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Pakistan Army fires 11 serving officers including Generals for corruption.

More news coming out lol there is some thing big coming ..... woooooooow:woot:


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General kayani and his brothers & Musharraf was not included ;)
I hate Musharraf more than you but he wasn't involved in financial corruption. As for Kiyani and his brothers that entire case is flawed. His brother only fault was that he established DHA contact with a man who turned out to be fraud

Call Kayani what he was, a corrupt General, just like the ones before him. For the very first time in Pakistan's history, we have a patriot, and that is Raheel Sharif.
Kiyani wasn't corrupt some are too dumb to get it. As for Raheel Shareef he is just implementing those plans which were made by Kiyani.
nope ur bleeding because of ur karma,our not i know congress(terrorist) actually bleeded mine country already,But its our fault,now the fault is finished upto some extent by modi , soon a vulnerable answer will be given to u ,if any think goes wrong here..
Obaidullah got what was coming to him for a long time...he had been getting the benefit of doubt for a loooong time....no more I am afraid.
great work. will there be any trial against them or they just got fired taking all the corruption money ?
it proves that like political parties army also have corruption
Not anymore, huh?
Give credit where due. Pakistan Army has taken some of the most critical steps in ensuring National security; that too, alone
Not the first time. We saw some action in that NLC case and as per insider sources many officers from top to bottom involved in the French Helicopter deal also got punishments which included dismissal from service with all benefits taken back.
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