraq and Lybia are any indication of a 'plan', then you should rehink your idea of that 'plan'...

It's not logical for Turkey to be in this position... This just opens the door for Turkey to be attcked..
In the Turkish view, having a hostile force on their border of 30.000, is also a good door opener for Turkey to be attacked. The whole reason they started this thing.

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