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Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days: Samson

May 20, 2011
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Brig (Retd) Samson says that Pakistan can take Laddakh in few days if India is foolish enough to start war with Pakistan.

He says that cutting off Daraz Road is matter of minutes for Pakistan. We can cut of Indians supply lines very quickly and take over Laddakh.

He said that Pakistani army is battle hardened. He said that PA has defeated the terrorists in 10 years, where USA and Russia failed to do so.

He said that 33 K or 34 K Pakistani soldiers were made prisoner by India in East Pakistan, we can take up to 100 K Indian soldiers as prisoners of war.

He also said that Pakistan nuclear tests were far superior to India and Pakistan has more and better nuclear weapons compare to India. He says he knows it fully well because he was involved in the process.

This is a fact hidden from most Indians eyes that their Nuclear tests were not successful.

Responding to a question he said that Pakistan had taken Kargil , but there was no cohesion between the army and the civil government, what we achieved military was lost by the politicians.
Clearly Nawaz is a traitor.

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Who is this day dreamer? To fight war you need weapons. First build economy to finance war.

I am editing the post as alot of members calling me indian.

Guys what is happening to us. If i am trying to put sense into the people they start labeling me Indian, what the hell. If we really need to fight with India then there are only 2 ways.

Israel. Make yourself so much militaril advance and have so much steong diplomatic connections that no one can dare touch you.

Taliban. Willengness to give away everything, your life, your money, your children, your home.

As of today we are not doing any of the above 2 approaches so hiw can we fight an offensive war with India?

Please have some senses in you.
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Who is this day dreamer? To fight war you need weapons. First build economy to finance war.

He is a retd Brigadier, he had been among the planners in PA. He knows what he is talking about. Listen to him carefully. He didn't boosted. He laid down some cold hard facts.

Anyone with little knowledge, research knows that Pakistan had taken Kargil from India. General Musharaf plans were excellent. He had take very strategic area from Kashmir, which would have resulted in the freedom for all the Kashmir. But traitor Nawaz couldn't take political pressure applied by India through President Clinton.

As he said, PAF wasn't used at all. Nawaz wanted to withdraw the army from Kargil, which eventually happened, while Indians were using their air power against Pakistanis soldiers on height.
Nawaz is firmly responsible for the death of Pakistani soldiers in Kargil. Otherwise Indians were killed in great numbers by Pakistani snipers from the height. If we had used PAF the story would have been completely different and we could have liberated whole of Kashmir by now.
Nawaz continued his treacherous behaviour until the end.
Have you failed to notice since Nawaz gone, the atmosphere and dynamics have completely changed for India!!

Why you think this is happening now!!
He is a retd Brigadier, he had been among the planners in PA. He knows what he is talking about. Listen to him carefully. He didn't boosted. He laid down some cold hard facts.

Anyone with little knowledge, research knows that Pakistan had taken Kargil from India. General Musharaf plans were excellent. He had take very strategic area from Kashmir, which would have resulted in the freedom for all the Kashmir. But traitor Nawaz couldn't take political pressure applied by India through President Clinton.

As he said, PAF wasn't used at all. Nawaz wanted to withdraw the army from Kargil, which eventually happened, while Indians were using their air power against Pakistanis soldiers on height.
Nawaz is firmly responsible for the death of Pakistani soldiers in Kargil. Otherwise Indians were killed in great numbers by Pakistani snipers from the height. If we had used PAF the story would have been completely different and we could have liberated whole of Kashmir by now.
Nawaz continued his treacherous behaviour until the end.
Have you failed to notice since Nawaz gone, the atmosphere and dynamics have completely changed for India!!

Why you think this is happening now!!

Another day dreamer. During Kargil Musharaf claimed them to be freedom fighter and not Pakistan army. PAF could not have participated in Kargil as it would be operating on India's Air Space and means all out war.

Kargil was a local battle and hence our supperior tactics paid us off. WHat the brigadier is suggesting might good for that theater but what makes you think that it will not be converted into all out war and India will let go off ladakh without attacking on all the borders?

In an all out war reserves matters alot. With Oil reserves of only 15 days, you are proposing an all out war with India? Are you nuts?

Unless you are willing to fight like Talilban, where every man will be fighting, the war will not be on borders but on your streets and sometime your children will starve to death but you will fight at any cost. If you are willing to fight such a war go ahead and attack Kargil.

Otherwise dont attack India unless you have war and economic reserves equivalent to India at minimum.
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Another day dreamer. During Kargil Musharaf claimed them to be freedom fighter and not Pakistan army. PAF could not have participated in Kargil as it would be operating on India's Air Space and means all out war.

Kargil was a local battle and hence our supperior tactics paid us off. WHat the brigadier is suggesting might good for that theater but what makes you think that it will not be converted into all out war and India will let go off Kargil without attacking on all the borders?

In an all out war reserves matters alot. With Oil reserves of only 15 days, you are proposing an all out war with India? Are you nuts?

Unless you are willing to fight like Talilban, where every man will be fighting, the war will not be on borders but on your streets and sometime your children will starve to death but you will fight at any cost. If you are willing to fight such a war go ahead and attack Kargil.

Otherwise dont attack India unless you have war and economic reserves equivalent to India at minimum.
And PAF was not even aware of Kargil operation in the first place.
Another day dreamer. During Kargil Musharaf claimed them to be freedom fighter and not Pakistan army. PAF could not have participated in Kargil as it would be operating on India's Air Space and means all out war.

Kargil was a local battle and hence our supperior tactics paid us off. WHat the brigadier is suggesting might good for that theater but what makes you think that it will not be converted into all out war and India will let go off Kargil without attacking on all the borders?

In an all out war reserves matters alot. With Oil reserves of only 15 days, you are proposing an all out war with India? Are you nuts?

Unless you are willing to fight like Talilban, where every man will be fighting, the war will not be on borders but on your streets and sometime your children will starve to death but you will fight at any cost. If you are willing to fight such a war go ahead and attack Kargil.

Otherwise dont attack India unless you have war and economic reserves equivalent to India at minimum.

Lol if India truely won all wars Pakistan wont exist today and I dont have extra brain to argue with sanghis who believe they are so superior but as usual beaten like dog.
Another day dreamer. During Kargil Musharaf claimed them to be freedom fighter and not Pakistan army. PAF could not have participated in Kargil as it would be operating on India's Air Space and means all out war.

Kargil was a local battle and hence our supperior tactics paid us off. WHat the brigadier is suggesting might good for that theater but what makes you think that it will not be converted into all out war and India will let go off Kargil without attacking on all the borders?

In an all out war reserves matters alot. With Oil reserves of only 15 days, you are proposing an all out war with India? Are you nuts?

Unless you are willing to fight like Talilban, where every man will be fighting, the war will not be on borders but on your streets and sometime your children will starve to death but you will fight at any cost. If you are willing to fight such a war go ahead and attack Kargil.

Otherwise dont attack India unless you have war and economic reserves equivalent to India at minimum.

War is again imminent with India. So anyone with your thinking is out of date with the realities.
Indians wouldn't listen to any other language but of force. China got it right and the results are there for everyone.

PAF should have been used in Kargil, all out war excuse was also used for 27th Feb 2019. This is stupid argument. India didn't hesitate to attack Pakistan on 26th Feb 2019, why they were not deterred from all out war!!

You are the one who is day dreaming my friend.
the 4 generals thought about taking kashmir in 99 and the result was humiliation. war is not solution to anything. it will only make the region unable for humans to live in. i dont know why people are even thinking about a military action. economy is going down, people are dying of corona in both the countries so going to a military action will be the biggest blunder any country can make.
War is again imminent with India. So anyone with your thinking is out of date with the realities.
Indians wouldn't listen to any other language but of force. China got it right and the results are there for everyone.

PAF should have been used in Kargil, all out war excuse was also used for 27th Feb 2019. This is stupid argument. India didn't hesitate to attack Pakistan on 26th Feb 2019, why they were not deterred from all out war!!

You are the one who is day dreaming my friend.

ANd why you think that despite have 9 aircrafts on target we go for 2 only? Why did we released Abhinandan in 2 days only? Why didnt we actually destroyed the HQ and remained it to the show of force only?

China has war and economic reserves atleast trice of India and dont you see Indian reaction of back foot? As they know they cant afford war with China as they cant win with these war reserves.

I know India is craving for starting a war as they know we don't have bullets for more than 15 days in case of an all out war and they want to happen it now as we don't have foreign reserves to buy more ammunition.

Just answer me are you willing to fight a war on your street in front of your homes as ammunition with forces at border is going to deplete in 15 days. Then either we have to go nuclear for complete destruction of both India and Pakistan or we have to fight like Taliban. What is your choice?
War is not in the benefit of both the nations. Both can capture a small piece of land for a few days, but eventually that land will have to be vacated due to international pressures.

India says it can capture AJK/ GB, no, it's not possible for an extended period of time. There will be severe consequences for India. Similarly, if Pakistan captures some Indian administered land, there are consequences Pakistan will have to face too.

And no, India can't carpet bomb Pakistan, and similarly Pakistan can't carpet bomb India.. The war is between India and Pakistan not between the likes of US and Afghanistan or Israel and Palestine.

If Pakistan has to capture IOK or India has to capture GB/ AJK.. all security council members must agree with one side to make it happen permanently.
ANd why you think that despite have 9 aircrafts on target we go for 2 only? Why did we released Abhinandan in 2 days only? Why didnt we actually destroyed the HQ and remained it to the show of force only?

China has war and economic reserves atleast trice of India and dont you see Indian reaction of back foot? As they know they cant afford war with China as they cant win with these war reserves.

I know India is craving for starting a war as they know we don't have bullets for more than 15 days in case of an all out war and they want to happen it now as we don't have foreign reserves to buy more ammunition.

Just answer me are you willing to fight a war on your street in front of your homes as ammunition with forces at border is going to deplete in 15 days. Then either we have to go nuclear for complete destruction of both India and Pakistan or we have to fight like Taliban. What is your choice?

Answer to all your questions regarding 26th and 27th Feb 2019 is cowardice.
I have constantly written about it from feb 2019, nothing new.
We should have shoot down all 9 locked on IAF jets, without shadow of a doubt. India already declared war by attacking Pakistan on 26th Feb.
If Kargil was fought with the same attitude of war, the result would have been different.
Any country who had civilians as traitor, wouldn't succeed in a war, that is a fact.
The Kargil planning was excellent by the Generals, the problem was the traitor Nawaz.
Answer to all your questions regarding 26th and 27th Feb 2019 is cowardice.
I have constantly written about it from feb 2019, nothing new.
We should have shoot down all 9 locked on IAF jets, without shadow of a doubt. India already declared war by attacking Pakistan on 26th Feb.
If Kargil was fought with the same attitude of war, the result would have been different.
Any country who had civilians as traitor, wouldn't succeed in a war, that is a fact.
The Kargil planning was excellent by the Generals, the problem was the traitor Nawaz.
have you ever used your mind?
With chinese help yes possible. Alone nope india will attack elsewhere, where they are stronger may he down south or sialkot jammu. Indeed ladakh is somewhat easy because of proximity to allied military force of china.
if we show weakness this time and lose this opportunity in future we will be unable to reduce threat from india and may face invasion in azad kashmir ,we cannot fight india on economic terms as they are much bigger and have advantage in this regard,if we utilize this opportunity and eliminate indian threat in future we can save money spend on eastern border due to high threat from india
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