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Ukrainian and Swedish women named as the world's most beautiful

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We are not dalals or pimps. Cheers!
Not only that. These contests are pretty much rigged with 'extraneous' considerations, and 'extra curricular activities' counting more than real beauty!

In other words, these contests are a farce! :tdown:

That top woman looks a little manly, SC.
I am a white guy, love all women. Tend to like dark hair and eyes, prolly cause I went to high scool in Texas (lotsa Mexican babes). To this day I like the "mediteranean" look, Mexican, Italian, South America, Spain, Greece, etc. They seem more exotic. (where as blondes are exotic in mnay places)

I have seen ugly chicks with every type of skin or hair/eye color. If a chick is good looking, it is indisputable. Some girls are very good looking and others are not. It's as simple as that.
white/? :lol: caucasian and white are not the same son

look, the standard of indian beauty is the absence of Australoid gene.

In Miss India for eg, Caucasians and Mongloids with little influnce of Australoid are selected.

Same for pakistan, of course, you dont have the mongloid gene in ur country

We have Mongoloids in our country, the Hazara.

A Hijab is supposed to be for simplicity and to cover the woman's beauty.

Wearing a Hijab along with makeup is contradicting its real intention (not my words, this is what many scholars have stated). You see a lot of Arab women wearing Hijab's with skin tight jeans and T-shirts here in Brooklyn.
That is true all over the western world, but there is this subtle sign of Islam, and I am not personally fond of make up or tight jeans for women, it is mostly pair pressure in schools and work places, so it is social and Muslim girls should be aware of this pressure and act accordingly.
Most (90%) of Muslim girls or women I see in Canada do not wear tight jeans nor too much make up.


Hmmm...But the point is that no Pakistani or Iranian has taken part in the Miss World/Miss Universe contests as they aren't allowed to. They probably could win the titles if given a chance! But that's gonna be a long shot as displaying skin is a strict no-no in Islamic countries! :no:


Well bro..these contests are still the benchmark for beauty. If they are not contesting, its their loss. Anyways its not that Pakistanis and Iranians are not participating in beauty contests.



Not only that. These contests are pretty much rigged with 'extraneous' considerations, and 'extra curricular activities' counting more than real beauty!

In other words, these contests are a farce! :tdown:

Its a urban myth like the myth of 'casting couch'.

We are not dalals or pimps. Cheers!

You seem to have a low opinion of modern women.
90% of those who brag about women on internet are virgin losers.

And 90% of those accusing others of being "Virgin losers" are "virgin losers" themselves.:lol:

Anyways, i don't see anything wrong there if someone is a Virgin, i know some pretty fine people who chose to remain Virgins due to religious as well as other reasons, that is until of course they get married to the person whom they truly love, rather than going around sleeping with random people they meet at some party or "convention".
I have seen ugly chicks with every type of skin or hair/eye color. If a chick is good looking, it is indisputable. Some girls are very good looking and others are not. It's as simple as that.

Very true! Thanks for not pointing out the horrid amount of spelling errors. I spell well enough, but type like sh!t. (spell-check has ruined me, it should be standard on forums)
So, the notorious 'casting couches' are a myth????? :woot: That's news to me!

You are free to believe what you want to believe..just like some believe in UFOs and Aliens.

There may be casting couch but to generalize an entire industry based on this is not good .
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