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US to provide military support to Nancy Pelosi's trip to Taiwan: Gen. Milley

Meh, I'm kinda glad myself that nothing happens.

Who cares if Pelosi is in Taiwan, it's just a symbolic gesture.
Who cares what it sounds to you, it's clear as day you're a soy boy that probably likes dressing up like a girl. Where did I support the killing of innocent people?! All I did was shit on your grandpa after you spoke shit about mine. Cope.

Now if you're talking about an airstrike on an airfield or runway, nobody need die in such a strike. The idea is to stop the plane landing, not to kill anyone. Also an airstrike on Taiwan Airport would not be a direct attack on US soil, silly! Maybe, if the aircraft was shot down you'd have a point but again youre pulling strawman arguments just to save your L on this argument. This is why I dont care much for your thinking because you can't think critically and you resort to repetition of points that aren't being discussed. You are also nuts if you think Americans would support all out war with a superpower...again youre another COD player like @James David. Trump had to be talked out of striking Iran's nuclear power plants by Pompeo and the military, you think China will be easier?
You’re definitely a prepubescent boy. It’s obvious that the air strike was targeted at her and it would be spun as provocation towards America by the MSM machine regardless. That’s how the MSM works and you know it. It would also be seen as an act of war against Taiwan without any advancement of Chinese military positions. There no gain from that stupid plan of your. With a blockade, it will be see as an act of war as well but guess what the navy is already in position. China is counting on America unwillingness to go all out for this to work. You’re just too stubborn to admit how stupid you’d idea is.
You’re definitely a prepubescent boy. It’s obvious that the air strike was targeted at her and it would be spun as provocation towards America by the MSM machine regardless. That’s how the MSM works and you know it. It would also be seen as an act of war against Taiwan without any advancement of Chinese military positions. There no gain from that stupid plan of your. With a blockade, it will be see as an act of war as well but guess what the navy is already in position. China is counting on America unwillingness to go all out for this to work. You’re just too stubborn to admit how stupid you’d idea is.
You dont know me hence why you're fantasising about me. Im inside your head, rent free. Lol

Who cares how the US media will spin it? They can spin whatever they want and people like you sop it up! The fact would be obvious that no aircraft was targetted and US would be quick to deescalate. Also a deterrence would be finally set by the Chinese, much like how the Iranians have done. Your idea would just be China setting some boats for US navy to swim around, because you're a cuck and you know it.

You are Indian mate. Have some self respect and don't pretend to be someone else.
Na he's a white down and out murican.
You believe what the US said? LOL... Observe what the US does, not say. Most intelligent people on earth know the US lie all the times. But you believe.
China supports Russian wars. The US supports Taiwan. Win win.
They all know China will not back down. If world war 3 started, it is US fault. :enjoy:
What do you think China will do now? Now that a senior US Politician has visited Taiwan apart from sabre rattling?

Will they invade Taiwan?

China's war games amount to 'sea and air blockade' of Taiwan​

The military drills are set to start tomorrow following Nancy Pelosi's visit

Nothing will happen, the leaders of the US of Yankeestan and Mainland Taiwan will continue to collaborate behind the scenes to fool their already half retarded population.
The last time China killed 20 Indians without even firing a bullet while exporting to India having a surplus of 60bil$. You think you are dealing with a simple country huh? Until today we still occupy the same place we went and India wnet quiet. Lol9l

At least 51 flights from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport cancelled ahead of PLA’s military exercises​

No it's not a blockade, it's just an exercise. It's just that ships and planes can enter or leave, that's all. Lolol. We didn't declare nor invade Taiwan but we are 10km from the coast inside their territorial waters. Thats all....
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In roughly 24 hours, Chinese officials and propagandists went from warning of a powder keg to pleading for patience as Beijing struggled to articulate a cohesive response to Nancy Pelosi’s landmark trip to Taiwan.

Ahead of Pelosi’s visit, the first by a US House speaker in 25 years, President Xi Jinping warned the Biden administration would get “burned” while nationalist Chinese commentators suggested she would “ignite the powder keg.”

Yet after Pelosi landed safely, stayed the night in Taipei and hailed US-Taiwan ties in a meeting with President Tsai Ing-wen, China’s tone shifted from belligerent to defensive. At a briefing on Wednesday afternoon, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying asked the public to give the government more time to follow through on threats to punish the US and Taiwan.

“We will do what we have said,” she said. “So please have some patience about that.”

China’s response to Pelosi reflects the complexity of dealing with Taiwan, the pragmatism of the Communist Party and Xi’s own political situation. The 69-year-old leader has been focused on eliminating risks to extending his rule at a party congress later this year, leaving little appetite for triggering a conflict that could spin out of control.

Even if Pelosi’s visit ultimately convinces China’s leaders they won’t be able to settle their claims to Taiwan peacefully, that doesn’t mean Xi wants that fight now. The country is already grappling with a property crisis and slowing economic growth after more than two years of strict pandemic-control measures.

Missile Tests, Drills​

“It’s important for Xi Jinping to respond strongly, but responding strongly and engaging in conflict are two very different things,” said Lev Nachman, assistant professor at National Chengchi University in Taipei. “There’s not going to be any kind of hot conflict because none of the three sides want that.”

While China’s response disappointed some fervent nationalists, it could still rattle the region. Beijing announced missile tests that may take place anytime, and military drills starting Thursday that show a capability of surrounding the main island of Taiwan -- all amounting to China’s most provocative actions in decades.

The exercises threaten to disrupt shipping and airline routes in Taiwan, one of the world’s most-crucial suppliers of computer chips. Several airlines are planning adjustments to their flights, while pilots of Hong Kong’s Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. were advised to carry 30 minutes worth of extra fuel for possible rerouting in Taiwan.

Taiwan has condemned the moves, saying they are tantamount to blockading its airspace and sea area. It’s not clear whether the three days of flight restrictions would be extended, adding to concerns over soaring commodity prices and supply-chain risks.

Still, the failure to deter Pelosi from visiting in the first place upset China’s most outspoken patriots. Hu Xijin, the prominent former editor-in-chief of the Global Times, accepted blame on Wednesday for suggesting measures that ultimately proved unfeasible.

Beijing is clearly in a stronger position than the last major cross-strait crisis in the mid-1990s, but it’s also far away from being able to push the US around. And unlike Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Xi is much more averse to triggering a military conflict that could quickly spin out of control -- particularly with no guarantee of success.

“I don’t think they are eager to change the status quo,” said Bilahari Kausikan, the top bureaucrat in Singapore’s Foreign Ministry until 2013. “To launch an amphibious operation is beyond China’s capability and experience. They have never done something like that and that’s the most difficult kind of military operation.”

Over the years, China has seized on actions from opponents at home and abroad to change the status quo.

Seizing Opportunities​

In 2012, after Japan nationalized a set of uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, China began regular coast guard patrols in the area that never stopped.

Around the same time, as the US began forcefully opposing China’s territorial claims in the South China Sea, Beijing seized the disputed feature of the Scarborough Shoal and proceeded to militarize other outcrops under its control.

And in 2020, after US politicians supported Hong Kong’s pro-democracy protesters, Xi’s government imposed a sweeping national security law that effectively crushed any opposition.

In a similar way, China could yet use Pelosi’s trip as a way to squeeze Taiwan, hitting the island economically while regularly impeding flights and shipping. On Wednesday, China suspended some fish and fruit imports, and also banned exports of natural sand used in construction.

Yet the stakes are also much higher in Taiwan, raising the risk any provocative actions could blow back on China. The strait is one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes, with almost half of the global container fleet and a whopping 88% of the world’s largest ships by tonnage passing through the waterway this year.

China also faces the constant tension of seeking to woo Taiwan’s 23 million people even as it threatens them with force. Any move to seize Taiwan would fundamentally indicate a failure to convince the island’s residents that Beijing offers a better system than the democratic values advocated by the US and its allies.

‘Historic Mission’​

At the same time, Xi has staked his legacy on getting Taiwan into the Communist Party’s hands. Last year he declared taking control of Taiwan as the party’s “historic mission” and an “unshakable commitment.”

But while Xi may not be ready for a military strike anytime soon, he’ll still face pressure to act tough -- ensuring the Taiwan Strait will be even more of a flashpoint for years ahead.

“Both sides feel that the other is changing the status quo in dangerous ways,” said Amanda Hsiao, senior analyst at Crisis Group, a Brussels-based policy research organization. “This visit may make any sort of understanding or agreement around Taiwan more difficult to achieve.”

The game just started and we have cheerleader thinking the game has ended. Tomorrow, the war might started.
China supports Russian wars. The US supports Taiwan. Win win.

China has not supported Russia's war yet. A majority of Chinese people supports the Russian effort though. Their number decidedly overwhelms those supporting Ukraine. They scooped up all the Russian products they could and kept the Russian farms, factories, transportation industries busy and profitable.

Come winter Chinese government could throw its support behind should Russia's energy war elevate its tension with the West.
What do you think China will do now? Now that a senior US Politician has visited Taiwan apart from sabre rattling?

Will they invade Taiwan?
No. At least not in the next few yrs. Consider these factors...And they are just the high level, not the nitty-gritty details...

- China have no amphibious operations experience, and we are not talking about exercises, and it is estimated that an amphib operation on Taiwan WILL be at least twice that of D-Day.

- Strait weather limits to either April or October, give or take one week either end. So this eliminate the element of surprise.

- Tidal times for launching from the mainland to landing on the island are difficult to predict. Launch on high tide and land on high tide. Landing on low tide means large expanse of beach real estate to cross, increasing vulnerability.

- Landing sites on Taiwan are well known and well defended.

- In Desert Storm, the US and allies could have more than 40 days of aerial bombardment, but due to strait weather, China do not have that luxury. Once missiles start flying, China have no choice but to commit and if the invasion failed to launch or incur high casualties in transit or on landing, Taiwan effectively won.

- The South China Sea will effectively be abandoned, causing global economic crises. No one will take a chance of getting hit by some mistakes.

Again, these are just high level issues. You can do your own research on the details.
Pelosi came and left Taiwan with no issues. It was absolute humiliation for China.
Lol.. China never say she can't come but she just need to bear the consequences. PLA will not idle
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