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Who says Chinese products are crap?

ya i kno sung is korean name. who cares as long as they sound stupid as yours do too. hw are u khuj lee? hw is ur sister "aam chus lee" ? :D
``lol again those sound like korean name too```well``as it is said, IQ is a genetic thing
People are obviously talking about consumer products here. Or you do you buy Huawei products to set up your own 4g network:lol:
my properties in London all using Huawei, ZTZ routers and other network kits```but it seems indians answering all the calls``and the service is really crapy
I appreciate their creativity in small electronic goods ,they are unbelievably cheaper but quality is very poor
i think ure too high on gutter oil :rofl:

It was that Western News Anchor who said that, not me. :lol:

He said it was appropriate, because in India there is **** all over the floor. As we all saw during the Commonwealth games.
``lol again those sound like korean name too```well``as it is said, IQ is a genetic thing

ask any pakistani or any indian what those korean or whatever sounding names mean. lol u guys have one of the most frikkin hilarious names :rofl: --> Mr. muth lee
There is no need to get frustrated mate, its not just the Indians who think that chinese brands are pile of shyte, the whole world does.

Yet even one of our brands (ICBC) has net assets of over US$2 trillion.

One single Chinese company is worth more than the entire Indian economy. :rofl:

And which is the biggest computer company in India? Lenovo, another Chinese brand. :lol:
my properties in London all using Huawei, ZTZ routers and other network kits```but it seems indians answering all the calls``and the service is really crapy

Perhaps Indians wouldn't have to answer all your calls in your imaginary tale if your second rate stuff didn't break down so often in the first place.

Hence proves the theory, Chinese products are crap (as attested by a Chinese himself)
ask any pakistani or any indian what those korean or whatever sounding names mean. lol u guys have one of the most frikkin hilarious names :rofl: --> Mr. muth lee

so whats the made in China has anything to do with east asian names? lol```third time``your IQ
Yet even one of our brands (ICBC) has net assets of over US$2 trillion.

One single Chinese company is worth more than the entire Indian economy. :rofl:

And which is the biggest computer company in India? Lenovo, another Chinese brand. :lol:

Can Bank be considered a consumer product? Not sure. Again we are talking about Consumer products here. Yes Lenovo is good,thanks to its IBM pedigree, cause lets face it no one had even heard about Lenovo till it took over IBM's PC business.
There is no need to get frustrated mate, its not just the Indians who think that chinese brands are pile of shyte, the whole world does.
an Indian wants to represent the whole world`lol``well i'd say whole delusional world indeed``
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