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Mass protest against covid lockdown erupts in Urumqi city, Xinjiang province, Mayor tries to appease the angry crowd and promises quick lifting

Not necessary. Family members still need to take responsible like hygiene( wash hand). Less outing if necessary. So that yr chances of bringing covid back home is less.

Covid has viciously evolved into very contagious but good thing is, it's less lethal. Its not easy for China to contain like early stages of covid virus. Policy need to adjust according to ever changing situations.
Don't fvcking kdding me. Okay?

Why not u go on street and shut at those protestor that u support zero policy?
No one organized that movement. We don't have CIA dollar. And I'm also blocked in my room. For intimate contact.
By the way, do you believe this protest is made spontaneously?
I am very very sure, I actually was very surprised that it didn't happen much earlier, it's been simmering for a long time everywhere in Beijing.
Listen to what they shout, they finally got what millions of Beijingers wanted to say out .
Don't fvcking kdding me. Okay?
I am not kidding. Why China now has problem contain covid unlike early stages? It is also thru scientific publish and proven covid now is less lethal than delta but much much harder to contain due to highly contagious than delta variant.
I think Xi shall let the Chinese citizen to bear consequence for themselves if they want to lift the covid zero policy. They need to understand there will be sacrifice for more freedom and personal space.
No other country in the world locks their citizens in their homes for weeks and months to a time. This is a very abnormal policy and unacceptable. Just like the one child policy, China is creating disasters with its autistic extreme policies.
I am very very sure, I actually was very surprised that it didn't happen much earlier, it's been simmering for a long time everywhere in Beijing.
Listen to what they shout, they finally got what millions of Beijingers wanted to say out .
I did said Chinese government should give money to low income people. And if no zero covid policy, these people will soon find out the situation won't be better for their careers.

No other country in the world locks their citizens in their homes for weeks and months to a time. This is a very abnormal policy and unacceptable. Just like the one child policy, China is creating disasters with its autistic extreme policies.
The vaccines don't work well. The only way to contain the virus is blocking people.
No other country in the world locks their citizens in their homes for weeks and months to a time. This is a very abnormal policy and unacceptable. Just like the one child policy, China is creating disasters with its autistic extreme policies.
You think CPC is wood block and Inflexible when comes to their policy? For example one child policy...


Zhu Ting, the famous women volleyball player. See how many siblings she has in her family....

And for her age, she is right in the period of one child policy enforcement. Does it looks like straight enforcement?
I did said Chinese government should give money to low income people. And if no zero covid policy, these people will soon find out the situation won't be better for their careers.
Free money to hundreds of millions? not doable, and we don't want to kill and turn our economy like zombie economy of US.
Free money to hundreds of millions? not doable, and we don't want to kill and turn our economy like zombie economy of US.
We can make a bet. If Chinese government gives up, these people will regret. Covid also hits people's consumption. And Chinese government will not pay for their medical fees anymore if they or their family members are serious cases. Which means at least 150,000 Yuan.
We can make a bet. If Chinese gives up, these people will regret. Covid also hits people's consumption. And Chinese government will not pay for their medical fees anymore if they or their family members are serious cases. Which means at least 150,000 Yuan.
Then let them regret, this long lockdown is not sustainable, the government has to try some different approach anyway.
Then let them regret, this long lockdown is not sustainable, the government has to try some different approach anyway.
There was no long time lockdown in Beijing. Okay? I don't know why you kept distorting the reality. And this fact makes these people more unreasonable.
If so many people are on the brink of bankruptcy or even starvation, we would have already seen rallies of over 100k people, so far it‘s only been a few small scale protests with less than 1000. Some people are no doubt frustrated and need to vent, let them.

and don't get me started on those college students, their opinions don't matter, cause they are just dumb. haven't 1989 and Hongkong 2019 taught us enough?
You think CPC is wood block and Inflexible when comes to their policy? For example one child policy...

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Zhu Ting, the famous women volleyball player. See how many siblings she has in her family....

And for her age, she is right in the period of one child policy enforcement. Does it looks like straight enforcement?
There should be no enforcement at all on childbirth. China is the only country to have ever enforced such an extreme and drastic policy and will now be facing demographic collapse in ten years because of it.

Why do you think it’s normal for a govt to even enforce such draconian measures? No other country does these things. Not even North Korea.
Are you in Beijing? let me tell you honestly, they are the vast majority now in Beijing, listen to what they shout to the police, it's something that so many people share now in this city.

I empathized with the residents there but I burst out into laughers at 0:13 when the guy shouted CNM...

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