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Petition against Youtube channel "Apostate Prophet"

Arsenal Caan

Jul 5, 2020
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Hello guys, I need your support in signing and forwarding the below petition.

Till now I am able to get only 448 votes.

Its actually a petition to take down the youtube channel "Apostate Prophet". It has contemptuous and hateful content against Islam and the Prophet P.B.U.H.

I am not sure whether this petition will produce desired results but lets give it a try. 🤞

Thanks All.
grow a pair people, it's the damn internet

dont watch if you don't like it
I don't want to go into the discussion of free speech and reverence for religion and religious figure.
I find the content not only contemptuous but misleading as well. I will sure as hell not watch the channel but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do anything to stop this propaganda.
You have every right not to sign the petition but it doesn't mean that you should the dictate the rest, what and what not to do!.
I don't want to go into the discussion of free speech and reverence for religion and religious figure.
I find the content not only contemptuous but misleading as well. I will sure as hell not watch the channel but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do anything to stop this propaganda.
You have every right not to sign the petition but it doesn't mean that you should the dictate the rest, what and what not to do!.
not dictating anything, I just find it very stupid, and posting my opinion on how and why it's stupid, serves little purpose
ignore it if you want
but Pakistan already censors a bunch of websites and youtube channels that would be offensive to muslims, right ?
but Pakistan already censors a bunch of websites and youtube channels that would be offensive to muslims, right ?
it can't censor specific channels after the https protocol as it doesn't allow individual page censuring. they either have to ban all of YouTube or allow all. I think they can send legal notices but I don't YouTube complies except in cases of copyright
It is possible to Block specific channels. You have to get your govt talk to YouTube.
Hello guys, I need your support in signing and forwarding the below petition.

Till now I am able to get only 448 votes.

Its actually a petition to take down the youtube channel "Apostate Prophet". It has contemptuous and hateful content against Islam and the Prophet P.B.U.H.

I am not sure whether this petition will produce desired results but lets give it a try. 🤞

Thanks All.
Report this channel to PTA and they will get it blocked from youtube. Atleast for Pakistan
Hello guys, I need your support in signing and forwarding the below petition.

Till now I am able to get only 448 votes.

Its actually a petition to take down the youtube channel "Apostate Prophet". It has contemptuous and hateful content against Islam and the Prophet P.B.U.H.

I am not sure whether this petition will produce desired results but lets give it a try. 🤞

Thanks All.

Doesn't the Quran challenge people to question it?

He has debates with Muslims all the time and usually looses.

Grow a pair of balls and learn how to deal with criticism. Muslims usually end up making things worse by protesting like lunatics.

Salmon Rushdie is a prime example. If you had just ignored him he wouldn't be as famous as he is today. Muslims made him a millionaire with beautiful women lusting after him overnight.

His literature is not great. Academics themselves have appraised his work and deemed it to be subpar. However because of Muslims he became "infamous ".
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I don't want to go into the discussion of free speech and reverence for religion and religious figure.
I find the content not only contemptuous but misleading as well. I will sure as hell not watch the channel but that doesn't mean I shouldn't do anything to stop this propaganda.
You have every right not to sign the petition but it doesn't mean that you should the dictate the rest, what and what not to do!.

Things like this draw more attention to it. Before people may have dismissed it as some fringe anti-Muslim propaganda, but because you are so offended by it and need it removed it will legitimise it somewhat and encourage people to 'view the content that Muslims dont want you to see'. He must be very happy from the free advertising being done for him by easily offended people like yourself.
Brother you are only giving more publicity by mentioning it on a completely unrelated forum. Now it's possible that some people who were never aware of this channel here are now introduced to it.
Brother how this is an unrelated forum? I am sure a good majority of the people on this forum are Muslims and will likely denounce the hatred propagagted by this channel.
I don't care about the few people who get introduced. This channel already has many followers. A few more hateful people makes no difference. What makes the difference is people like us standing against this non sense.

Things like this draw more attention to it. Before people may have dismissed it as some fringe anti-Muslim propaganda, but because you are so offended by it and need it removed it will legitimise it somewhat and encourage people to 'view the content that Muslims dont want you to see'. He must be very happy from the free advertising being done for him by easily offended people like yourself.
Let it draw. I am sure any Muslim will not change his/her views after seeing this channel and comply with its views.
Things like this draw more attention to it. Before people may have dismissed it as some fringe anti-Muslim propaganda, but because you are so offended by it and need it removed it will legitimise it somewhat and encourage people to 'view the content that Muslims dont want you to see'. He must be very happy from the free advertising being done for him by easily offended people like yourself.
And please you need not to be so cynical in your posts that "I am so easily offended and giving free advertisement". The point is I don't believe any Muslim will find the content agreeable and for those who are against Islam, they are free in their actions.

but Pakistan already censors a bunch of websites and youtube channels that would be offensive to muslims, right ?
Right. But Muslim don't only reside in Pakistan.

Doesn't the Quran challenge people to question it?

He has debates with Muslims all the time and usually looses.

Grow a pair of balls and learn how to deal with criticism. Muslims usually end up making things worse by protesting like lunatics.

Salmon Rushdie is a prime example. If you had just ignored him he wouldn't be as famous as he is today. Muslims made him a millionaire with beautiful women lusting after him overnight.

His literature is not great. Academics themselves have appraised his work and deemed it to be subpar. However because of Muslims he became "infamous ".
Dude debating is one thing but caricaturing the Prophet of Islam in a contemptuous manner and portraying his personal life negatively is completely unacceptable and this is exactly the point of contention here.
IK often says that the west can never comprehend how much the sanctity of Prophet means to Muslims.
Anyways you are not my target audience, so pleaee ignore.
Right. But Muslim don't only reside in Pakistan.
dunno man, very anti censorship here generally and not for banning anything. Do not give them views, do not watch it if one is bothered greatly by it, I suppose. Also guessing most muslim countries who are aware would have banned it already. Keep seeing these "YT has blocked this content in your location/country..." for a lot of seemingly random stuff.

The petition needs to go to your government who may then contact Google inc. and have them block it for Pak ip addresses if they agree, that is, and even then, that (or similar) content would still be available widely on other websites. Can't fight the internet, most savvy (and there are a lot) Chinese users know all the tricks to evade their great wall.

If it makes you feel any better, virtually all religions, races of people, countries and whathavyou have people making content that they would consider offensive.

As someone else also said.. get a bit more thick skinned, consider growing a pair maybe.. the world's a big bad place. Don't be like our resident commie idiot @jamahir who wants to

I can understand your feelings but don't get too upset or emotional if the YouTube doesn't take action. In this age of internet we have to find other ways to record our protest.
YouTube probably won't take any action , they are bunch of hypocrites. But if you will criticize jews they will cry like babies. They have different criterias for Muslims.
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