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Erdoan says Turks, Iraqis still brothers despite Maliki’s enmity

Mossa- come man try harder.
you are now training somalis to kill those yemeni shia rebels.
why does youtr country turn on it's "friends"?
remember how you funded sadam during iran-iraq war? and then suddenly you started to back stab him.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh five of the royal Saudi family held prisoners in Iraqi jail because they were making and supporting terrorist actions!!!!???? and you say they didn't support any terrorists!!!!!!!! sometimes I think Germans geubles learnt from you how to lie until he believes his lies, the problem people sometimes forget Allah is exist that why they keep make sins, may Allah mercy us upon our endless sins.

Oh really?? Care to bring me real evidence of this claim??

الخارجية السعوديه ليس في السجون العراقيه احد من ابناء الاسرة الحاكمه. العراق. السعوديه 2012 ~ مجلة اليوم العربية

That is what they call state propaganda by the way on the side of Iraq.
Mossa- come man try harder.
you are now training somalis to kill those yemeni shia rebels.
why does youtr country turn on it's "friends"?
remember how you funded sadam during iran-iraq war? and then suddenly you started to back stab him.

Oh really?? KSA is training Somalis now. WoW this site never ceases to amaze me with its content of BS. Really bring me hard evidence of this not conspiracy theories right now.
And yes WE were the ones to back stab Saddam not him. Really the logic of people here is quite fascinating.
Turkey has the right to enter northern iraq to clean PKK terrorists. However,I think it should still maintain diplomatic protocols. Such as the aircraft which violated iraqi airspace and was seized. Every country knows that any military aircraft intruding foreign airspace needs permission.

Turkey need to focus more on the supply routes of PKK.. which are quite well known.

Similarly Pakistan need to keep the supply routes closed for terrorist TTP.

All these puppets regimes like Afghanistan and Iraq.. were made to hurt Pakistan and Turkey.

While media is promoting misinformation, at every level.
Turks some times act strange beyond belief. Below I post two videos of the same Turk who talks about Iran in different TV programs. The difference between the two is mind boggling and it is the same person. Lol:

So, who is this guy anyway?

He is not an official representing the government.

He is not a cleric or imaam.

We dont know who he is, i dont even think he is Turk at all.
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Oh really?? KSA is training Somalis now. WoW this site never ceases to amaze me with its content of BS. Really bring me hard evidence of this not conspiracy theories right now.
And yes WE were the ones to back stab Saddam not him. Really the logic of people here is quite fascinating.

I would give you some evidence, but any site or anything that says anything against saudi regime is apparently propaganda.
anyway, saddam back stab you? why because he did not take over Iran?
Northern-Iraqi region, Mosul and Kirkuk will evantually be added to Turkey.

Turkey made an agreement with Saddam, we have full rights to enter some 30 km inside of Iraq in order to persue them anytime. The agreement was never cancelled.
Please do as this will relieve us of that big headache the Kurdish causing us, Saddam is history today Iraq totally different.
I would give you some evidence, but any site or anything that says anything against saudi regime is apparently propaganda.
anyway, saddam back stab you? why because he did not take over Iran?

No actually because he launched an invasion on KSA in case you didn't know.
Mossa- come man try harder.
you are now training somalis to kill those yemeni shia rebels.
why does youtr country turn on it's "friends"?
remember how you funded sadam during iran-iraq war? and then suddenly you started to back stab him.

I thought there was a pact for not going shia -- non shia lines !!!!!!!!!!
As I said this whole misconception of KSA being Anti-Shia and considering Shia non-muslims is a big bag of bullocks here are some more evidence:



Standard Saudi state propaganda denying their involvement. The fact of the matter is even Iraqis themselves are saying that Saudis are funding terror in Iraq. That is what matters. It is no secret. Our Iraqi brother here can come up with thousands of sources for Saudi support of terror in Iraq just like any one here can come up with tens of thousand of sources of Saudi funded terror in Pakistan. Heck, even Pakistan's intel agencies have officially said that the funding for terror attacks in Pakistan comes from GCC.

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