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Israeli guest loses his $hit due to colour of saree worn by anchor!

Look again, she is wearing Green and Magenta. Combine that with her black hair and whitish skin and you get the complete Palestinian color palette! That might have triggered a hypersensitive person. You and I can eat fistful of peanuts, but for a person with peanut allergy, that can prove deadly.
So now she has to be mindful of her hair color and complexion? If the guest is hypersensitive, that's on him - he was the one reading into her motives where none existed. By the way, one third of the Indian flag is green in color - should we change that, to assuage hypersensitive Israelis?

The guest was being ridiculous, and to her credit, the anchor lady patiently explained it to him.
There is no need to apologize. That anchor is an idiot and lacks conviction that is why she is giving an explanation about her saree being an heirloom. Someone else with conviction would have replied that the color of her saree is no one's fucking concern.

For once, I agree with an Indian.
There is no need to apologize. ...

Someone else with conviction would have replied that the color of her saree is no one's fucking concern.
She did not apologize, and she said precisely that - she said that she will not allow anybody to dictate what clothes she wears. I thought she handled it remarkably well.
She did not apologize, and she said precisely that - she said that she will not allow anybody to dictate what clothes she wears. I thought she handled it remarkably well.
Fair enough. But her explanation was unnecessary
I couldn't believe this moron actually said this πŸ˜‚. The zionists have gone nuts.
But as a media 'executive editor', was she really ignorant of the symbolism of the color combination? If so, she is not a good news person. My advice: Next time, please don't wear a Swastika pattern on your dress or jewelry or body art when sitting for an interview with an Israeli.
Are you saying that Israel or Israelis are such a wuss that they felt threaten by the colors of a women's saree? Seriously wtf!
Are you saying that Israel or Israelis are such a wuss that they felt threaten by the colors of a women's saree? Seriously wtf!
Oh, come on; Imagine during one of Pakistan's wars with India, a TV interviewer had worn a dress combination of Orange white and green for an interview in London or New York with a Pakistani government official. Don't you think he would have been triggered and gone bananas?
this is called "clutching the straws" when a random interaction between two no-name individuals is news
White and Blue will prevail.

I find it hilarious that Indians are actually defending the nut to fulfil the "phul support saar" mantra.
Whoever this Frederic is, is an idiot. He has no business to tell her, what she should wear and not wear. He shouldn't be coming to discussions, if he can't handle simple things like what one wears and what one says. Period.

Good for the anchor, she clearly laid down that - what happened at the hospital is horrible and criminal. A hospital should never be attacked, and like she said there are two versions out there. No one's a know it all, to know what exactly happened so a balance has to be maintained while mentioning the event.

Appreciate her that she remained calm, and told this guy that she won't let him decide stuff for her. He should GTFO of the program, if he is so sensitive. He is an imbecile.
Israeli guy assumes she is wearing Palestinian flag colours, red, green, and black. While she assumes it is about religion. Both have wrong assumptions.

For Palestinians it is about their lost land and identity which includes Palestinian Christians, and any kind of Palestinian. Several members of Palestinian negotiating teams were Christian. Hanan Ashrawi and Saeb Erakat are examples.
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