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War Scenario : India attacks Terrorist Camps In Pak-Occ-Kashmir

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Oh future predicter...... predict some future of pakistan also.... may be that may help to solve the sorry state of you guys.

Too bad the India is one of the poorest AIDs infested countries on this planet. Supposedly the oldest civilization in history yet half of its people defecate on the street. I can mail you some toilets, just let me know.
It would be a huge advantage if India were to deal with a balkanised pakistan in 2015. India must step up its endevours to balkanise paksitan most probably Baluchistan and hence there remains very little of pakistan to deal with.

Once that is done. The plan that you have mentioned can be fruitfully implemented. Also surprise could be the most valuable elemnt in such kinds of endevours. All retaliatory assets of pakistan can be brought down within 2-3 days of continious and tactical carpet bombings.

balkanise pakistan that is what you guys are currently doing in NWFP!!! so that we need to take care of!


we are not palestine & neither is india israel!!!! we will retaliate with all we got the minute india even dreams of crossing the border!!!!
Hello friends

I am starting this thread to analyze/debate possible situation & consequence of Indian land forces attacking terrorist camps in Pakistan occupied Kashmir. ( Surgical Strikes are not included in this analysis).

Year 2015

Trigger:LeT terrorist carry out heinous operations in some of the major cities of India targeting civilian population.

Plan : India has been waiting for such kind of foul play and want to teach terrorists a lesson.Some brigades of IA have been deployed specifically for the purpose of ingressing into the very land where these terrorists are trained.

The plan calls for IA is to deploy its assets all along the border ( ala Cold Start in a day or two). This will serve as a deterrent for a full blown war and a decoy to a small conflict. As soon as assets are deployed massive air strikes are carried out including surgical strikes.
IN places itself tentatively close to Pakistan's water and gives an appearance of blockading Pakistan's major port in event of escalation. Troops are air-dropped while the land forces start making their way into Pakistan occupied Kashmir. On the day 5 of the assault with all its objectives achieved with the major cities of Pakistan occupied Kashmir captured,India calls a unilateral ceasefire.

1. Pakistan cannot and doesn't go nuclear as the territory is a disputed one.

2.International pressure has been building on Pakistan for more than 5 years now and there is little she can do in terms of escalation.

3. India will procure all the equipment necessary for such an assault such as light artillery, attack helos and build a formidable armada and air force to acheive naval and aerial supremacy.

4. Pakistan's economy wont be able to support a major war.

Issues with the approach

1.Treacherous landscape

2. A small theater of operation will mean India will have to sacrifice its number advantage to a certain extent.

3. Pakistan can be suicidal and a full blown war can impact India's economy severely.

Major Advantages for India

1. Terrorist organizations cant have there camps in a disputed land but will have to shift to Pakistan's sovereign land to carry out their operations.

2. Improved standing in the world

If the operation doesn't succeed then the Sh*t will definitely hit the fan.

My question is:

Is such an operation possible? What are the other variables that must be kept in mind ( I haven't added a detailed view of logistics and landscape due to my lack of knowledge in the same but I know that these will be very important factors for India to succeed)

48 Hour Scenario on PDF??? Since when did :pdf: become BRF???
Dude the thread is purely for analysis and nothing else. There aint a need for anyone to vent out their frustrations and emotions. Given a scenario how will the two sides respond. This is my simple question. I put forth my thesis and others are free to debate . But what I see is that people are engaging in rhetoric and trying to derail the thread. And that is when people here are out of their teens.

BTW whats your Expert opinion on the scenario? Pros and cons. Do's and donts etc etc

Deathgod i appreciate the fact that you want logical answer for your questions but im sure you have been on this forum long enough to know what happens in a thread with a topic like this.

I dont want to post anything on this thread as w.e. i post will be condemned in someway and it will be truly unproductive. Such questions have no answers as a war has many variables. Numerically India has a huge lead but again numbers dont mean anything in a real war scenario, its all about planning. A true analysis is not possible as no analyst can take into account the many variables that exist in warfare, so its better not to come up with answers as it will only lead to more trolling. I hope you get my point brother.
Deathgod i appreciate the fact that you want logical answer for your questions but im sure you have been on this forum long enough to know what happens in a thread with a topic like this.

I dont want to post anything on this thread as w.e. i post will be condemned in someway and it will be truly unproductive. Such questions have no answers as a war has many variables. Numerically India has a huge lead but again numbers dont mean anything in a real war scenario, its all about planning. A true analysis is not possible as no analyst can take into account the many variables that exist in warfare, so its better not to come up with answers as it will only lead to more trolling. I hope you get my point brother.

Agreed. But we can run Monte Carlo simulations thousands of time. If an analyst cant do then a computer will :P. Just tell me all the variables involved. ( atleast for whom we can have a defined confidence interval )

Just joking bro, though a real level analysis is very much a possibility I think it will be an overkill here, though I thought that I will come to know of some unknown variables . People get too emotional here.
Agreed. But we can run Monte Carlo simulations thousands of time. If an analyst cant do then a computer will :P. Just tell me all the variables involved. ( atleast for whom we can have a defined confidence interval )

Just joking bro, though a real level analysis is very much a possibility I think it will be an overkill here, though I thought that I will come to know of some unknown variables . People get too emotional here.

You hit the bullseye right there, i hope you get a hint about what i really want to say. :P
balkanise pakistan that is what you guys are currently doing in NWFP!!! so that we need to take care of!


we are not palestine & neither is india israel!!!! we will retaliate with all we got the minute india even dreams of crossing the border!!!!

You missed the point.

I said India must first eliminate pakistans retaliatory capacity just like what Isarel did against the all so powerful neighbours in 6 day war 1965. Without retaliatory capabilities, PA would be just like sitting ducks.

And so far as balkanisation of Pakistan is concerned, I think India has done it in the past and can do it even now. Just waiting for favourable geo political conditions. Indo-US nuclear deal and growing Indo-US strategic ties could be one of such encouraging geo-political development that will embolden India to undertake massive implemntaion of its strategic planning.
well govt has to do someday because talk will not do any thing

peace is not free you have to pay for it

as lots of peoples sacrifices for freedom now country ask sacrifices for it future we have a limit and pakistan should change its negative attitude

Pakistan should understand terror is destroying them self everyday blast is the result

well war is last option and if Pakistan don't stop terror activity then we have to use this option
well govt has to do someday because talk will not do any thing

peace is not free you have to pay for it

as lots of peoples sacrifices for freedom now country ask sacrifices for it future we have a limit and pakistan should change its negative attitude

Pakistan should understand terror is destroying them self everyday blast is the result

well war is last option and if Pakistan don't stop terror activity then we have to use this option

I don't see India surviving if India goes to war with Pakistan.
I don't see India surviving if India goes to war with Pakistan.

it will last option if and if pakistan dont change its terror policy

but you know i can see we before your own terrorist will destroy you

its bad luck of Pakistan they don't have any good leader who can lead them against terror and who can raise voice against ISI

Pakistan main enemy is ISI supported terror
Too bad the India is one of the poorest AIDs infested countries on this planet. Supposedly the oldest civilization in history yet half of its people defecate on the street. I can mail you some toilets, just let me know.

And what is the relevance with the topic in hand? :lol:
I don't see India surviving if India goes to war with Pakistan.

This is the only mantra that pakistanis want to believe that will ward off India from acting decisively against it. Well whatever keeps them happy. :whistle:
it will last option if and if pakistan dont change its terror policy

but you know i can see we before your own terrorist will destroy you

its bad luck of Pakistan they don't have any good leader who can lead them against terror and who can raise voice against ISI

Pakistan main enemy is ISI supported terror

Thank you! You seem to know exactly what is plaguing Pakistan. Clearly a lot more than the people who live there.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, if India ever dared to attack Pakistan it would be the last thing India would do. We have been fighting Indian sponsored terrorism in our country for quite a while now, and very soon these b@stards will all be dead and gone.
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