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F-INSAS update?

I've been looking for some substantial information on this new rifle. Can't seem to find any.
I've been looking for some substantial information on this new rifle. Can't seem to find any.


The poster behind MSMC is all we got....:cry:
Oh yeah, I've seen that. Strange looking thing I must say. At least it's a bull-pup rifle!
That thread, was that from a North East Indian's blog? There was a review of the Insas that looks similar to that.

It was by him, but cant find his review..


And from the forum and site called indiansforguns..

Yep and don't worry I gave full credit to the guy.

I did not write this article, all credit goes to member Cottage Cheese over at indiansforguns.com

The poster behind MSMC is all we got....:cry:

I don't think this is a battle rifle, judging from the clip size it probably accepts handgun or PDW caliber rounds. Surely it isn't meant to replaced the INSAS.
Oh alright, I didnt see that.

I don't think this is a battle rifle, judging from the clip size it probably accepts handgun or PDW caliber rounds. Surely it isn't meant to replaced the INSAS.

Ya, it looks strange, but thats the only thing we got..

The gun seems to be in this video also. And if you look at the background of the video, you can see the same poster.

No offence but id prefer an AK or G3 over Insas anytime..... thts just a sub standard hybrid of ak-g3 tht cant even fire in auto mode.

I rather have non of them..
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I don't think this is a battle rifle, judging from the clip size it probably accepts handgun or PDW caliber rounds. Surely it isn't meant to replaced the INSAS.

Just to clarify, the rifle we are talking about is the one in the poster behind the handgun. But you're right even that gun has a small clip. Like I said, I have yet to see some substantial information on this.

The poster behind MSMC is all we got....:cry:
From the magazine, it seems like the caliber of the bullet will be smaller than the standard insas rounds. Maybe comparable to the SMG ammo.
If not, then the gun has to huge(by going at its dimension)
What was the need to open a new thread. Every posted in this thread is already posted 5-10 times on defense.pk
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