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ISRAEL and BRITISH defence

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Dec 24, 2010
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Hi, i think its time this forum grew a little. Wouldnt it be good to include Israel and British (more specifically English) defence section to this forum as well. What do you guys think?
So what if Pakistan doesnt recognize Israel? Israel does have a military and this is a military forum. So why not include Israel and British defence to this forum as well!
British defense sure
Israel defense :rofl: sure when they stop occupying Palestine. :rolleyes:
^By your logic, Afghan defence should be removed as well since its also an occupied country :azn:
Israel will soon be annihilated anyways, my insider sources tell me that the Indians have planned to nuke the Middle East and Israel and will then get oil from those lands to become a sooperdoopertrooperlooper power
^sure whatever you say. But what are you doing. Code of Karachi-ites: we dont troll on each other posts. What are you doing? Kindly, if you have nothing good to say please refrain from posting. Thanks
Dont you guys think that by including Israel and British defence, this forum will attract more members and would grow. I like this forum and would love to get updates and info on British and Israeli defence forces. Thanks
Dont you guys think that by including Israel and British defence, this forum will attract more members and would grow. I like this forum and would love to get updates and info on British and Israeli defence forces. Thanks

Why do we need more Israeli members when we already have Indians to troll in thier stead.
As for Brits, we're really not patriotic at all except when they'res football matches on, even that will end, we just lost to Italy.:angry:
The mods believe it will anger Islamists if they decided to open up an Israeli defense section. I believe their argument was "we'd get more trouble than good if we opened it up".
The mods believe it will anger Islamists if they decided to open up an Israeli defense section. I believe their argument was "we'd get more trouble than good if we opened it up".

The quote you posted and the reason you gave doesn't match, stop putting words into peoples mouths.
I think it's a great idea. Maybe some interaction with Isreali's might help some members here to look beyond their preconcieved notions. Also Isreal exists, therefore let us accept reality. Closing your eyes does not change reality.

We absolutlely reject and oppose Indian occupation of Kashmir but it would leap of logic to say India should be 'unrecognized'. Or that there should be no 'Indian section' in PDF.
The quote you posted and the reason you gave doesn't match, stop putting words into peoples mouths.
You need to go get a few more English lessons, it makes perfect sense for anyone who understands English.

I'll simplify: Making an Israeli defense section would anger Islamists and their like on this site, thus cause more harm than good.
You know, you could use Google to look up definitions of words you do not understand.
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