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Afghan Taliban spokesperson mocks Pakistan

Pakistanis destroyed a half a century relationship with the 5 eyes for the Taliban. You stupid idiots brainwashed by Osama bin Dickhead.

Now you willl pay a price for your ummah chumma daydream nonsense.

Pakistan should have teamed up with NATO to rout Afghanistan and you would be labelled as champions of freedom and all the trade would have followed. TTP would never have existed and Afghanistan would have been neutered for good. They would have even declared durand line as a hard border.
Afghan Taliban will stand around 10 minutes in open warfare...

Then they will go to their caves and start guerilla war....the terrorism will inevitably spill over and rest of world will join Hunt
Pakistan has no intention of entertaining childish rhetoric when it comes to securing the homeland.

Afghanistan must make better use of their discoveries like the internet.
The best strategy is to raise a militia backed by army, This is the best strategy. Turkey used it to keep a buffer in Syria.

Since talib are not going to honour their word that their land will not be used against their neighbours.

Then its time to take action.

Lastly all the american weapons left behind are being used against Pakistan. anyone thinking that amrika is their 'khair khwa' then they are equally idiotic as those who support talib.

nuff said
Pakistanis destroyed a half a century relationship with the 5 eyes for the Taliban. You stupid idiots brainwashed by Osama bin Dickhead.

Now you willl pay a price for your ummah chumma daydream nonsense.

Pakistan should have teamed up with NATO to rout Afghanistan and you would be labelled as champions of freedom and all the trade would have followed. TTP would never have existed and Afghanistan would have been neutered for good. They would have even declared durand line as a hard border.

Public opinion was pro-Taliban and anti-Nato. Ofcourse the fault is GHQ (Zia era) which fostered this mindset but ultimately Musharraf had to toe a balanced line. The rot runs way too deep.
Pakistanis destroyed a half a century relationship with the 5 eyes for the Taliban.

What relationship? it was a transactional dealing where Pakistan was used to prevent Soviet hegemony in central and south Asia(Soviets would have taken afghanistan and then overthrown pakistan to connect to a USSR aligned India in a land corridor), after the collapse of the soviet union, there was no real benefit to the relationship for the US, if anything after the 90s, and into the 2000s with the emergence of China, the US needed India as a counterbalance, and with Pakistan's relationship with China, this sort of thing was inevitable.

The rest is wishful thinking. People don't seem to understand the hostility towards Pakistan by the Karzai administration, whether its the talibs or Karzai, the Afghans were hostile towards the Durand line, and whether the insurgency came via the talibs or whether it resembled something like the BLA/PTM, there is no guarantee that an insurgency wouldn't exist.

The mistake for Pakistan was not managing the Afghan issue better after the soviet collapse, where it became a hotbed for nonstate actors, and even after the US invasion, it could have been salvaged if Pakistan played a more active role in shaping the dynamics of the Afghan Govt, and leveraging access to the landlocked country to do so(its not like the US could access Afghanistan through Iran and the northern Russia route was never sustainable for geopolitical reasons). The Durand line issue should have been decisively settled then and there, as well as the fence issue, back when US money was flowing in with no restrictions.
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