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Opinion piece: Turkey's nuclear weapons posture in light of Ukraine-Russia war


Nov 24, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
Do you think Erdogan will be at least re-thinking it one more time in light of recent events? One thing I can tell now is that US been "absent minded" at least. USA's "no nuclear war at all cost" stance led them to failing their treaty obligation, 100% their fault.

Ukraine is uniquely one of few nations to give up nuclear weapons for, on paper, seemingly extreme amount of development, and security aid. That aid of course as we know it, never arrived, or at least not until Russia attacked, and when it was too late.

My conclusions from recent events are following:
  1. Turkey can breath a sigh of relief about threat from Russian conventional forces. It proved itself very weak, and Turkey is NATO's no. 2 for conventional military strength. Russia will not be secure militarily for at least 5 years, due to need to rebuild, and fix its force.
  2. Russia will put forward the nuclear card in the meanwhile. Such loss of face will require Putin to do something even bigger than Ukraine to prove himself to his lieutenants.
  3. Turkey has Russian presence on its border. And there are still a problem of Idbil, and curdish communists too, who will eagerly become a proxy force . If your remember, Russia was sabre rattling about putting nukes in Latajia
  4. Besides all above, Turkey sits in a region sandwiched between militarily significant regional powers with constantly changing allegiances. Who knows what Saudis, and Iranians will think next? Both are mercurial, and unpredictable.
  5. All powers in the region will think about rearming with nuclear weapons. 100% guaranteed. USA will be busy with Russia, China, etc for the next decade. Turkey will 100% get at least 1 more nuclear neighbour.
Turkey already has the triad, sans its own nukes: submarines capable of launching SLAM, and cruise missiles with sufficiently large payloads, sizeable tactical aviation with ALCMs, and own ballistic missiles.

Second point I am putting in the same topic. What about Turkey's stance on long range ballistic missiles? Current events show that power, and range of conventional TBM does not allow Ukraine to project power into Belarus from their staging area. It means it can't do anything against enemy staging areas, nor retaliate on political capital of the enemy to exact personal price on opponents elites.
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