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Pakistan must provide support to its true allies in Afghanistan: Dr Latif Pedram and Tajiks.


Dec 21, 2021
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Dr Latif Pedram is an ethnic Tajik who is the leader of the National Congress party of Afghanistan and the former member of parliament from Badakhshan.

He has consistently expressed his views that he and the Tajiks of Afghanistan/Khorosan do not seek any animosity with Pakistan at all, and do not support the separatist goals and hatred of Pakistan and it's people, like the others in Afghanistan are hell-bent on.

Dr Latif Pedram exclaims that the paritionist goals of Pakistan are a zionist project and the Tajiks stand firmly against it.

He strongly advocates for national unity on the condition of equal share of power between all ethnic groups, and not only for some individuals/ethnicities.

We should stand firmly with such parties that seek to form a peaceful and co-operative government that is fair to all stakeholders and ethnicities, rather than Pashtun chauvinists and ultranationalists who do not mind seeing the region burn down for their own selfish goals.

Opinions on the above? It seems that soon the Taliban project will prove to be an incredible failure as the little pro-Pak sentiments die out or are forced out by the overwhelming organic hatred based in Afghan society and history. This makes the oppressed Tajik ethnicity a natural ally against a common enemy.

It seems like a no-brainer to me. A Tajik government which will naturally be more progressive will prevent the emboldened sentiment of Pashtun ethno-ultranationalists and chauvinists we are witnessing today.

@PanzerKiel @Signalian @Maula Jatt @Menace2Society @villageidiot @fitpOsitive @Sayfullah @Areesh @_NOBODY_ @SQ8 @M. Sarmad
Mind our own business. The reason Pakistan is in this mess is because we couldn’t mind our ficking business and were on a mission to save Afghanistan TWICE

Pakistan has a nasty habit of pretending to be saviour of other people who don’t want you to be their saviour.
Pakistan is collapsing as we speak (unfortunately) and these fellas want to start another proxy war...

These tajiks are opportunistic rats. They hate you Pakistanis more than a pashtun ever could - not even talking about how they see themselves as arians and you Pakistanis as apes. They are just using you to create a wedge.
Mind our own business. The reason Pakistan is in this mess is because we couldn’t mind our ficking business and were on a mission to save Afghanistan TWICE

Pakistan has a nasty habit of pretending to be saviour of other people who don’t want you to be their saviour.
You don't "mind your business" when there is a violent dog about to break loose from a weak chain and you are the first target.

It is about self-interest before being anyone's saviour.
"Ab pachtaey kya ho jab Chirrian Chug gaey khet"
"No use of crying over spilt milk"
"Saanp Guzar gya ab lakeer ko peeti jao"

Pakistani people and Establishment were so much in love with Afghan Pashtun community, They completely disregarded any one questioning this approach.
Some of us were saying from beginning that Pakistani Pashtuuns and Afghan Pashtuuns are not the same. Dont encourage Afghan Pashtuun to Mingle with our Pashtuuns.
Afghan Pashtuuns are the only Afghan community that have trouble with Durind line. Our Peshawar is ages ahead of and has nothing to do with Kabul / Jalalabad. The social and economic gap is increasing day by day. They have depreviation, Civil war, instability, deaths, Foreign occupation for decades. These factors have transformed there society in a very different way compared to our Pashtuuns living in a stable and relitively prosporous region.

Just like Lahore now has nothing to do with Amritsar Jalandhar Pathankot etc despite having centuries long relations.

Now Afghanistan is in firm grip of Pashtuun Taliban. The shortsightedness of Our people and Army have gifted us this Monster of the western border that we cannot do anything about.
Pakistan is collapsing as we speak (unfortunately) and these fellas want to start another proxy war...

These tajiks are opportunistic rats. They hate you Pakistanis more than a pashtun ever could - not even talking about how they see themselves as arians and you Pakistanis as apes. They are just using you to create a wedge.
Common Pashtun nationalist rhetoric lol, you are not any different and it's ironic coming from people who do the exact same thing and even make music of such things.

Regardless of personal dislikes and likes - as long personal interests and political goals align, there will be room for cooperation.

This applies significantly more for the Tajiks than to the Pashtuns.

"Ab pachtaey kya ho jab Chirrian Chug gaey khet"
"No use of crying over spilt milk"
"Saanp Guzar gya ab lakeer ko peeti jao"

Pakistani people and Establishment were so much in love with Afghan Pashtun community, They completely disregarded any one questioning this approach.
Some of us were saying from beginning that Pakistani Pashtuuns and Afghan Pashtuuns are not the same. Dont encourage Afghan Pashtuun to Mingle with our Pashtuuns.
Afghan Pashtuuns are the only Afghan community that have trouble with Durind line. Our Peshawar is ages ahead of and has nothing to do with Kabul / Jalalabad. The social and economic gap is increasing day by day. They have depreviation, Civil war, instability, deaths, Foreign occupation for decades. These factors have transformed there society in a very different way compared to our Pashtuuns living in a stable and relitively prosporous region.

Just like Lahore now has nothing to do with Amritsar Jalandhar Pathankot etc despite having centuries long relations.

Now Afghanistan is in firm grip of Pashtuun Taliban. The shortsightedness of Our people and Army have gifted us this Monster of the western border that we cannot do anything about.
The establishment had been hijacked by Pashtun chauvinists and nationalists in the past that purposefully wanted to support Afghan Pashtuns while knowing they posed the biggest risk to Pakistan.

This was something many Americans had even pointed out, internal ISI politics is a whole discussion altogether.

Don't underestimate the manipulativeness and two-faced chauvinistic character of Pashtun ethnonationalists. Many of them lurk amongst us in this thread and forum ;)
Pakistan is collapsing as we speak (unfortunately) and these fellas want to start another proxy war...

These tajiks are opportunistic rats. They hate you Pakistanis more than a pashtun ever could - not even talking about how they see themselves as arians and you Pakistanis as apes. They are just using you to create a wedge.
nothing is collapsing. Economic crisis is not a collapse.
What you see is Pakistan public opinnion transforming. A collosal shift of Public opinnion away from conventionalism peddled to them for ages. Foreign policy, Political system, Internal security situation, Institutions. People across the country are up for same demands.
There is no civil war, no ethnic tentions, no foreign invasion threat, no insurgency that is a national security threat.
Infact the economic issue is uniting everyone across the map. Economic crisis dont collapse countries. Look at Even Srilanka.

Unfortunately i am sorry for your country that faced so much now that the only solace you feel is to wish to see your neighbor become like your country as well. I pray for better times for Afghanistan.
These tajiks are opportunistic rats. They hate you Pakistanis more than a pashtun ever could - not even talking about how they see themselves as arians and you Pakistanis as apes. They are just using you to create a wedge.
Hypocritical to say the least coming from a Pukhtoon :lol:

What language is "dalkhor kaliya panjabee tor makhay" - do you think we are stupid my friend?

Political alliances are built on common interests, not personal friendships, otherwise Pakistan and America wouldn't have once been the closest allies, or possibly even Pakistan and China.

Lar aw bar is an ideology followed by the vast majority of Afghan Pukhtons, it is an anti-Pakistan separatist ideology that continues to take countless lives and is willing to destroy anything in its path including itself.

The Tajiks are an oppressed minority group facing injustices by your hand, we are natural allies.
People are making far too much of a fuss about default. In recent memory Sri Lanka, Greece, Iceland and Argentina have defaulted - nothing really changed. There was economic hardship, not world war 3.
They know Jacka** about economics and its impact on a country. Just enjoying the ride.
Economic collapse will not break Pakistan.
But the thing is you cannot compare default of greece, argentina or Even russia to Pakistan. Because way too many people live under poverty line. And our major Imports are Fuel and Medicine. And our Industry and Market Infra is BullS***
Common man will suffer a lot in case of default. long Power outages, Outrageous fuel prices, Problems in National Travel and Transportation system (Which is very vital for massive country like ours). Industries will close.Medicine shortages etc.
Living standards will fall, Lawlessness will increase.
Breaking up of Pakistan is not the only fear for a Pakistani like me.
Hypocritical to say the least coming from a Pukhtoon :lol:

What language is "dalkhor kaliya panjabee tor makhay" - do you think we are stupid my friend?

Political alliances are built on common interests, not personal friendships, otherwise Pakistan and America wouldn't have once been the closest allies, or possibly even Pakistan and China.

Lar aw bar is an ideology followed by the vast majority of Afghan Pukhtons, it is an anti-Pakistan separatist ideology that continues to take countless lives and is willing to destroy anything in its path including itself.

The Tajiks are an oppressed minority group facing injustices by your hand, we are natural allies.
These Afghans will lie through their teeth to your face lmao

Man literally repeated the characteristic of his own ethnicity and put the blame on Tajiks 🤡🤣

Lar o Bar is a Pashtun movement that is anti-Pakistan. Only brainwashed ghulaami Tajiks follow such.

Once the Tajiks see the truth which they are beginning to - a natural alliance will form with common political interests. Doesn't matter if they think of us as apes.

At times even an ape and a human can co-operate when goals align!
Common Pashtun nationalist rhetoric lol, you are not any different and it's ironic coming from people who do the exact same thing and even make music of such things.

Regardless of personal dislikes and likes - as long personal interests and political goals align, there will be room for cooperation.

This applies significantly more for the Tajiks than to the Pashtuns.

The establishment had been hijacked by Pashtun chauvinists and nationalists in the past that purposefully wanted to support Afghan Pashtuns while knowing they posed the biggest risk to Pakistan.

This was something many Americans had even pointed out, internal ISI politics is a whole discussion altogether.

Don't underestimate the manipulativeness and two-faced chauvinistic character of Pashtun ethnonationalists. Many of them lurk amongst us in this thread and forum ;)
But the ground reality today is way different then it was in 70s and 80s.
The socio-economic gap have widened so much across the border. Its becoming a north korea/south korea situation on a smaller scale.
I know a lot of non-lar wa bar Afghans also who have suffered so much in wars and work menial labor jobs in Gulf. Who are sick of Afghan leaders because they have actually lost loved ones in these wars.
All they care about is surviving.

Pakistani Pashtuuns on the other hand have very different mentality. Even the labors. They have properties in Pak. Families thriving, Children studying in universities, Relatives living across Pakistan, doing business in all provinces. They have a life and prospect. Even the poor ones view of life is not a bleek as Afghans.

They have no shared thing other then Pashto Language. Which doesnt mean a thing. We share same language with the majority of Indians..Yet we cant stand each other for a single comment most of the time
Seems you bunch have found your new love in the tajiks. Enjoy your honeymoon with them 😂
They know Jacka** about economics and its impact on a country. Just enjoying the ride.
Economic collapse will not break Pakistan.
But the thing is you cannot compare default of greece, argentina or Even russia to Pakistan. Because way too many people live under poverty line. And our major Imports are Fuel and Medicine. And our Industry and Market Infra is BullS***
Common man will suffer a lot in case of default. long Power outages, Outrageous fuel prices, Problems in National Travel and Transportation system (Which is very vital for massive country like ours). Industries will close.Medicine shortages etc.
Living standards will fall, Lawlessness will increase.
Breaking up of Pakistan is not the only fear for a Pakistani like me.

If you weren't semi literate you probably wouldn't suffer from half these problems.

Where did I say there wouldn't be hardship?? You pulled that out of your own ***.

The context in which my comment was made is clear to anyone who read the previous posts - it was linked to the idea of Pakistan "collapsing" or "falling apart".

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