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ISRO contemplating mission to Venus


Aug 14, 2013
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अब शुक्र ग्रह पर फतह की तैयारी - ISRO,s next target is planet Venus - Rajasthan Patrika#

जोधपुर। भारतीय अंतरिक्ष कार्यक्रम की अगली छलांग सौरमण्डल के सबसे चमकीले तारे शुक्र ग्रह की होगी। भारतीय अंतरिक्ष अनुसंधान संस्थान (इसरो) ने इसकी योजना बनानी शुरू कर दी है। अब तक अमरीका की नासा व यूरोपीय अंतरिक्ष एजेंसी ही शुक्र ग्रह पर अपने मिशन भेज सकी है, लेकिन वहां तापमान अधिक होने के कारण किसी भी यान को उतरने में सफलता नहीं मिली। जोधपुर में चल रहे इंटरनेशनल सेंटर फॉर रेडियो साइंस (आईसीआरएस) के चार दिवसीय अंतरराष्ट्रीय सम्मेलन के दूसरे दिन प्लेनेरी (ग्रह से संबंधित) सेशन में आईसीआरएस के निदेशक प्रो. ओपीएन कल्ला ने यह जानकारी दी। उन्होंने कहा कि अक्टूबर में हैदराबाद में हुई इसरो की बैठक में शुक्र ग्रह पर जाने की रणनीति पर चर्चा की गई। भारत की यह योजना चंद्रमा व मंगल ग्रह पर खोज के समानांतर चलेगी। चंद्रमा पर रोलर युक्त मिशन चंद्रयान-2 साल भर बाद 2016 में रवाना होगा। योजना तो है पिछले महीने सेमिनार में शुक्र ग्रह पर जाने की योजना पर विचार विमर्श किया गया। योजना में समय लगेगा, क्योंकि शुक्र के पास जाने पर सूर्य की गुरूत्वाकष्ाüण शक्ति का भी तोड़ निकालना है। डॉ. नरेंद्र भण्डारी,वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक, फिजिकल रिसर्च लेबोरेट्री, अहमदाबाद (अंतरिक्ष विभाग )यह खोजना हैशुक्र की पृथ्वी से न्यूनतम दूरी 3.7 करोड़ किलोमीटर और अधिकतम करीब 26 करोड़ किलोमीटर है। यहां सतह का तापमान 450 डिग्री सेंटिग्रेड है और आसमां में कार्बनडाई ऑक्साइड के बादल हैं। यहां हर समय सल्फ्यूरिक एसिड की बारिश होती रहती है। इसरो का मिशन यहां सल्फ्यूरिक एसिड के बहुतायात में होने, इसके निर्माण और इसकी सतह के अधिक गर्म होने के कारण तलाशेगा।
Translation .

Indian Space program's next leap will be aimed at Solar system's brightest planet that Venus is ..ISRO has started planning in this regard . Till now NASA and ESA are the only space agencies which have sent mission to Venus , however due to tremendous atmospheric temperatures none of the spacecraft have succeeded in landing on Venus .
At the 2'nd day plenary session on Planetary systems of International Centre for Radio-Science ( ISRS ) being held at Jodhpur , Director of ICRS gave this information. He said that in ISRO's meeting at Hyderabad held in October the idea of mission to Venus was discussed . India's Venus mission will run parallel to proposed Chandrayaan -2 and Mars Orbiter Mission -2 . Chandrayaan -2 consisting of orbiter and lander will be launched a year later in 2016 .
Mission to Venus entails challenge of overcoming Sun's enormous gravitational power , this off course will have to be resolved .
Dr Naresh Bhandari , Senior scientist from Physical Research Laboratory informed that minimum distance of Venus from earth is 3.7 crore kilometers and maximum distance being 26 crore kilometers . Here the surface temperature is around 470 degree Celsius and Venetian atmosphere consists of dense Carbon Dioxide which results in acid rain on Venus .
ISRO mission will try to decipher mystery behind Venetian atmosphere , trememdous surface temperature and origins of sulphuric acid rains etc ...
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Future planetary missions - Exploring Space
Future missions beyond Earth orbit, including space telescopes to Lagrange points. For past missions see Active and completed planetary missions list
Mission - Country - Target - Mission type (Confirmed missions in bold)

  • Hayabusa 2 - Japan - (162173) 1999 JU3 asteroid - sample return

  • Mercury Planetary Orbiter (BepiColombo) - Europe - Mercury - orbiter
  • Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (BepiColombo) - Japan - Mercury - orbiter
  • Deep Space Climate Observatory - USA - Sun-Earth L1 - Earth observation
  • Chang’e 4 - China - Moon - lander, rover
  • ISRO Venus Mission - India - Venus - orbiter
  • Interheliozond - Russia - Sun - orbiter (updated 10/17/2013, source)
  • Spektr-RG - Russia / Europe - Earth–Sun L2 - astronomy (updated 10/24/2013, source)
  • Barcelona Moon Team GLXP mission - Spain - Moon - rover (source)
  • SpaceIL - Israel - Moon - lander, rover (source)
  • Astrobotic Technology’s GLXP mission - USA - Moon - lander, rover (source)
  • Puli Space Technologies GLXP mission - Hungary - Moon - rover (source)
  • Lunar Lion GLXP mission - USA - Moon - lander, rover (updated 11/23/2013, source)
  • Moon Express GLXP mission - USA - Moon - lander, rover (updated 12/05/2013, source)

  • ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter - Europe / Russia - Mars - orbiter, lander
  • OSIRIS-REx - USA - 101955 Bennu asteroid - sample return
  • Luna-25 (Luna Glob-1) - Russia - Moon - lander (updated 10/17/2013, source)
  • Mars Exploration with a Lander-Orbiter Synergy (MELOS) - Japan - Mars - orbiter, landers
  • InSight - USA - Mars - lander
Here comes Mr He man .... His detailed analysis :Waste :mad:

Tell him that he need to be an 'average' doctor at least who will not kill his patient due to lack of medical knowledge ...rest all ( like information about radars and fighter jets ) is secondary ...

In language he understands .

ISRO constituted feasibility study for Mission to Venus in 2012 .

Features of possible mission to Venus was discussed in 2'nd Indian Venus Workshop held at Hyderabad on 28-29'th October 2014 .


Focus on ce-25/gslv mk3 100%.
It depends on how you look at it. From a capability perspective this mission can be seen as diverting resources away from more "beneficial" projects like the ones you have mentioned. However those who formulate policy in ISRO and decide on where to allocate resources are clearly explorers and scientists at heart and thus will place exploration and discovery high in their list of priorities.

Whilst we, as outsiders, might like one thing and place more value on certain things they as scientists /explorers clearly are driven by other considerations. It's hard for me to really bash these guys.
It depends on how you look at it. From a capability perspective this mission can be seen as diverting resources away from more "beneficial" projects like the ones you have mentioned. However those who formulate policy in ISRO and decide on where to allocate resources are clearly explorers and scientists at heart and thus will place exploration and discovery high in their list of priorities.

Whilst we, as outsiders, might like one thing and place more value on certain things they as scientists /explorers clearly are driven by other considerations. It's hard for me to really bash these guys.

The thing is that budget of isro is just 1 billion$ so any mission will have a huge impact.
Plus the future human spaceflight is solely dependant upon gslv mk2/3 with ce-25.

Its better they finish it first.
The thing is that budget of isro is just 1 billion$ so any mission will have a huge impact.
Plus the future human spaceflight is solely dependant upon gslv mk2/3 with ce-25.

Its better they finish it first.
You are right in what you say but then one should remember the sole reason for ISRO's existence is not human spaceflight. They are working on many different missions at any one time.
You are right in what you say but then one should remember the sole reason for ISRO's existence is not human spaceflight. They are working on many different missions at any one time.

I understand but but for all these we need a vehicle with bigger payload capacity.ISRO launches the 1-4k serial bus config satellites weighing >4000 kg via ariane rockets.

So in a way we are not even self sufficient in satellites and thinking on venus??
Bad choice especially when budget is that low.

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