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Indian Army Removing Fences Along LOC

Unlike Pakistan, India never pay any critical importance to Army...So there are multiple occasions where we demonize them

It may be a tactic to divert attention from public unrest internally..I do not think any kind of war is happening..
Economy is goinh down since last one year...If BJP plan for more war uncle sam and Gulfies again influence to stop it

Modi has based his whole Election Campaign around Pakistan and Teaching Pakistan lesson, not just that but he was already seen as a Anti Muslim and extreme Pro Hindu leader because of his Past ( Gujrat riots ) His reforms whichever he did in other aspects of Indian society are on one side, but his resolve towards Pakistan, Attacking it, Cross border raids , Isolating Pakistan is something which Indian Majorities see praiseworthy , If it was just for RSS and Extremist Hindu's I wouldn't worry much as we have our own share of Extremists, but what baffles me that Indian Educated class, Artists , Sportsmen , Lawyers , young and youth are falling for it .

Modi and BJP knows very well what kind of reaction they will get from 370 and CAB and yet they decide to ignore it, now it could be two things here, 1) Either Modi/BJP wants a conflict between Hindu's and Muslims in India , 2) OR they don't care about the Muslim sentiments or their rights , both cases are bad for India's internal Politics and India's soft image of been a Secular nation/Largest Democracy . Modi has done what was expected of him ( At least in my opinion ) and now if situation did not comes under his control than he will have to use either excessive force or a strong diversion , and no other diversion can be better than a Attack in Kashmir on IA and blame it on Pakistan, or Claiming some recent Violation happening from Pakistan side and go ahead with a limited War strategy . We also can not ignore that J&K is not settled down, the region is in Curfew and still the Kashmiri's are not been able to share their openly to the outside world, yes the world care less and less as time goes by, but All it takes a Pulwama for Kashmir to become the Headlines in International Media .
News of blockage of Nelum valley road by indian Army and firing on civ vehicles are pouring in.? Can anyone confirm according to tourist police enemy fired on a freight truck some 30 min ago.
all news of indian army in neelum valley is false.don't trust indian twitter handlers.it's true that there is war like situation.
I want to say something but i i can't. As the forum guidelines state we cant report live action. But something really big is happening as im watching anxiously from my rooftop...

May Allah Give us All courage to die honorable deaths and fight till the end. Protect our women and children while we die. Ameen.
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I want to say something but i i can't. As the forum guidelines state we cant report live action. But something really big is happening as im watching anxiously from my rooftop...

May Allah Give us Alla courage to die honorable deaths and fight till the end. Protect our women and children while we die. Ameen.
Tensions in Neelam Valley?
I want to say something but i i can't. As the forum guidelines state we cant report live action. But something really big is happening as im watching anxiously from my rooftop...

May Allah Give us Alla courage to die honorable deaths and fight till the end. Protect our women and children while we die. Ameen.

Plz enlighten us. Dont give big detail but some clue?
The last time your lady boys tried to free anything on Pakistan "occupied" kashmiris' soil and tried to rename the neelam river to kishanganga, you had to loose to jet fighters and hand over a dozen indian posts along the loc to Pakistan. :lol:


stick with turning your brains into yogurt over fake news, try to make it real news and we'll turn you into chicken feed!
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There is some really heavy shelling going on at the border since this morning. And it’s the big guns every 15,30 seconds non stop.
I want to say something but i i can't. As the forum guidelines state we cant report live action. But something really big is happening as im watching anxiously from my rooftop...

May Allah Give us All courage to die honorable deaths and fight till the end. Protect our women and children while we die. Ameen.


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