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Welcome inferiority complex: Lets discuss skin colour

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Philip the Arab

Oct 26, 2018
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United States
Did they find the Whitest Pakistanis for pilots they could? They could have been a little more realistic.
Did they find the Whitest Pakistanis for pilots they could? They could have been a little more realistic.

Maybe next time they hire this guy?


Or find a half breed?

Look, I'm just saying that they could have found the average Pakistani, instead of looking for uncommon people.
You think Tom Cruise is "common people"?

could have found the average Pakistani
I have seen Arab television. All I see there is buxom, Italian wannabe types flouting around. Hardly typical of your typical groid/semite Arab like Prince Bandar? Are they?
You think Tom Cruise is "common people"?

I have seen Arab television. All I see there is buxom, Italian wannabe types flouting around. Hardly typical of your typical groid/semite Arab like Prince Bandar? Are they?
Many Arabs especially in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan are fairly light skin and it's not an uncommon thing except in GCC. In Pakistan it's much more uncommon to have very light skin people.
No offence mate asides from the minority Levant [who have huge infusion of Euro blood from the Crusades] the majority of Arabian peninsula is ocean of semite/negro mix. I have seen Yemenis in UK with their typical fuzzy wuzzy hair.

Many Arabs especially in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan are fairly light skin and it's not an uncommon thing except in GCC. In Pakistan it's much more uncommon to have very light skin people.
Huge parts of Pakistan have fair skinned people with blonde, blue eyes even. GCC is just a swamp of semito-negros with a thin veneer of royalty at top who have married Syrians, Ukranians, French etc.
No offence mate asides from the minority Levant [who have huge infusion of Euro blood from the Crusades] the majority of Arabian peninsula is ocean of semite/negro mix. I have seen Yemenis in UK with their typical fuzzy wuzzy hair.

Huge parts of Pakistan have fair skinned people with blonde, blue eyes even. GCC is just a swamp of semito-negros with a thin veneer of royalty at top who have married Syrians, Ukranians, French etc.
GCC makes up a minority of Arabs you know? GCC has way less films than Egypt, Syria, Lebanon hence why you see Arabs being lighter.
Look, I'm just saying that they could have found the average Pakistani, instead of looking for uncommon people.

He's probably pashtun who are usually lighter skinned, the guy with the beard just looks like an ordinary Punjabi
Jordan, Lebanon have tiny population. They are hardly typical of Arabs. You forget 40 million Sudanese, 60 million Egyptians, 30 million Yemeni, 30 million Saudi's most of whom are black on black and would fit in some American negro hood like glove around a hand. So take chill pill. We are not all ignorant okay.
This is PM of Arab Sudan. Population 40 milion that would swamp out Jordan which has population no bigger then large city. Typical Semitic Negro that is large % of Arab population.


No, lol it isn't. Arabs are semites and fit in the same category as Caucasian in most Arab countries except Western Yemen, Sudan, and Southern Egypt.

You know nothing. These aren't even the whites Pakistani
They are many shades lighter than 100% of the many Pakistanis I have met.
Many Arabs especially in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan are fairly light skin and it's not an uncommon thing except in GCC. In Pakistan it's much more uncommon to have very light skin people.

Really, have you been to Pakistan or is it another one of your unsubstantiated "theories" which you seem to have plenty of on this forum?
Really, have you been to Pakistan or is it another one of your unsubstantiated "theories" which you seem to have plenty of on this forum?
I'm going off personal experience of Pakistani Americans. I have met hundreds and all of them have had skin significantly darker than these men in the video.
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