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What is being done with Islam……!!!!!

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:) A woman is like a

and man is like a


The creator knows best how to protect it. Obviously by covring it.

so divide your cntry into 2 halves one for women and one men...
Dear its good you comment bcoz it shows the misunderstanding that many non muslims have. I'll try to clear it to you.

He can marry 4 but thee is a restriction that he has to gave equal rights to all and its impossile to meet 4 wifes in a day. And it is cleared
A translation of a verse is:

"you are allowed to have 4 wifes at a time, but with equal rights and we know you cannot make it"

Its not called slavery. Its a duty if she wants to do. According to Islam a wife is not binded to do home chores. Its the duty of the man to proide her such facilities (Servents etc). If she do this then its an extra thing for her and the man has to praise her for this.

I aleady replied this type of killing is not allowed in Islam.

Thanks FE.

Ref Highlighted part above , if we talk of equality, why can the lady not have four husbands ?

Why are all laws in favor of the male ?
At the cost of entering uncharted territory, my 1st thoughts on reading this post are what equality are we talking of for women if :

a man can marry four of them ?

He can shed her at will .
Hello there buddy

First of all, marriage itself is a "Sunnah" or "recommendation" for both men and women in Islamic law. It's not an obligation.

Marrying four women is not a 'right' granted to men. It's a rather permission granted to noble, pious and 'just' men with many conditions attached:

-they must treat their wives equally in terms of time, money, etc.
-women *must* consent to such marriages
-must provide them with basic necessities of life on equitable terms

Islamic law allows this practice because its based on a Quranic verse, however at the same time the verse greatly discourages men from practicing polygamy if they're not able to uphold those conditions.

In the Islamic world such marriages account for less than one percent of all marriages should tell you muslim men are not so polygmous and in demand for more wives - mind me one woman is more than a headache :lol:

The ruling in essence gives widows, pow's, disabled, etc. an opportunity to have a family and establish life.

Domestic slavery remains if she is not permitted to exit the house / home to pursue her own interests / profession in the manner she feels fit.

..and so many more.

No. That's not correct. Islamic law allows women to leave the hosue, go to university/college/madrassah, or to work, if necessary. These are fundamental freedoms that Islam grants to both men and women. However women or children may not leave the house if its unsafe or unsecure, i.e. war going on or high crime rates in the area n high chances of getting robbed/kidnapped. these are a no-brain er.

In fact the Prophet SAW has reported said in a hadith more or less that once Islam is established across Arabia (ensuring peace and security for people in the whole region), a time would come when a woman would be able to travel *alone* and freely from Saudia to yemen. And that time actually within the first 100 years during the Caliphate of Omer RA in the 13th century.

No one ( including me) I feel has the right to comment on another religion as these are very personal decisions which have been arrived at after centuries of trial & error or thought.
You may disagree for your own reasons given that differences are respected, not despised.

And I totally agree with you on your last part. Fundamentals haven't changed but application of Islamic law has developed and continous to develop over time in accordance to our time and changes society.

Hence, even though I feel differently on a No of issues raised in the previous posts - I'll reserve my comments except for the one I read that said that the ladies should be killed for praying in a manner considered incorrect.This I feel is not in order by any standards.
Thanks man much appreciated. Couldn't have said it better myself. :tup:
so divide your cntry into 2 halves one for women and one men...

Thanks for suggestion but no need for this complex solution if we have a simple one. I already said the creator knows what is best for us :)

flies didn't attack on covered lollypop.
Thanks FE.

Ref Highlighted part above , if we talk of equality, why can the lady not have four husbands ?

Why are all laws in favor of the male ?

She can marry after the breakage of first one. Islam is the fist religion which allow woman to re-marry. But she can has one husband at a time. I think u are mature enough to understand the problem with more than one..........

Its in favour of both.
Thanks for suggestion but no need for this complex solution if we have a simple one. I already said the creator knows what is best for us :)

Hi FE, no need to reply to that idiot. Hes not serious, hes jst in here to create some trouble for fun.
Thanks for the support dear. I just want to clear their concepts. I know I'm not maulana but have very little knowledge and want to share. Its our duty to protect Islam.
At the cost of entering uncharted territory, my 1st thoughts on reading this post are what equality are we talking of for women if :

a man can marry four of them ?

He can shed her at will .

Domestic slavery remains if she is not permitted to exit the house / home to pursue her own interests / profession in the manner she feels fit.

..and so many more.

No one ( including me) I feel has the right to comment on another religion as these are very personal decisions which have been arrived at after centuries of trial & error or thought.

Hence, even though I feel differently on a No of issues raised in the previous posts - I'll reserve my comments except for the one I read that said that the ladies should be killed for praying in a manner considered incorrect.This I feel is not in order by any standards.

Let's see what the Qur'an states about your question of marrying four wives;

Marry woman of your choice in twos' threes' or fours' but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, (with them), then only one' [Al-Qur'an 4:3]

In the same chapter i.e. Surah Nisa verse 129 says:

'It is very difficult to be just and fair between women'. [Al-Qur'an (4:129)]

Sheikh Ahmad Deedat Late (may Allah swt bless his soule) has put it very nicely.

Islam is a beautiful religion which has the solution to every problem and for that you have to throw away the garbage which this corrupted corporate media has injected into your innocent mind and open the great book of Qur'an and see it yourself what it really states and if you don't get a detailed answer from the Qur'an directly, you can then read different books of the sayings and doings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to clarify any doubt.
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I don't get it i don't see anything wrong with the pic 0_o.
What's wrong with last 3 pics? :undecided:

I don't get it, as I'm not a Muslim. Will somebody explain or translate the captions?
In first pic. Women CANNOT lead prayer.
in 2nd pic the women is wearing boot and giving Azan which is not allowed. Boots are allowed only if you are in active war battlefield. And i think azan is not allowed either by women.
In 3rd pic the Peoples party leader Benezir friend is sitting there.
I don't get it i don't see anything wrong with the pic 0_o.
You are not Muslim. Its religious matter. Its like someone who is not supposed to be a Pop or Father is acting like one.
Yea i might not be a muslim but i have a few friends that are so yea please try to explain cause i don't see anything wrong with the pics sereiously how can you say they are pretending to be a father 0_0.
Yea i might not be a muslim but i have a few friends that are so yea please try to explain cause i don't see anything wrong with the pics sereiously how can you say they are pretending to be a father 0_0.
Women cannot lead prayer.
Women atleast when praying should cover her body fully.
You cannot wear boots when praying unless you are in active battlefield.

They are disgracing Islam. Just trying to give a view that such things are allowed in Islam.Let me be clear. NO SUCH THING YOU SEE ABOVE IS ALLOWED IN ISLAM. I can bet that many of these women dont even know the exact wordings of prayer.
Women cannot lead prayer.
Women atleast when praying should cover her body fully.
You cannot wear boots when praying unless you are in active battlefield.

They are disgracing Islam. Just trying to give a view that such things are allowed in Islam.Let me be clear. NO SUCH THING YOU SEE ABOVE IS ALLOWED IN ISLAM. I can bet that many of these women dont even know the exact wordings of prayer.

"Women cannot lead prayer." that sounds sexesed womens should be aloud to do the things that we do.

and i don't know how that is discracing islam =P i mean i certenaly got no bad view of islam after seening that.
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