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Pakistan is number one partner of the USA

Since all Indian members are jumping threads and dragging their mindset in different aspirations, ending up with the Raymond Davis scenario.

Do getting screwed by the Russians in the aircraft carrier debacle and Bhopal tragedy toll any bells.

Also USA stopped Israel from selling stuff to India :

U.S. Pressures Israel to Block IAI AESA Radar Sale to India
Global Defence: Israel bars AESA radar export to India
Also USA stopped Israel from selling stuff to India :

U.S. Pressures Israel to Block IAI AESA Radar Sale to India
Global Defence: Israel bars AESA radar export to India

firstly usa cancelled this coz they want their products to be sold to india.this is natural one.
btw,as per ur thread,we will love to see u.s as ur friend forever.
we dont need any shoulder to live upon.
thread article said,us-pak as friends against al qaeda,but u made it something else.
anyway,continue it.
If being number one partner means being in the kinds of chains Pakistan is in, India are better not being number one partner, at least in my opinion -- India are most definitely working to be number one trade partner, number one business, jobs and education partner and that's a much smarter move than number one partner in chains
happy to see that was and will be more happy to see if it remains the same i can go to bed without thinking that a drone may strike me thank you lord
Mubarak ho.

Enjoy the attention. You are indeed most important to USA and China both. Hope these interesting times continue.
sorry but what kind of partnership is this where there is no trust, & US cannot give access to its markets for Pakistani products(with tax free status).
If being number one partner means being in the kinds of chains Pakistan is in, India are better not being number one partner, at least in my opinion -- India are most definitely working to be number one trade partner, number one business, jobs and education partner and that's a much smarter move than number one partner in chains

Good say +1
Are you implying that they use drone attacks in Pakistani regions without the permission of the Pakistani government? The Pakistani government clearly gives them the go-ahead, & the intelligence then gives them the targets to hit. If the Pakistani government says no, the US will stop. So I don't see what your bone of contention is/

Do you know a resolution tabled by your prime minister, " for condemning and stopping off the drone attacks" was passed by your parliament three yrs ago?
If that is not your govt's descion..then what is?..or are you implying that your parliament exist just pull a wool over your eyes and its resolutions have no real value?
Pakistan ‘number one partner against al Qaida': Nicholas Burns

Pakistan is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than any other South Asian country for the USA !!!

Congrats of being number one ally. Good for you.

But why you removed the last two words? that is 'against Al Qaida'? Any way all the best. :tup:

Indian users are just so jealous that USA sees Pakistan more important than India.

Sour Grapes !!!

I think most of the Indians agree with you.

Also USA stopped Israel from selling stuff to India :

U.S. Pressures Israel to Block IAI AESA Radar Sale to India
Global Defence: Israel bars AESA radar export to India

One correction.... they are offering their own APG-79 and APG-80!!! :rofl: Not to forget F-35 which India rejected.

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