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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

well, we just say what we have been saying for years.
Lol Your new Russian, Iranian buddies and other countries in the region and abroad have been saying the same thing for years about your country being the HEAD and sponsor of ISIS, Al Nusra and other rebel terror groups :D
I don't know what to say to that.:pleasantry:
Lol Your new Russian, Iranian buddies and other countries in the region and abroad have been saying the same thing for years about your country being the HEAD and sponsor of ISIS, Al Nusra and other rebel terror groups :D
I don't know what to say to that.:pleasantry:
And you of course are happy with that as long as they dont make your country a scapegoat, right? ;) people of this region know who the HEAD of terrorism and their sponsors are for decades; US, UK, Germany, Israel to name a few. Divide and conquer. Create turmoil and terrorism to keep ME countries weak and busy with terrorism and each other (but complain when refugees go to Europe:D), install loyal puppets and dethrone unloyal govts (like the recent failed 'coup' in Turkey). Ironically and very interestingly this isis BS has harmed waaaaaay more muslims incl. Turks than they did to the US, UK and Israel :) HEAD of misery in the ME is undeniably the US and its cronies in Europe, especially since the 00's, and i'm confident when i say that middle easterners think like this in general lolol.
Lol Your new Russian, Iranian buddies and other countries in the region and abroad have been saying the same thing for years about your country being the HEAD and sponsor of ISIS, Al Nusra and other rebel terror groups :D
I don't know what to say to that.:pleasantry:

So you don't know that ISIS created by USA-UK and Israel. Even their videos are made in USA Hollywood.

Dude I suggest you to stop watching, reading main stream media of west such BBC, CNN, FOX etc. See you have been feeding yourself with their garbage.

Every single terror organisation/group has link with those 3 terror creater states. Do you really believe that ISIS came out from nowhere but thin air? Do you really believe a group like ISIS can be alive without their help-assists?

If you do, either your naive or completely brainwashed zombie like a citizen.
Bro. As I said before , it's just emotions. Don't take SOME of this seriously. Under normal circumstances I'm sure they won't be making such foolish claims. :)
Thanks, Ill try to take the advice to heart, its moments of weakness that keep me replying to those sorts of comments, even when I know its pointless. :taz:

All we need is the return of the king to shut these mouth's :D
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So you don't know that ISIS created by USA-UK and Israel. Even their videos are made in USA Hollywood.

Dude I suggest you to stop watching, reading main stream media of west such BBC, CNN, FOX etc. See you have been feeding yourself with their garbage.

Every single terror organisation/group has link with those 3 terror creater states. Do you really believe that ISIS came out from nowhere but thin air? Do you really believe a group like ISIS can be alive without their help-assists?

If you do, either your naive or completely brainwashed zombie like a citizen.

Blah blah blah. According to many Russian news outlet, Turkey has been the main backer and sponsor of ISIS. Hopefully you won't say it's the 'evil' west who is behind brainwashing Russia as well , will you? Lol

ISIS, oil & Turkey: What RT found in Syrian town liberated from jihadists by Kurds (EXCLUSIVE)
Published time: 24 Mar, 2016 03:00
Edited time: 28 Mar, 2016 19:09

Islamic State documents, including invoices, which militants abandoned while retreating in haste. / RT

An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria has seen Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) documents abandoned by retreating terrorists and found by the Kurds that, along with captured IS recruits, provide a stunning insight into IS oil trade.
Islamic State, Syria unrest, Syria-Turkey
Shortly after the outbreak of the Syrian war, IS became a game-changer in Iraq and, in particular, Syria. Beheadings on camera, mass killings, and enslavement, as well as apparent connections to the Paris and Brussels attacks had become synonymous with the terror group, giving it wide publicity.

Running a viable militant organization with such remarkable capabilities would be impossible without some logistical and financial support from the outside.

Turkey, which has been actively engaged in the Syrian war since the outset, has repeatedly denied claims that it is aiding IS. However, while Ankara insists that it is the jihadist group’s sworn enemy, facts on the ground often tell a different story.

RT has spoken to several witnesses who were involved in Islamic State’s trade activities and accessed the terror group’s documents, which provide insight into how and where foreign militants enter Syria to join the terrorist “state.”


Abandoned buildings used by ISIS militants in northern Syria. / RT
Detailed oil invoices
The RT Documentary team did most of its filming in the town of Shaddadi, located in the Syrian province Hasakah, which has been partly overrun by IS jihadists. Following the liberation of Shaddadi, which is home to some 10,000 people, RT filmed Kurdish soldiers walking around what used to be the homes of IS fighters and examining piles documents that had been left behind.

Some of the files seized at the scene turned out to be detailed invoices used by IS to calculate daily revenues from their oil fields and refineries, as well as the amount of oil extracted there. All the documents had Islamic State’s symbol at the top.

Example of an Islamic State invoice specifying the quantity of oil sold. / RT
The files showed that “IS has kept very professional records of their oil business,” said the author of the new RT Documentary on Islamic State filmed in northern Syria, who chose to remain anonymous for security reasons.

Every invoice included the name of the driver, the vehicle type driven, and the weight of the truck, both full and empty, as well as the agreed upon price and invoice number.

One of the discovered invoices dated 11 January, 2016, says that IS had extracted some 1,925 barrels of oil from Kabibah oil field and sold it for $38,342.

IS oil goes to Turkey – IS fighters come via Turkey
RT spoke to local residents who had been forced to work in the IS oil industry about what it was like working at the terrorist-controlled oil refinery and where the extracted oil was sold.

The locals attested that “the extracted oil was delivered to an oil refinery, where it was converted into gasoline, gas and other petroleum products. Then the refined product was sold,” the RT documentary’s author said. “Then intermediaries from Raqqa and Allepo arrived to pick up the oil and often mentioned Turkey.”

Important information revealing the connection between IS and Turkey was provided by a Turkish militant previously captured by the Kurds. The IS recruit said on camera that the terrorist group does, in fact, sell oil to Turkey.

“Without even us asking the fighter directly, he admitted that the reason why it was so easy for him to cross the Turkish border and join IS was, in part, due to the fact that Turkey also benefited. When asked how, he said that Turkey gets something out of it – something such as oil.”

RT was also able to speak with a Kurdish soldier in the area, , who displayed a collection of passports he had gathered from the dead bodies of IS fighters. The documentary crew’s exclusive footage shows the documents of several jihadists who had come from all over the world, including countries such as Bahrain, Libya, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tunisia, and Turkey.


Passports belonging to Islamic State fighters bearing stamps from Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
Most of these foreign fighters seemed to have come via Turkey, as all of their passports contained entry stamps issued at Turkish border checkpoints.

A YPG member also provided some photos that were retrieved from a USB drive allegedly belonging to future IS militants. One photo showed three men standing in front of the Obelisk of Theodosius, known today as Sultanahmet Meydani, a famous landmark in Istanbul. The next photo showed the three among other fellow militants somewhere in Syria – all armed and equipped.

One of the IS fighters that RT interviewed revealed that there had been no border guards waiting for them when they crossed from Turkey into Syria.

Another set of documents was found at the IS’ Tell Abyad checkpoint. Among information such as vehicle numbers and the weight of transported materials, the documents also listed the names of passengers who had reportedly traveled to Mosul, Raqqa, Istanbul, and Ankara.

RT spoke to a member of YPG, Redur Khalil, who gave a thorough explanation of the findings.

Going through the pages of the documents Khalil said: “We don’t know who these people are. We don’t know whether they are fighters or civilians. But these people officially travelled to Turkey without any impediment.”

Pointing to the name of a company that he said was based in Mosul, he explained that the route by which these passengers had travelled ran through Raqqa, Tell Abyad, and Ankara.

“This means that the Tell Abyad checkpoint was open prior to IS departure, and there were no obstacles for the movement from Turkish side whatsoever.”

Islamist propaganda printed in Istanbul
Turkey’s logistical support for extremist fighters trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, or at least its non-interference with their cross-border movements, has been widely reported, but little has been said about the ideological support coming from Turkish soil.

Among the documents left behind by the terrorists at an IS-run hospital, RT’s crew discovered an Islamist propaganda leaflet printed in Arabic titled “How to wage a perfect battle against the criminal Assad’s regime,” which described ways to combat the Syrian government.

Curiously, the brochure was printed in Turkey, with the cover openly displaying the postal address and phone number of an Istanbul printing house, supplemented by Facebook contacts.

Cover of an Islamist, anti-Assad propaganda leaflet printed in Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
“Many of the people spoke about the connection with Turkey. Turkey is the direct neighbor of IS. If it was willing to close the ‘connection’ between Turkey and IS, the terrorist organization could no longer survive,” the author of the RT documentary said, recalling interviews with Kurds and captured IS recruits. “If IS would stop receiving weapons, new recruits, food, and other help from Turkey, then IS would lose a big sponsor.”

Turkey benefits from Islamic State because the terrorist group provides it with cheap oil and is fighting both Syria’s government and Kurdish population. This is an opinion shared by both Kurds and their mortal enemies from the jihadist organization. The IS documents obtained by RT may provide additional evidence revealing the dirty game being played by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Syria.

Documents on organ transplants & beheadings
A collection of various religious documents authorizing beheadings, killings, and even surgical procedures was also spotted at IS’ headquarters in Tell Abyad.

“Here is a religious fatwa, which allows the killing of kafirs (infidels) and cutting off their heads. A fatwa approves beheadings. It contains excerpts from Koran, hadithes (narratives) of Prophet Muhammad and etc,” Khalil pointed out while holding a stack of papers.

However, the most peculiar thing, according to Khalil, was the discovery of a fatwa that allowed conducting surgery on apostates.

“I think this fatwa is strange. We have not heard of fatwas in Islam allowing the killing of a person and transplanting their organs to another person, or regarding the carrying out of operations on captives for training purposes,” he told RT.

Such documents may be turned in to criminal courts when filing lawsuits against IS, Khalil said.

Khalil mentioned other verdicts that captives and apostates had received, and even showed a circular letter used by IS.

“That’s very funny that they even have a circular letter,” he said.


I assume you agree with articles like this one from your Russian buddy? Lol Note that it's not from the 'evil' U.S/U.K/NATO or western bloc which you are part of . It's from your neutral Russian friends 'investigation/report'. They are many other such articles as well. Not that I believe everything, I'm just using your logic here.

See? if you want to start pointing fingers then there are many fingers from many places/countries who can also be pointed at you. So be careful about the allegations you label on others as well . You are not 'holy', for from It:)
So let's focus on your Euphrates shield operations. Instead of you people going off topic by accusing repeatedly others of supporting terrorists when the same can be said of you. So shall we focus on the topic/operation at hand? Finger pointing will lead to nowhere. :)
Blah blah blah. According to many Russian news outlet, Turkey has been the main backer and sponsor of ISIS. Hopefully you won't say it's the 'evil' west who is behind brainwashing Russia as well , will you? Lol

ISIS, oil & Turkey: What RT found in Syrian town liberated from jihadists by Kurds (EXCLUSIVE)
Published time: 24 Mar, 2016 03:00
Edited time: 28 Mar, 2016 19:09

Islamic State documents, including invoices, which militants abandoned while retreating in haste. / RT

An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria has seen Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) documents abandoned by retreating terrorists and found by the Kurds that, along with captured IS recruits, provide a stunning insight into IS oil trade.
Islamic State, Syria unrest, Syria-Turkey
Shortly after the outbreak of the Syrian war, IS became a game-changer in Iraq and, in particular, Syria. Beheadings on camera, mass killings, and enslavement, as well as apparent connections to the Paris and Brussels attacks had become synonymous with the terror group, giving it wide publicity.

Running a viable militant organization with such remarkable capabilities would be impossible without some logistical and financial support from the outside.

Turkey, which has been actively engaged in the Syrian war since the outset, has repeatedly denied claims that it is aiding IS. However, while Ankara insists that it is the jihadist group’s sworn enemy, facts on the ground often tell a different story.

RT has spoken to several witnesses who were involved in Islamic State’s trade activities and accessed the terror group’s documents, which provide insight into how and where foreign militants enter Syria to join the terrorist “state.”


Abandoned buildings used by ISIS militants in northern Syria. / RT
Detailed oil invoices
The RT Documentary team did most of its filming in the town of Shaddadi, located in the Syrian province Hasakah, which has been partly overrun by IS jihadists. Following the liberation of Shaddadi, which is home to some 10,000 people, RT filmed Kurdish soldiers walking around what used to be the homes of IS fighters and examining piles documents that had been left behind.

Some of the files seized at the scene turned out to be detailed invoices used by IS to calculate daily revenues from their oil fields and refineries, as well as the amount of oil extracted there. All the documents had Islamic State’s symbol at the top.

Example of an Islamic State invoice specifying the quantity of oil sold. / RT
The files showed that “IS has kept very professional records of their oil business,” said the author of the new RT Documentary on Islamic State filmed in northern Syria, who chose to remain anonymous for security reasons.

Every invoice included the name of the driver, the vehicle type driven, and the weight of the truck, both full and empty, as well as the agreed upon price and invoice number.

One of the discovered invoices dated 11 January, 2016, says that IS had extracted some 1,925 barrels of oil from Kabibah oil field and sold it for $38,342.

IS oil goes to Turkey – IS fighters come via Turkey
RT spoke to local residents who had been forced to work in the IS oil industry about what it was like working at the terrorist-controlled oil refinery and where the extracted oil was sold.

The locals attested that “the extracted oil was delivered to an oil refinery, where it was converted into gasoline, gas and other petroleum products. Then the refined product was sold,” the RT documentary’s author said. “Then intermediaries from Raqqa and Allepo arrived to pick up the oil and often mentioned Turkey.”

Important information revealing the connection between IS and Turkey was provided by a Turkish militant previously captured by the Kurds. The IS recruit said on camera that the terrorist group does, in fact, sell oil to Turkey.

“Without even us asking the fighter directly, he admitted that the reason why it was so easy for him to cross the Turkish border and join IS was, in part, due to the fact that Turkey also benefited. When asked how, he said that Turkey gets something out of it – something such as oil.”

RT was also able to speak with a Kurdish soldier in the area, , who displayed a collection of passports he had gathered from the dead bodies of IS fighters. The documentary crew’s exclusive footage shows the documents of several jihadists who had come from all over the world, including countries such as Bahrain, Libya, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tunisia, and Turkey.


Passports belonging to Islamic State fighters bearing stamps from Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
Most of these foreign fighters seemed to have come via Turkey, as all of their passports contained entry stamps issued at Turkish border checkpoints.

A YPG member also provided some photos that were retrieved from a USB drive allegedly belonging to future IS militants. One photo showed three men standing in front of the Obelisk of Theodosius, known today as Sultanahmet Meydani, a famous landmark in Istanbul. The next photo showed the three among other fellow militants somewhere in Syria – all armed and equipped.

One of the IS fighters that RT interviewed revealed that there had been no border guards waiting for them when they crossed from Turkey into Syria.

Another set of documents was found at the IS’ Tell Abyad checkpoint. Among information such as vehicle numbers and the weight of transported materials, the documents also listed the names of passengers who had reportedly traveled to Mosul, Raqqa, Istanbul, and Ankara.

RT spoke to a member of YPG, Redur Khalil, who gave a thorough explanation of the findings.

Going through the pages of the documents Khalil said: “We don’t know who these people are. We don’t know whether they are fighters or civilians. But these people officially travelled to Turkey without any impediment.”

Pointing to the name of a company that he said was based in Mosul, he explained that the route by which these passengers had travelled ran through Raqqa, Tell Abyad, and Ankara.

“This means that the Tell Abyad checkpoint was open prior to IS departure, and there were no obstacles for the movement from Turkish side whatsoever.”

Islamist propaganda printed in Istanbul
Turkey’s logistical support for extremist fighters trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, or at least its non-interference with their cross-border movements, has been widely reported, but little has been said about the ideological support coming from Turkish soil.

Among the documents left behind by the terrorists at an IS-run hospital, RT’s crew discovered an Islamist propaganda leaflet printed in Arabic titled “How to wage a perfect battle against the criminal Assad’s regime,” which described ways to combat the Syrian government.

Curiously, the brochure was printed in Turkey, with the cover openly displaying the postal address and phone number of an Istanbul printing house, supplemented by Facebook contacts.

Cover of an Islamist, anti-Assad propaganda leaflet printed in Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
“Many of the people spoke about the connection with Turkey. Turkey is the direct neighbor of IS. If it was willing to close the ‘connection’ between Turkey and IS, the terrorist organization could no longer survive,” the author of the RT documentary said, recalling interviews with Kurds and captured IS recruits. “If IS would stop receiving weapons, new recruits, food, and other help from Turkey, then IS would lose a big sponsor.”

Turkey benefits from Islamic State because the terrorist group provides it with cheap oil and is fighting both Syria’s government and Kurdish population. This is an opinion shared by both Kurds and their mortal enemies from the jihadist organization. The IS documents obtained by RT may provide additional evidence revealing the dirty game being played by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Syria.

Documents on organ transplants & beheadings
A collection of various religious documents authorizing beheadings, killings, and even surgical procedures was also spotted at IS’ headquarters in Tell Abyad.

“Here is a religious fatwa, which allows the killing of kafirs (infidels) and cutting off their heads. A fatwa approves beheadings. It contains excerpts from Koran, hadithes (narratives) of Prophet Muhammad and etc,” Khalil pointed out while holding a stack of papers.

However, the most peculiar thing, according to Khalil, was the discovery of a fatwa that allowed conducting surgery on apostates.

“I think this fatwa is strange. We have not heard of fatwas in Islam allowing the killing of a person and transplanting their organs to another person, or regarding the carrying out of operations on captives for training purposes,” he told RT.

Such documents may be turned in to criminal courts when filing lawsuits against IS, Khalil said.

Khalil mentioned other verdicts that captives and apostates had received, and even showed a circular letter used by IS.

“That’s very funny that they even have a circular letter,” he said.


I assume you agree with articles like this one from your Russian buddy? Lol Note that it's not from the 'evil' U.S/U.K/NATO or western bloc which you are part of . It's from your neutral Russian friends 'investigation/report'. They are many other such articles as well. Not that I believe everything, I'm just using your logic here.

See? if you want to start pointing fingers then there are many fingers from many places/countries who can also be pointed at you. So be careful about the allegations you label on others as well . You are not 'holy', for from It:)
So let's focus on your Euphrates shield operations. Instead of you people going off topic by accusing repeatedly others of supporting terrorists when the same can be said of you. So shall we focus on the topic/operation at hand? Finger pointing will lead to nowhere. :)

ZzZzz... same old propaganda shit... same old fools... :hang2: @mike2000 is back, better go back where you came from :D
@mike2000 is back

You proved nothing here. Same b.s. claims no real and solid evidence.

Russia started to claim that after we shoot her plane down dude. Which means butt-hurt. Even northern Iraqi gov. confessed that oil was belong 'em.

The truth is that ISIS created by USA-UK and Israel. Even Putin, himself said that so now you may admit it. :)

Everywhere around the world, every single terror organisation created, supplied and manipulated by you terror creater states.

You deny or admit it, it doesn't matter cause we know the truth.

Hopefully some of westerners started to recognize that what their government have been doing around the world. But unfortunately most of 'em just like you brainwashed, zombie like living beings...

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Blah blah blah. According to many Russian news outlet, Turkey has been the main backer and sponsor of ISIS. Hopefully you won't say it's the 'evil' west who is behind brainwashing Russia as well , will you? Lol

ISIS, oil & Turkey: What RT found in Syrian town liberated from jihadists by Kurds (EXCLUSIVE)
Published time: 24 Mar, 2016 03:00
Edited time: 28 Mar, 2016 19:09

Islamic State documents, including invoices, which militants abandoned while retreating in haste. / RT

An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria has seen Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) documents abandoned by retreating terrorists and found by the Kurds that, along with captured IS recruits, provide a stunning insight into IS oil trade.
Islamic State, Syria unrest, Syria-Turkey
Shortly after the outbreak of the Syrian war, IS became a game-changer in Iraq and, in particular, Syria. Beheadings on camera, mass killings, and enslavement, as well as apparent connections to the Paris and Brussels attacks had become synonymous with the terror group, giving it wide publicity.

Running a viable militant organization with such remarkable capabilities would be impossible without some logistical and financial support from the outside.

Turkey, which has been actively engaged in the Syrian war since the outset, has repeatedly denied claims that it is aiding IS. However, while Ankara insists that it is the jihadist group’s sworn enemy, facts on the ground often tell a different story.

RT has spoken to several witnesses who were involved in Islamic State’s trade activities and accessed the terror group’s documents, which provide insight into how and where foreign militants enter Syria to join the terrorist “state.”


Abandoned buildings used by ISIS militants in northern Syria. / RT
Detailed oil invoices
The RT Documentary team did most of its filming in the town of Shaddadi, located in the Syrian province Hasakah, which has been partly overrun by IS jihadists. Following the liberation of Shaddadi, which is home to some 10,000 people, RT filmed Kurdish soldiers walking around what used to be the homes of IS fighters and examining piles documents that had been left behind.

Some of the files seized at the scene turned out to be detailed invoices used by IS to calculate daily revenues from their oil fields and refineries, as well as the amount of oil extracted there. All the documents had Islamic State’s symbol at the top.

Example of an Islamic State invoice specifying the quantity of oil sold. / RT
The files showed that “IS has kept very professional records of their oil business,” said the author of the new RT Documentary on Islamic State filmed in northern Syria, who chose to remain anonymous for security reasons.

Every invoice included the name of the driver, the vehicle type driven, and the weight of the truck, both full and empty, as well as the agreed upon price and invoice number.

One of the discovered invoices dated 11 January, 2016, says that IS had extracted some 1,925 barrels of oil from Kabibah oil field and sold it for $38,342.

IS oil goes to Turkey – IS fighters come via Turkey
RT spoke to local residents who had been forced to work in the IS oil industry about what it was like working at the terrorist-controlled oil refinery and where the extracted oil was sold.

The locals attested that “the extracted oil was delivered to an oil refinery, where it was converted into gasoline, gas and other petroleum products. Then the refined product was sold,” the RT documentary’s author said. “Then intermediaries from Raqqa and Allepo arrived to pick up the oil and often mentioned Turkey.”

Important information revealing the connection between IS and Turkey was provided by a Turkish militant previously captured by the Kurds. The IS recruit said on camera that the terrorist group does, in fact, sell oil to Turkey.

“Without even us asking the fighter directly, he admitted that the reason why it was so easy for him to cross the Turkish border and join IS was, in part, due to the fact that Turkey also benefited. When asked how, he said that Turkey gets something out of it – something such as oil.”

RT was also able to speak with a Kurdish soldier in the area, , who displayed a collection of passports he had gathered from the dead bodies of IS fighters. The documentary crew’s exclusive footage shows the documents of several jihadists who had come from all over the world, including countries such as Bahrain, Libya, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tunisia, and Turkey.


Passports belonging to Islamic State fighters bearing stamps from Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
Most of these foreign fighters seemed to have come via Turkey, as all of their passports contained entry stamps issued at Turkish border checkpoints.

A YPG member also provided some photos that were retrieved from a USB drive allegedly belonging to future IS militants. One photo showed three men standing in front of the Obelisk of Theodosius, known today as Sultanahmet Meydani, a famous landmark in Istanbul. The next photo showed the three among other fellow militants somewhere in Syria – all armed and equipped.

One of the IS fighters that RT interviewed revealed that there had been no border guards waiting for them when they crossed from Turkey into Syria.

Another set of documents was found at the IS’ Tell Abyad checkpoint. Among information such as vehicle numbers and the weight of transported materials, the documents also listed the names of passengers who had reportedly traveled to Mosul, Raqqa, Istanbul, and Ankara.

RT spoke to a member of YPG, Redur Khalil, who gave a thorough explanation of the findings.

Going through the pages of the documents Khalil said: “We don’t know who these people are. We don’t know whether they are fighters or civilians. But these people officially travelled to Turkey without any impediment.”

Pointing to the name of a company that he said was based in Mosul, he explained that the route by which these passengers had travelled ran through Raqqa, Tell Abyad, and Ankara.

“This means that the Tell Abyad checkpoint was open prior to IS departure, and there were no obstacles for the movement from Turkish side whatsoever.”

Islamist propaganda printed in Istanbul
Turkey’s logistical support for extremist fighters trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, or at least its non-interference with their cross-border movements, has been widely reported, but little has been said about the ideological support coming from Turkish soil.

Among the documents left behind by the terrorists at an IS-run hospital, RT’s crew discovered an Islamist propaganda leaflet printed in Arabic titled “How to wage a perfect battle against the criminal Assad’s regime,” which described ways to combat the Syrian government.

Curiously, the brochure was printed in Turkey, with the cover openly displaying the postal address and phone number of an Istanbul printing house, supplemented by Facebook contacts.

Cover of an Islamist, anti-Assad propaganda leaflet printed in Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
“Many of the people spoke about the connection with Turkey. Turkey is the direct neighbor of IS. If it was willing to close the ‘connection’ between Turkey and IS, the terrorist organization could no longer survive,” the author of the RT documentary said, recalling interviews with Kurds and captured IS recruits. “If IS would stop receiving weapons, new recruits, food, and other help from Turkey, then IS would lose a big sponsor.”

Turkey benefits from Islamic State because the terrorist group provides it with cheap oil and is fighting both Syria’s government and Kurdish population. This is an opinion shared by both Kurds and their mortal enemies from the jihadist organization. The IS documents obtained by RT may provide additional evidence revealing the dirty game being played by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Syria.

Documents on organ transplants & beheadings
A collection of various religious documents authorizing beheadings, killings, and even surgical procedures was also spotted at IS’ headquarters in Tell Abyad.

“Here is a religious fatwa, which allows the killing of kafirs (infidels) and cutting off their heads. A fatwa approves beheadings. It contains excerpts from Koran, hadithes (narratives) of Prophet Muhammad and etc,” Khalil pointed out while holding a stack of papers.

However, the most peculiar thing, according to Khalil, was the discovery of a fatwa that allowed conducting surgery on apostates.

“I think this fatwa is strange. We have not heard of fatwas in Islam allowing the killing of a person and transplanting their organs to another person, or regarding the carrying out of operations on captives for training purposes,” he told RT.

Such documents may be turned in to criminal courts when filing lawsuits against IS, Khalil said.

Khalil mentioned other verdicts that captives and apostates had received, and even showed a circular letter used by IS.

“That’s very funny that they even have a circular letter,” he said.

I assume you agree with articles like this one from your Russian buddy? Lol Note that it's not from the 'evil' U.S/U.K/NATO or western bloc which you are part of . It's from your neutral Russian friends 'investigation/report'. They are many other such articles as well. Not that I believe everything, I'm just using your logic here.

See? if you want to start pointing fingers then there are many fingers from many places/countries who can also be pointed at you. So be careful about the allegations you label on others as well . You are not 'holy', for from It:)
So let's focus on your Euphrates shield operations. Instead of you people going off topic by accusing repeatedly others of supporting terrorists when the same can be said of you. So shall we focus on the topic/operation at hand? Finger pointing will lead to nowhere. :)

Easily fabricated. And plenty of reasons as to why it would be fabricated. Difference is that Russia and the West have greater resources to spread misinformation than Turkey. And xenophobes like you lap it up.
@cabatli_53 this Mike doesn't contribute to this thread at all, he only tries to make some smartass comments about 'emotions' and now trying hard to blame Turkey as the head of isis as a smokescreen to hide the UK and its master US' dirty games, incl. isis, in the ME for centuries and especially last few decades. Of course Turkish members will not allow some euro to slander our country without any response, but it makes this thread go off-topic.

Blah blah blah. According to many Russian news outlet, Turkey has been the main backer and sponsor of ISIS. Hopefully you won't say it's the 'evil' west who is behind brainwashing Russia as well , will you? Lol

ISIS, oil & Turkey: What RT found in Syrian town liberated from jihadists by Kurds (EXCLUSIVE)
Published time: 24 Mar, 2016 03:00
Edited time: 28 Mar, 2016 19:09

Islamic State documents, including invoices, which militants abandoned while retreating in haste. / RT

An RT Documentary crew filming in northern Syria has seen Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) documents abandoned by retreating terrorists and found by the Kurds that, along with captured IS recruits, provide a stunning insight into IS oil trade.
Islamic State, Syria unrest, Syria-Turkey
Shortly after the outbreak of the Syrian war, IS became a game-changer in Iraq and, in particular, Syria. Beheadings on camera, mass killings, and enslavement, as well as apparent connections to the Paris and Brussels attacks had become synonymous with the terror group, giving it wide publicity.

Running a viable militant organization with such remarkable capabilities would be impossible without some logistical and financial support from the outside.

Turkey, which has been actively engaged in the Syrian war since the outset, has repeatedly denied claims that it is aiding IS. However, while Ankara insists that it is the jihadist group’s sworn enemy, facts on the ground often tell a different story.

RT has spoken to several witnesses who were involved in Islamic State’s trade activities and accessed the terror group’s documents, which provide insight into how and where foreign militants enter Syria to join the terrorist “state.”


Abandoned buildings used by ISIS militants in northern Syria. / RT
Detailed oil invoices
The RT Documentary team did most of its filming in the town of Shaddadi, located in the Syrian province Hasakah, which has been partly overrun by IS jihadists. Following the liberation of Shaddadi, which is home to some 10,000 people, RT filmed Kurdish soldiers walking around what used to be the homes of IS fighters and examining piles documents that had been left behind.

Some of the files seized at the scene turned out to be detailed invoices used by IS to calculate daily revenues from their oil fields and refineries, as well as the amount of oil extracted there. All the documents had Islamic State’s symbol at the top.

Example of an Islamic State invoice specifying the quantity of oil sold. / RT
The files showed that “IS has kept very professional records of their oil business,” said the author of the new RT Documentary on Islamic State filmed in northern Syria, who chose to remain anonymous for security reasons.

Every invoice included the name of the driver, the vehicle type driven, and the weight of the truck, both full and empty, as well as the agreed upon price and invoice number.

One of the discovered invoices dated 11 January, 2016, says that IS had extracted some 1,925 barrels of oil from Kabibah oil field and sold it for $38,342.

IS oil goes to Turkey – IS fighters come via Turkey
RT spoke to local residents who had been forced to work in the IS oil industry about what it was like working at the terrorist-controlled oil refinery and where the extracted oil was sold.

The locals attested that “the extracted oil was delivered to an oil refinery, where it was converted into gasoline, gas and other petroleum products. Then the refined product was sold,” the RT documentary’s author said. “Then intermediaries from Raqqa and Allepo arrived to pick up the oil and often mentioned Turkey.”

Important information revealing the connection between IS and Turkey was provided by a Turkish militant previously captured by the Kurds. The IS recruit said on camera that the terrorist group does, in fact, sell oil to Turkey.

“Without even us asking the fighter directly, he admitted that the reason why it was so easy for him to cross the Turkish border and join IS was, in part, due to the fact that Turkey also benefited. When asked how, he said that Turkey gets something out of it – something such as oil.”

RT was also able to speak with a Kurdish soldier in the area, , who displayed a collection of passports he had gathered from the dead bodies of IS fighters. The documentary crew’s exclusive footage shows the documents of several jihadists who had come from all over the world, including countries such as Bahrain, Libya, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tunisia, and Turkey.


Passports belonging to Islamic State fighters bearing stamps from Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
Most of these foreign fighters seemed to have come via Turkey, as all of their passports contained entry stamps issued at Turkish border checkpoints.

A YPG member also provided some photos that were retrieved from a USB drive allegedly belonging to future IS militants. One photo showed three men standing in front of the Obelisk of Theodosius, known today as Sultanahmet Meydani, a famous landmark in Istanbul. The next photo showed the three among other fellow militants somewhere in Syria – all armed and equipped.

One of the IS fighters that RT interviewed revealed that there had been no border guards waiting for them when they crossed from Turkey into Syria.

Another set of documents was found at the IS’ Tell Abyad checkpoint. Among information such as vehicle numbers and the weight of transported materials, the documents also listed the names of passengers who had reportedly traveled to Mosul, Raqqa, Istanbul, and Ankara.

RT spoke to a member of YPG, Redur Khalil, who gave a thorough explanation of the findings.

Going through the pages of the documents Khalil said: “We don’t know who these people are. We don’t know whether they are fighters or civilians. But these people officially travelled to Turkey without any impediment.”

Pointing to the name of a company that he said was based in Mosul, he explained that the route by which these passengers had travelled ran through Raqqa, Tell Abyad, and Ankara.

“This means that the Tell Abyad checkpoint was open prior to IS departure, and there were no obstacles for the movement from Turkish side whatsoever.”

Islamist propaganda printed in Istanbul
Turkey’s logistical support for extremist fighters trying to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government, or at least its non-interference with their cross-border movements, has been widely reported, but little has been said about the ideological support coming from Turkish soil.

Among the documents left behind by the terrorists at an IS-run hospital, RT’s crew discovered an Islamist propaganda leaflet printed in Arabic titled “How to wage a perfect battle against the criminal Assad’s regime,” which described ways to combat the Syrian government.

Curiously, the brochure was printed in Turkey, with the cover openly displaying the postal address and phone number of an Istanbul printing house, supplemented by Facebook contacts.

Cover of an Islamist, anti-Assad propaganda leaflet printed in Istanbul, Turkey. / RT
“Many of the people spoke about the connection with Turkey. Turkey is the direct neighbor of IS. If it was willing to close the ‘connection’ between Turkey and IS, the terrorist organization could no longer survive,” the author of the RT documentary said, recalling interviews with Kurds and captured IS recruits. “If IS would stop receiving weapons, new recruits, food, and other help from Turkey, then IS would lose a big sponsor.”

Turkey benefits from Islamic State because the terrorist group provides it with cheap oil and is fighting both Syria’s government and Kurdish population. This is an opinion shared by both Kurds and their mortal enemies from the jihadist organization. The IS documents obtained by RT may provide additional evidence revealing the dirty game being played by the government of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Syria.

Documents on organ transplants & beheadings
A collection of various religious documents authorizing beheadings, killings, and even surgical procedures was also spotted at IS’ headquarters in Tell Abyad.

“Here is a religious fatwa, which allows the killing of kafirs (infidels) and cutting off their heads. A fatwa approves beheadings. It contains excerpts from Koran, hadithes (narratives) of Prophet Muhammad and etc,” Khalil pointed out while holding a stack of papers.

However, the most peculiar thing, according to Khalil, was the discovery of a fatwa that allowed conducting surgery on apostates.

“I think this fatwa is strange. We have not heard of fatwas in Islam allowing the killing of a person and transplanting their organs to another person, or regarding the carrying out of operations on captives for training purposes,” he told RT.

Such documents may be turned in to criminal courts when filing lawsuits against IS, Khalil said.

Khalil mentioned other verdicts that captives and apostates had received, and even showed a circular letter used by IS.

“That’s very funny that they even have a circular letter,” he said.


I assume you agree with articles like this one from your Russian buddy? Lol Note that it's not from the 'evil' U.S/U.K/NATO or western bloc which you are part of . It's from your neutral Russian friends 'investigation/report'. They are many other such articles as well. Not that I believe everything, I'm just using your logic here.

See? if you want to start pointing fingers then there are many fingers from many places/countries who can also be pointed at you. So be careful about the allegations you label on others as well . You are not 'holy', for from It:)
So let's focus on your Euphrates shield operations. Instead of you people going off topic by accusing repeatedly others of supporting terrorists when the same can be said of you. So shall we focus on the topic/operation at hand? Finger pointing will lead to nowhere. :)
Replace Turkey with the UK or US in the text, will you believe it too then? :D
Facts are, Turkey has nothing to gain from isis and its directly against its interests with the FSA. In fact isis has harmed Turkey way more than the US or UK, of course this operation against isis is also just a show, right? :) Due to isis Turkish trade, economy, FDI got negatively affected by isis, hundreds of people have died in isis bombings, but of course this was all a part of the Turkish plan of supporting isis, right? :)
Of course supporting a group like isis that nothing but defaces islam, which would be shooting in your own feet, is also a part of Turkish strategy, right? Lmao, do you think we are dumb and you're the only smart guy here? Sell your trash to others.

When it comes to the US and UK, though, there are very good reasons to believe that isis is (in)directly supported by at least the US, i mean it's not the first time the US and UK are involved in supporting/creating terrorism and organizing coups (see history)
The topic is
Operation Euphrates Shield - Updates & Discussions
Just ignore that retard and keep discussing Operation Euphrates Shield, aka the War between Turkish Republic and IS.
Guys isis is like a company.Each country has a stocks in it and use them as she(the country) want.All the world intelligence exist in isis state(especially cia and uk intelligence)
Isis exist to change the map of middle east
I have a lot to talk about especially about what if the turkey coup succeeded

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