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Sania Mirza to marry Shoaib Malik?

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Okay it is confirmed now,
She will not represent India in 2012 Olympics. She will be forced not to, and if they come to India, Shiv Sena will be the one to receive them.
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For argument sake if they both marry which country sania mirza will represent if she continues to play tennis...? Pakistan or India.....
the traffic to the thread has started slowing now...i think its now time to leave

it was great fun here

mostly here we dont have many threads were indians and pakistanis have fun togather

cheers for SHOAIB and SANIA who made it possible
For argument sake if they both marry which country sania mirza will represent if she continues to play tennis...? Pakistan or India.....

Dude, she is an Indian & no one should have a problem with her representing her country.. What do you think ?
Parents delighted with Sania's choice

BANGALORE: Sania Mirza, whose much-publicized engagement to Mohammed Sohrab was called off earlier this year, met former Pakistan captain Shoaib Malik in Dubai in February while she was playing a tournament there. They liked each other. The families took things forward and planned the alliance.

Sania's mother, Nasima said: "Marriages are made in heaven. As parents, we are delighted with her choice."

Sania's father, Imran, who has coached and managed her through her career, said: "This is a unique case where the husband and wife will represent their respective countries in sport."

Ranked No. 27 in the world, Sania's rating has plummeted after a debilitating wrist injury that saw her take a break from competition. Her treatment and rehabilitation drills continue. She will probably test her wrist in competition later in the summer, but is targeting a return for later in the year. "I hope to be fully fit to represent India in the Commonwealth and Asian Games that are scheduled for later this year," she said.

Shoaib, however, can't play for one year for Pakistan as he faces a ban imposed by the national cricket board for breaching the code of conduct. Although no reason was given, Pakistani media speculated that he may have been involved in match fixing.

It may be recalled that Shoaib was involved in a marriage dispute with another Indian national, Ayesha Siddiqui, with whom he reportedly exchanged marriage vows with over the telephone in 2002.

Shoaib, however, has denied the marriage, indicating he had been cheated in the relationship, which was mostly carried out over the internet. Sania's family has downplayed the issue and made no comment on it.

Parents delighted with Sania's choice - Off the Field - Sports - The Times of India

For argument sake if they both marry which country sania mirza will represent if she continues to play tennis...? Pakistan or India.....

definitly india...and by the way they r residing in dubai
shohaib also is a citizen of dubai
For argument sake if they both marry which country sania mirza will represent if she continues to play tennis...? Pakistan or India.....

Her father has said that she would represent India, which means she won't give up her Indian citizenship at least till the time she continues playing.
Okay its is confirmed now,
She will not represent India in 2012 Olympics. She will be forced not to, and if they come to India, Shiv Sena will be the one to receive them.

hahahah good joke....... and i agree with you once again

For argument sake if they both marry which country sania mirza will represent if she continues to play tennis...? Pakistan or India.....

India i think........ unless she has been granted the citizenship of Pakistan. Then it will be upon her to chose the representation of either country........ There has been many Cricketers (and soccer players i think) who has represented two countries in their career.

I doesn't really matter yaar............ she is most welcome to represent India forever........ that is her first country
na bibi not true ;) Some guys love big women. It's an unfair generalization. In Medieval times fat chicks were more desired (look at the paintings). Today fashion industry has changed the standards for what is considered attractive today and hollywood blew it up. I love big girls. Kareena was so awesome, now with size 0 she is ugly.


I think 99% men dont like FAT women
Her father has said that she would represent India, which means she won't give up her Indian citizenship at least till the time she continues playing.

yes and it doesn't really matter yara............ She is married to a Pakistani but it does not mean she give up India........ she is an indian girl and there is no harm in representing India..................

I am happy for couples
In many indian movies they show indian man marrying Pak lady(out of superiority complex may be), BUT in reality it's been Pakistani men winning indian ladies...

Uncalled for remark , we should just be happy for the two individual and hope it shows how close our people are in general
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