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Pakistan calls for Israel to stop ‘land grabbing’ in Palestinian territory

I also agree Israel is not threat for Pakistan. We need to improve relation with all countries including Israel. And i already said we should not interfere in others internal matter....
Why should your spewings merit respect, SC? Because they are anti-Zionist or because they are carefully researched? I think Zionism is something Pakistanis need to embrace fully, so Pakistan can become a "normal" country; distinguishing fact from made-up stories is part of that.

"Normal" in the American way is rejected everywhere even in Europe the US closest friends, while western "Normal" is weird in the eyes of eastern "Normal" and vice versa, hence, your stance.

Zionism is an ideal of some people who were ejected from their places everywhere they lived throughout history of mankind.
As of now, They are holding the US and world economy as hostages because they know that their system and way of life are deceptive in nature and corrupt, and that is the only way they know for survival, but since they are exposed ounce again, their downfall is very near.
So who needs Zionism, certainly not Pakistan.

What you are saying about facts and made-up stories applies in both directions.
Please reread the article with an analytical mind and try to see it through an intelligence perspective.
Zionism is an ideal of some people who were ejected from their places everywhere they lived throughout history of mankind.
Don't such people merit a national home of their own, simply as a matter of equity? This was the determination of the world powers (including the Caliph) after WWI, when three empires were separated into mandates and nation-states.

As of now, They are holding the US and world economy as hostages because they know that their system and way of life are deceptive in nature and corrupt, and that is the only way they know for survival, but since they are exposed ounce again, their downfall is very near.
I think you are confusing Jews with Pakistanis - and you seem to be very, very, worried.

So who needs Zionism, certainly not Pakistan.
I strongly suspect Pakistanis need Israel far more than Americans do, more even than I do. You need to champion Israel to regain the sanity your great-grandfathers once had. To deny Israel is to deny justice, logic, and facts. History shows that hatred isn't limited to Jews but spreads within the host society itself. Anti-semitism and and anti-Zionism are poisons to minds individually and collectively; violence and injustice at home and abroad is the result.

You have to combat that, I think. And in doing so you face the choice between doing what is right and uncertain to succeed vs. doing what is wrong but easy.
^^^Solomon, you need to take these with a grain of salt. Just few weeks ago 90% of the same " I hate Jews, club members of PDF" were joining in agreeing with Musharaff ( article was posted here) when he said we need to normalize and buy weaponry from the Israelis.

It's "death to amerika , but yes to amerika f16's and military hardware and oh love to migrate there! " :). I've never got their hypocrisy but hey, it is what it is …

Let's play hypothetical ( kinda proved in their friendship in China's case)

But let's say Israeli says, "we will stop all effort with India, dump them completely , provide you Pakistan with all the technology and weaponry against India. The only thing we ask, " you don't say jack about Palestine ( like the Uighur situation)… guess what they would do?

I smell a ban coming :) . I'm sorry I have to be honest. hopefully doing it with respect.

Don't such people merit a national home of their own, simply as a matter of equity? This was the determination of the world powers (including the Caliph) after WWI, when three empires were separated into mandates and nation-states.

well to be honest, those who should have suffered were the racist europeans......not Palestinian Arabs who are indigenous to the lands that were taken away from them

I think you are confusing Jews with Pakistanis - and you seem to be very, very, worried.

''Jews'' are not a nationality or race --- something which this ''zionism'' tries to claim. Unless youre prepared to tell me that Ethiopian Jews share genetics with their Sephardic and Hacidic counterparts

I strongly suspect Pakistanis need Israel far more than Americans do, more even than I do.

both being the only 2 ideological states -- founded around the same time period -- i'd be quite interested to see you shed some light on this statement of yours

You need to champion Israel to regain the sanity your great-grandfathers once had. To deny Israel is to deny justice, logic, and facts.

and to deny Palestine? :unsure:

History shows that hatred isn't limited to Jews but spreads within the host society itself. Anti-semitism and and anti-Zionism are poisons to minds individually and collectively; violence and injustice at home and abroad is the result.

but what if one makes the case that anti-zionism is not anti-semitism....anti-bombing-little-kids-and-displacing-families-out-of-their-homes-and-farmlands is not ''terrorism'' or ''pushing Jews to the sea''

as for the religion itself -- well Judaism and Islam are cousin religions. Politics shouldnt cause people to hate other beliefs.

Surely Jinnah Sahib would agree the same.
well to be honest, those who should have suffered were the racist europeans......not Palestinian Arabs who are indigenous to the lands that were taken away from them -
You don't think the Turks were just as racist? Why do you think the Arabs rebelled from Ottoman rule?

What argument can be made before 1947 that Arabs' land was "taken away" rather than purchased? The state lands of the Ottomans became the state lands of the Mandate after WWI and Jews were free to settle there. Finally, after 1947 yes many Arabs chose to depart and a much smaller number compelled to depart. The Arabs who wished to (about 20%) were allowed to return and regain their civil and property rights upon swearing an oath of loyalty to the Jewish State and renouncing violence - the "Palestinian refugees" of today are descendants of those who refused in the name of Arab supremacy, something that neither the League of Nations nor the Caliph ever granted.

(Consider that many more Jews were expelled from Arab countries and thrown into Israel - the 500,000 Jews of Israel being compelled to absorb 800,000 refugees in only a few years, and Arab countries who also denied Israel the benefits of trade. In the first few years starvation was a real possibility. I don't see Arabs falling all over each other apologizing for such conduct, do you?)

''Jews'' are not a nationality or race ---
How would you like it if I told you what it means to be a Pakistani? I refuse to let others define who I am when they cannot cite hard facts to back them up, only opinions. And I still think that when the poster writes "Jews" it is really Pakistanis who are in the back of his mind - the situation fits much better, yes?

and to deny Palestine? :unsure:
Until the 1960s when people spoke of "Palestinians" they always meant the Jews of Israel. Was there ever an Arab state called Palestine? No, there was not before 1947, and afterward Egypt and Jordan occupied territory the U.N. intended for a second partitioned Arab state to be created out of the original British Mandate.

I suppose the inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank could broadly be classed as Arab nationalists from 1947 to roughly 1980. I'm not sure how genuine their "nationalism" really is today; there is no way to tell as they live under the the thumb of terrorists. Yet we know these same terrorists make few bones about wanting to eliminate Israel and eliminate any Jewish inhabitants from Palestine - and many Pakistanis here are all too enthusiastic about seeing the end of Israel, preferably through violent means.

The current Zionist approach is yes to Palestine and Israel. But no to Palestine instead of Israel. This is something the Palestinian Arabs are not yet ready to give up.

but what if one makes the case that anti-zionism is not anti-semitism....anti-bombing-little-kids-and-displacing-families-out-of-their-homes-and-farmlands is not ''terrorism'' or ''pushing Jews to the sea''
Is it about anti-bombing-little kids? Why not blame Hamas for using civilians as screens?

Or try this experiment with an anti-Israel friend: suppose there was a magic button he could push and all the property claims and "war crimes" the Arabs of Palestine suffer at Israeli hands be made right and the Arabs desire to kill Jews eliminated. Would he push it if that meant Israel would still exist afterward?

You don't want to kill all the Jews you only want to kill half? That's still anti-Semitism.

as for the religion itself -- well Judaism and Islam are cousin religions.
A.Z., Muslims can't claim spiritual credit for the good deeds of others.
Solomon, you need to take these with a grain of salt.
Taking terror threats and delegitimization with "a grain of salt" was the route to the gas chambers for Jews and murderous tyranny for all Europe. Pakistan is sick with Israel- and India-hatred right now, has been for decades. (Sometimes I wonder if Indians prefer Pakistan this way, too messed up in its collective brain to pose any sort of economic or political appeal to the India's own Muslims.)
Don't such people merit a national home of their own, simply as a matter of equity? This was the determination of the world powers (including the Caliph) after WWI, when three empires were separated into mandates and nation-states.

A regular hogwash by a rabid zionazi; Britain did it with its Belfast Declaration! As for 'equity', making the Palestinians carry the burden of European bigotry, what kind of justice is that?
Many nations have called upon "Israel" to stop settlements into West Bank and other territories, including the United States. Israel especially now under this hawkish maniac Netanyahu should be further restrained and condemned.
Do you see how many problems this pestering "state" of Israel has caused in the ME, displaced millions of people, bombs them for decades later, controls and chokes off livelihood of displaced people, calls it self a democracy, leeches off of US aid and technology and always craves for more.

All because the UN gave it a mandate? Who gave the UN power to allocate people's land? Pathetic Arab states should have crushed them when they had the chance, now they will have to wait.
Taking terror threats and delegitimization with "a grain of salt" was the route to the gas chambers for Jews and murderous tyranny for all Europe. Pakistan is sick with Israel- and India-hatred right now, has been for decades. (Sometimes I wonder if Indians prefer Pakistan this way, too messed up in its collective brain to pose any sort of economic or political appeal to the India's own Muslims.)

We want pakistan to develop and get rid of radical who propagate hatred towards India...It will take time.
We want pakistan to develop and get rid of radical who propagate hatred towards India...It will take time.
wt about millions of anti-Pakistan in India? Hatred is going to exist forever and both nations need something to hate on each other.
wt about millions of anti-Pakistan in India? Hatred is going to exist forever and both nations need something to hate on each other.

The current generation is less occupied with Pakistan..Its only the old, ancient politicians who dwell in the past. As these guys pass away, the only thing thing we want is to have trade and make some money.
Don't such people merit a national home of their own, simply as a matter of equity? This was the determination of the world powers (including the Caliph) after WWI, when three empires were separated into mandates and nation-states.

I think you are confusing Jews with Pakistanis - and you seem to be very, very, worried.

I strongly suspect Pakistanis need Israel far more than Americans do, more even than I do. You need to champion Israel to regain the sanity your great-grandfathers once had. To deny Israel is to deny justice, logic, and facts. History shows that hatred isn't limited to Jews but spreads within the host society itself. Anti-semitism and and anti-Zionism are poisons to minds individually and collectively; violence and injustice at home and abroad is the result.

You have to combat that, I think. And in doing so you face the choice between doing what is right and uncertain to succeed vs. doing what is wrong but easy.

I am not worried a bit, please reread "the down fall of Zionism is very real and near".
You seem to be a little bit too angry and confused to jump from Zionists to Pakistanis.
And projecting your feelings and emotions won't help you in any endeavour.

I do not believe in Semitism or Aryan mythology, races are for dogs, cats and animals, there is a human race and any group of criminals and outlaws ought to be neutralised, this is the case of Zionism, Europe and the US are their bases and play ground while Israel per se is nothing but a scapegoat for their Machiavelli visions and objectives and as extensible as you can imagine.

My great grand fathers were too nice to a bunch of devious Jews throughout history and then got rid of them like every one else before and after them.

And one thing is for sure, without the contributions of my great grand parents, you won't know how to Wright or read let alone count and use a computer.

If you think Sanity came from Jews than you are very insane and talking with negative emotions won't lead you to anything good in your life.

twisting the truth to your likings is a form of mind corruption that you are stained with as your great grand parents.

To whom do you think you are talking, violence in the US daily life surpasses violence in wars between nations in savagery and numbers.

And please, why didn't your great grand parents accept the Jews in Europe or even in the US with such vast lands.
The truth my friend is that the Arabs were the only ones willing to host the Jews again but they proved to be unworthy of the hospitality and conspired with your grand fathers against honesty and good will, and you know what happens in those cases, it is nothing less than you downfall, dismissal and demise.

As for your last statement , when wrong confronts Wright, the latter has the upper hand in the long run.

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