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Believer of God,but does not follow any religion.

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Feb 17, 2011
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Friends ,romans, countrymen,lend me your years,

I was born as a muslim. When i grew up, began to form my on views and thoughts,like all of you.

I am here to share such a thought with you and ask your valuable opinions in understanding whether i am right or wrong.

I believe in god,i.e, i believe that there is creator who created everything and he is watching us all. But i don't follow any religion i.e even after being born a muslim i don't do namaz or go to mosque(which i used to do),neither do i go to temple nor church.
I do read holy books.
I believe that the real prayer to god should be the way in which we live ,i.e satisfy your duties to your family,society and fellow beings.
I can't agree with people who go to mosque or temple and are ready to fight for religion but doesn't care about one's own duties[they simply won't switch off a fan or tube light when not in use,will destroy public property,tease girls/others etc]

Whats your opinion on my views?
Everybody has his/her duties. It has to be first. According to Indian traditions, First Mom, then Dad, then Guru and then last comes GOD.
If we follow this, then there would be no problem at all.
For Some people country comes first before all these . :) Its not necessary to do ur prayers to be good.
Just be good at heart and do good to others. making a kid happy is equal to praying GOD 1000 times. :)
Btw. Have ur college became so free for u? :D :P
Come out of the hole..... Once I was like you... not going to church but believe there is a god..... But time changes and so does the mindset....
your views are your views. absolutely no problem

Come out of the hole..... Once I was like you... not going to church but believe there is a god..... But time changes and so does the mindset....
dont go to church
Everybody has his/her duties. It has to be first. According to Indian traditions, First Mom, then Dad, then Guru and then last comes GOD.
If we follow this, then there would be no problem at all.
For Some people country comes first before all these . :) Its not necessary to do ur prayers to be good.
Just be good at heart and do good to others. making a kid happy is equal to praying GOD 1000 times. :)
Btw. Have ur college became so free for u? :D :P

Everywhere is free for me yaar!
Come out of the hole..... Once I was like you... not going to church but believe there is a god..... But time changes and so does the mindset....

Go to church?or Go to mosque? Or Go to Temple? Or Go to Gurudwara?
i respect ur views bro,

dere are many hindus who share same views as u

follow the good teachings in ur religion and gud teachings in oder religions too

be good do good.... dats enuff
Religion is a personal matter for example Guru Nanak was born into a Hindu family but questioned many things he did not understand such as rituals etc as did Buddah who was seeking answers to lifes questions and wondered all over India until he reached enlightenment. Finding your own inner peace as well as respecting everyone is what matters not the dogma of religion that is just my own view.
Friends ,romans, countrymen,lend me your years,

I was born as a muslim. When i grew up, began to form my on views and thoughts,like all of you.

I am here to share such a thought with you and ask your valuable opinions in understanding whether i am right or wrong.

I believe in god,i.e, i believe that there is creator who created everything and he is watching us all. But i don't follow any religion i.e even after being born a muslim i don't do namaz or go to mosque(which i used to do),neither do i go to temple nor church.
I do read holy books.
I believe that the real prayer to god should be the way in which we live ,i.e satisfy your duties to your family,society and fellow beings.
I can't agree with people who go to mosque or temple and are ready to fight for religion but doesn't care about one's own duties[they simply won't switch off a fan or tube light when not in use,will destroy public property,tease girls/others etc]

Whats your opinion on my views?

Guess you are a malayalee. If so there is no wonder... because Atheism is gaining popularity in Kerala.
Good stuff bro, as long as you are happy, glad to hear your views.

I believe you would be an Agnostic then.

Agnostic = Believe in God, nut no specific religion
Atheist = Don't believe in God.

I fall into the Atheist category :devil:
Being a better honest person is way more tougher than being a follower of any random religion, i'm trying to do as little as i can to be on the former group.
Since there is no proof for any religion being true, I don't follow any of that stuff either.

If God really wanted us to follow a religion, he would've given us proof to authenticate it
Guess you are a malayalee. If so there is no wonder... because Atheism is gaining popularity in Kerala.

Not Atheist,i have god,i believe in god. I think deist is the word,though i am not sure.
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