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A Tale Of Two Bengals Where Never The Twain Shall Meet

What are your views on this? Also please explain.
i basically think it is very wrong to not bring to consideration ethnic minorities like Chakma. and even if you take Bengali Muslims as homogeneous i think we should still consider the heterogeneous roots. after about Partition we started to make groupings like who is a Bangali and Mohajir and Bihari and so on, but there is still a lot of overlap between these. not only historically but also for example many ethnic Bangalis have been Urdu-speaking - so sometimes it's confusing to put Bangali and Urduwala into two separate groups. also historically Muslims of Bengal were not Bengali, they were..just Muslims. i would agree though if you said we are all one nationality (and so an ethnicity called Bangladeshi?)
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Hummm,I think your understanding the ethnicity matter about BD is somewhat cloudy to say the least.The reason for independent nation was not based on religion, culture or bangali ethnicity. It was based on mistreatment, dominant attitude, poor management, racial discrimination based on color,language etc.
We are Bangladeshi first.there are bangali,chakma,arakan,mog ,kooki,shaowtal to name a few ethnic groups in BD.
And the people you are referring are very few in groups, who wants to glorify the bangali chetona.which is a relatively new trend in BD.
my take on it: an independent nation (whether it was achieved or not) was based on Muslim demographics to protect the socioeconomic and cultural interests of Muslims of then British India. Bengali Muslims in particular were hit very hard by the fall of the Mughal empire and by a system benefiting Hindus and Brahmins that existed for about two centuries. whatever difference, real or perceived, arising between people in those Muslim states later on does not voluntarily alter the premise .i.e. Lahore Resolution on which the Muslim state(states) was(were) separated from secular-Hindu India
Yes I realise there is diversity in Bangladesh, sometimes even in the same family you can have different looks. But I am worried about the future. We live close to people who shouldn't even belong in South Asia (the mongoloids). And history shows people inevitably start getting mixed when they live close by. We have to guard our borders with barbed wire, and even take measures of electrocuting anyone trying to enter.
Kid how many times i have to explain this?? Nobody in India wants to go to your pathetic sinking country.On the other hand thousands of illegal BD'S are just dying to come to India to work in sweat shops for small amoumt of money.Stop giving to much importance to your unimportant pathetic,small and sinking country.

But I don't want them coming into our lands. Them coming for trade and business is fine, but I don't them coming over and changing our genetics.
Kid how many times i have to explain this?? Nobody in India wants to go to your pathetic sinking country.On the other hand thousands of illegal BD'S are just dying to come to India to work in sweat shops for small amoumt of money.Stop giving to much importance to your unimportant pathetic,small and sinking country.

Its East Bengalis I'm addressing with.....who falls in deficit of both race and religion politics simultaneously:lol:
Well said,these delusional BD's think too high for themselves.The reality is nobody gives a damn about there country.Some idiots are even thinking of reuniting WB with BD :rofl:

. I think you West Bengal folk should turn against India and take to the streets, and seek an independent West Bengal.
That is the main problem.you think too much,stop applying your useless brain which is good for nothing :rofl:
. And when the conditions are right we can then reunite as a bigger, more powerful Bengal nation. We will be one of the world's richest in total GDP.
Bangladesh is a fast growing economy and has been included in Goldman Sach's Next11 report they've compiled and also in the Global Growth Generators countries, a separate Citigroup study.
First try to make something other than underwears and lungis. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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We don't mind renaming our combined country Bengal. You think Bangladesh is a name derived from, or inspired by, Islam don't you? It's not. In fact, the name 'Bangladesh' can be found in Bengali literature in 19th Century Bengal, perhaps even earlier. It simply means land of Bengal. I am sure Hindus of West Bengal won't mind keeping the name Bangladesh. Either will do. We have gotten over our religious differences. These days people are not that religious anyway, so a reunification based on a secular state, where people can openly follow Islam, Hinduism, or have no religious affiliation, is fine.

I am not talking about renaming any combined country, that isn't happening, I am saying the only way you can have a country named Greater Bengal is by renaming Bangladesh in its existing shape and size, :) btw I know Bangladesh is not an Islamic name, but asking West Bengalis to join Bangladesh is as crazy as asking Shikhs to join Pakistan. :lol:

And the bold part is not true at all, the religious differences still exist and it is getting stronger with each passing day, radicalization is on the rise in Bangladesh and Bangladesh is on its way to become a much more hardliner conservative Muslim country, something that we consider as regressive.

Culturally West Bengal and Bangladesh are drifting apart, Bengalis of West Bengal are becoming more and more liberal & cosmopolitan, while it seems that the Bangladeshis are more willing to go the opposite way.
i basically think it is very wrong to not bring to consideration ethnic minorities like Chakma. and even if you take Bengali Muslims as homogeneous i think we should still consider the heterogeneous roots. after about Partition we started to make groupings like who is a Bangali and Mohajir and Bihari and so on, but there is still a lot of overlap between these. not only historically but also for example many ethnic Bangalis have been Urdu-speaking - so sometimes it's confusing to put Bangali and Urduwala into two separate groups. also historically Muslims of Bengal were not Bengali, they were..just Muslims. i would agree though if you said we are all one nationality (and so an ethnicity called Bangladeshi?)

I don't know about you but as far as I am concerned the Chakma and other tribal peoples should be thrown out of the country. There is a danger their blood might get mixed at some point in the future. If I had my way I would even be willing to kill them.

Interesting point you made with this line: "What had 1947 Partition to do with one ethnicity? not only was formation of East Pak/Bangladesh not involving just one ethnicity, the whole history of Muslims of Bengal had a dynamic heterogenous ethnic pool of people"

Do you think the mainstream populations of West Bengal and Bangladesh are ethnically slightly different? If we are then I suppose it would make sense we stay separate, but if we are exactly the same then there is no reason why reunification with us (not with them) shouldn't be on the cards.
Do you think the mainstream populations of West Bengal and Bangladesh are ethnically slightly different? If we are then I suppose it would make sense we stay separate, but if we are exactly the same then there is no reason why reunification with us (not with them) shouldn't be on the cards.
Reunification of WB with BD is just impossible,Ethinicity or religion doesnt matter here.If you are thinking of Greater Bengal then think of joining BD with India,if you think otherwise then you are living in delusions because nobody wants to join small,less devloped,tecnologically backward and weak country like BD.
I don't know about you but as far as I am concerned the Chakma and other tribal peoples should be thrown out of the country. There is a danger their blood might get mixed at some point in the future. If I had my way I would even be willing to kill them.

A neo-Hitlar in the making!! :drag:

Do you think the mainstream populations of West Bengal and Bangladesh are ethnically slightly different? If we are then I suppose it would make sense we stay separate, but if we are exactly the same then there is no reason why reunification with us (not with them) shouldn't be on the cards.
It is not possible because we are not interested, now stop acting like a schizophrenic. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
A neo-Hitlar in the making!! :drag:
Amd in other post he was talking about how Hindu and Muslims have resolved ther differences and live pecefully,just proves that how delusional BD's are.
Amd in other post he was talking about how Hindu and Muslims have resolved ther differences and live pecefully,just proves that how delusional BD's are.

This guy is particularly interesting, at 24 he plans to become an adviser to the Bangladesh government. Interesting days ahead for Bangladesh I must say. :-)
This guy is particularly interesting, at 24 he plans to become an adviser to the Bangladesh government. Interesting days ahead for Bangladesh I must say. :-)
Yeah BD's dream and think too much.
A neo-Hitlar in the making!! :drag:

It is not possible because we are not interested, now stop acting like a schizophrenic. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I have gone over the top here. I didn't really mean it. I think we should just keep the ones we will already have in the country but build a border all around Bangladesh so no more can get in the future. History has shown what happens when people of different ethnicities live together in the same area - eventually the blending becomes inevitable.

Amd in other post he was talking about how Hindu and Muslims have resolved ther differences and live pecefully,just proves that how delusional BD's are.
The people of West Bengal are broadly similar to us in ethnicity, genetics, culture. I think you will find most Bangladeshis would put ethnicity before religion. Many Bangladeshis are indeed supporting Pakistan over India, but if there was a West Bengal national team in this world cup (assuming they were a sovereign nation state here), then I think you will find Bangladeshis would have supported the Hindu WB over Muslim Pakistan. However, India consists of many ethnic groups so therefore Pakistan is the more obvious choice, as they at least share religion with us.

Do you seriously think Bangladesh would support Pakistan if there was a war between Pakistan and West Bengal? Of course not. Against India, yes, most Bangladeshis would support Pakistan.
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I have gone over the top here. I didn't really mean it. I think we should just keep the ones we will already have in the country but build a border all around Bangladesh so no more can get in the future. History has shown what happens when people of different ethnicities live together in the same area - eventually the blending becomes inevitable.

The people of West Bengal are broadly similar to us in ethnicity, genetics, culture. I think you will find most Bangladeshis would put ethnicity before religion. Many Bangladeshis are indeed supporting Pakistan over India, but if there was a West Bengal national team in this world cup (assuming they were a sovereign nation state here), then I think you will find Bangladeshis would have supported the Hindu WB over Muslim Pakistan. However, India consists of many ethnic groups so therefore Pakistan is the more obvious choice, as they at least share religion with us.

Do you seriously think Bangladesh would support Pakistan if there was a war between Pakistan and West Bengal? Of course not. Against India, yes, most Bangladeshis would support Pakistan.
What it has to do with what i said??
I don't know about you but as far as I am concerned the Chakma and other tribal peoples should be thrown out of the country. There is a danger their blood might get mixed at some point in the future. If I had my way I would even be willing to kill them.

Interesting point you made with this line: "What had 1947 Partition to do with one ethnicity? not only was formation of East Pak/Bangladesh not involving just one ethnicity, the whole history of Muslims of Bengal had a dynamic heterogenous ethnic pool of people"

Do you think the mainstream populations of West Bengal and Bangladesh are ethnically slightly different? If we are then I suppose it would make sense we stay separate, but if we are exactly the same then there is no reason why reunification with us (not with them) shouldn't be on the cards.

What is so 'dangerous' about blood getting mixed?
Do you seriously think Bangladesh would support Pakistan if there was a war between Pakistan and West Bengal? Of course not. Against India, yes, most Bangladeshis would support Pakistan.

This statement has an inherent fallacy.
India going to war against Pakistan means West Bengal going to war against Pakistan.

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