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Xinhua: 5 killed in terrorist attack in diplomatic area in Pakistan's Karachi

Game is much bigger than CPEC and its reference and involvement of BLA in this attack is used just as bait as this will serve two purpose with one shot.
Whether there is a possibility for a more coordinated and joint efforts to hold the ground is there to be seen....
The BLA is listed as a terrorist organization by Pakistan and the United Kingdom. The BLA has not been declared as a terrorist organization by the US, EU and India.

Two police guards deployed at the Chinese Consulate Karachi embraced martyrdom during terror attack
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Sorry guys but i am posting this graphic image so the others get the message that we will blow out the very brain and eyes that will even think of harming Pakistan or even stare at it.


Well-done once again to Pakistani sniper.

I'm confused.

Says the attack on the Chinese was carried out by Balochistani separatists.

But the Chinese are there to improve the livelihood of Balochistanis by developing Balochistan, especially Gwadar.

So why are the millitants attacking those that are building infrastructure for them?

The BLA is a group of terrorists run by the Indian intelligence agencies in Pakistan. They started life as a bunch of tribal leaders who tried to use violence to get more control in the area. The were regularly defeated by the military, but our weak leaders do not have the courage to hang thier leaders, so each generation has to deal with this snake again and again.
Sorry guys but i am posting this graphic image so the others get the message that we will blow out the very brain and eyes that will even think of harming Pakistan or even stare at it.


Well-done once again to Pakistani sniper.

I have to admit Pak sniper school is world class!!! I hope they expand it considerably!!! Anyway finding talents and grooming them are another ball game....
Listen you unemployed call centre clown, do you have any other life except to crawl on Pakistani threads.
Have you ever bothered to check what's happening in your own country or does India for you creatures only exists in Mumbai and Delhi.
Two Persons Killed in Explosion in Assam, Police Suspect ULFA(I) Behind Attack
Lol...Who is preaching ? Some one whose life depends on no of toilets in india ! Carry on.!
Its done by Indian sponsored terrorist group..

Salute to Policemen who lost their lives protecting our guests.
Whether there is a possibility for a more coordinated and joint efforts to hold the ground is there to be seen....
Afghan end game has started, the fate of current Afghan government and whole POLITICAL SETUP is in doldrums, former Northern Alliance who was the allied to India has weaken due to their own differences, now Russia and China are taking active role in the resolution of Afghan problem, at this stage India who have used Afghanistan with the help of USA and Afghan Governments as launchpad of terrorism against Pakistan have to secure its role in the future of Afghanistan.

Involvement of Russia and China in peace process of Afghanistan means limited role of US as compare to previous in Afghanistan, so India and USA are natural allies in this case, further we know USA was officially implementing the policy of dislodging Pakistan from Afghanistan and for this all those efforts for negotiations in which Pakistan tried to take lead was killed by USA just as examples recall the Announcement of Mullah Umar death by former Afghan president Karzai after a successful round of negotiation with Taliban in Peshawar during which declaration of ceasefire was expected in the next round the very next day, keep in mind death of Mullah Omar was known to CIA and ISI than killing of Mullah Mansoor who was a pro-negotiation Leader of Afghan Taliban and now he current rally of terrorism which begins just 1 day before the last peace talks in Moscow with the killing of Mulana Sami ul Haq.

Now by this it is clear that someone want China out from Afghanistan and want to engage them in other direction which will give excuse to the pro-status quo forces in Afghanistan excuse to stay and continue their dirty game in future as well.
I dont think thats gonna help.

Anyhow the prompt response made sure that civilian casualties did not happen and for that we lost two brave sons of Pakistan whose sacrifice will not be forgotten and may Allah grant them a place in heaven.

It seems the baloch terror outfits have focused entirely on CPEC and Chinese elements which highlights that they were as before and are now nothing more than terrorists who are actively seeking death and have no just in their cause. Continuous raids and attacks have driven them to afghanistan and into mountains and the constant surrender have broken their backs forcing them to utilize terror tactics of suicide bombing. Their handlers are using them for the sole purpose of destabilization. they will fail in their mission and it will only result in humiliation for these outfits. They were hated before even among their kin. They will be hated even more now.
Can you guy's see why I keep saying Pakistan needs to cut back on superfluous defence expenditure [navy, large armour component etc] and massively invest in internal security ~ probably need about another 600,000 men raised to actively police the country.

Most western embassies already look like forts with travel warnings in place. Now even our 'ironclad' brother is going to have to live in a consultate that will resemble a fort with officials seiged in. This is ridicalous. In no other country worty anything do you see this. Moscow, Berlin, Washington, Kaula Lumpur, istanbul, New Delhi. Only Kabul has similiar environment and they are at war !
5 killed in terrorist attack in diplomatic area in Pakistan's Karachi
Source: Xinhua | 2018-11-23 15:22:30

ISLAMABAD, Nov. 23 (Xinhua) -- At least five people including two policemen were killed on Friday morning in a terrorist attack in the diplomatic area in Pakistan's southern port city of Karachi, police and hospital officials said.

Deputy Inspector General of Police of Karachi South Region Javed Alam confirmed that two policemen and three other unknown persons were killed when a group of terrorists opened fire at them in the diplomatic zone where several foreign missions are located in Clifton area of Karachi.

Around three to four terrorists riding on a vehicle reached the area and started firing and hurled a couple of hand grenades at the police personnel deployed for security of the area.

Director of the Jinnah Hospital Karachi Seemi Jamali told media that overall five bodies and one injured have been shifted to the hospital.

Two of the deceased are recognized as the police personnel, but others are not recognized yet, said the hospital director.

Soon after the gunfire, police, security forces and commandos of Pakistan army rushed to the site, cordoned off the area and launched an operation against the terrorists.

Karachi's police chief Amir Sheikh said at least three terrorists have been killed in the encounter with the security forces. Two suicide jackets were also found from the killed terrorists, the police chief said.

Exchange of fire has been stopped and security forces and police are conducting search operation, the police chief said.

The bomb disposal squad is clearing the area and is diffusing the explosive devices planted by the terrorists, police said.

All roads leading to the diplomatic area have been closed for public and media. A state of emergency has been declared in all the hospitals in the city.

A separatist group, Balochistan Liberation Army, reportedly claimed the attack but there is no official confirmation on it.

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But the Chinese are there to improve the livelihood of Balochistanis by developing Balochistan, especially Gwadar.
This is symptom of a country that spends too much money on it's borders and high seas but entirely neglects internal security. The typical Pakistani response is going to be "foreign hands did it". Of course they never sask the obvious fcukin question "why do so many foreigners have thir hands up our a*ss?".

Fact is Pakistan needs to cut back on external defence [rely on nuclear deterance] and then raise at least 600,000 men from the mass of young unemployed to carry out internal security and nation building.

I am just curious what would China do if Pakistan embassy was attacked in downtown Beijing, then US embassy was attacked etc? Would that not raise questions about your internal security? Or would you blame "foreign hands" like Israel, Veitnam, Taiwan etc?
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