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is america supporting Alquaeda against talibans

get straight

Jun 29, 2012
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while i was watching this gaddafi video, the way he was slain, i mean even the west which orchtrated all the war in libya themselves admitted the fact it was inhumane to slain gaddafi like that, some news even came that among all the torture, gaddafi was also sodomised and then it came to me, the rebels are not acting like muslims here.. after i have heard aout news concerning presence of al quaeda in libya which is by no surprise getting unchecked by the same america who is the biggest hunter of them

i can hardly understand how people who are calling themselves muslim and so called followers of islam are cutting our people's head without a bit of shame, i mean they dont just arrest and cut the american's head off

i believe americans are the one who are not only supporting these alquaeda guys, because even as stone age guys as talibans there was no news about beheading and stuff

some months ago we all heard about the news of americans dressed as talibans and equipped with automatic weapons were roaming on the roads of peshawar


and then all the stuff about how they are finding safe heavens in afghanistan and complete silence from americans, this is a very shocking news to all of us, esp pakistanis, so it means then amidst of all the drone attacks fiasco which is haunting pakistan since pakistan kicked TTP from swat and refused to enter waziristan, americans have allowed these scums to establish themselves as a terror group.. the news about americans vacating those same areas and leaving all there weapons behind is very shocking

at the same time the attacks on shias have started in various regions of KP and esp in quetta

this news is all coming while we have converted the islamabad american embassey into fortress as the american memeber here himself said

Then why you left Raymond Davis out of your country, If you know what is the true aim of United States, why dont you kick their *** out? best example for your incompotence: Operation Neptune Spear (osama bin laden raid was monitored from 4 places, Pentagon,CIA headquarters, White House ,US embassy in Islamabad, It is more or less like a CIA checkpost, You guys cant do anything regarding that.

Source: Wiki

while the talibans are busy killing the americans, americans are busy training and funding these alquaeda to do their dirty business in pakistan?

why arnt we taking action against the CIA in pakistan once and for all and why are we tolerating a spy agency deteriorating our own country?? i dont think ISI is collaborting with them anymore after that daymond davis thing

and where is this shameless guy kayani isnt his extension over already?
Sure they r supporting but sadly these payed media or journalistis dont want to talk about tht.

U all people know in todays world false hood treated like a true thing, and true things are treated like a false hood. These signs are 1 from many signs from the coming of deceiving massiha dajjal and it is happening now and the media and today super power are owned by these people who are follower of dajjal.

So now world is a " 1 world order world " wht they do is true and waht they say is actually wrong but treated as true, they have media power to brain wash the people, So in short nobodys care while Pakistani citizens and PA and the Pakistani land and non the less muslim ummah on there hit list but after all the question is " why dont the world dont care " ?
Qaddafi at the time of death was calling only one word ," Allah ". He was never a dictator . He was one of the founding member of Islamic Summit conference back in 70's all have been killed so was he ... . People of Egypt who were against him were almost those who were working under opposition parties. Politics ....
Al Qaeda is USA & they are supporting them against the Original Taliban who are fighting against the illegal Occupiers who are US, NATO & their friends who are uninvited guests India.

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