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"Unfit" cops banned from Mumbai World Cup final: reports

So that means no Pandu Ranga on the TV... I am terribly disappointed :no:

All Bollywood actors and actresses use skin whitening. See this why will India do this, beauty is not the matter of skin colour, if you belive that then your a racist and a shame upon the human race.

Oh man, you are so tempting me to derail this thread and show the posts (thousands of them - no less) in this very forum where Pakistanis love to denigrate the "dark", "skinny", Hindus... for nothing more than their looks.

Right... shame on you.
I am not sure about the correctness of the OP, but this is the worst kind of discrimination and disciplin or lack of it regardless of where it happens.
Smoking/tobacco if not allowed during service time as a matter of disciplin and must be exercised throughout the service and not limited to mega international events. Regarding looks, this is the worst kind of disrespect to humanity and shows a sick, inferiority complexed mentality.
Mumbai police chief Arup Patnaik had directed top officials that only attractive and good-looking policemen should be deployed for the April 2 final, the Hindustan Times said in a report. :cheesy:

Patnaik had 'strictly prohibited' overweight and tobacco-chewing policemen from the 1,500 staff on duty that day, in order to show the city and its police force in a good light.

Only 'well-mannered and presentable' policemen would be on duty for the finals, police sources told local media.


I am not sure why Indian members are not pointing this fact out, but misbehavior on part of policemen in India is considered a norm. Well, in fact more than a norm - it is more of a privilege that they are allowed.

The Police chief Patnaik is in fact making sure that India is not left red faced because majority of the policemen in India do not even know how to talk to a person without stepping on one's dignity.

All this drama is less about the looks, and more about the harassment that these cops might end up delivering without even realizing while they are at it.
I am not sure about the correctness of the OP, but this is the worst kind of discrimination and disciplin or lack of it regardless of where it happens.
Smoking/tobacco if not allowed during service time as a matter of disciplin and must be exercised throughout the service and not limited to mega international events. Regarding looks, this is the worst kind of disrespect to humanity and shows a sick, inferiority complexed mentality.

Not the looks, rather the fitness of the cops to react to any untoward incidents. The situation needs a swift action from the cops if the need arises. About the tobacco chewing... yeah it was unfortunately included in the same statement. The cops should have been more professional, but can't change someone's habits so soon.
I think something got lost in transition here. I think Indian high police official meant no fat cops with pot bellied, tobacco chewers, messy hair should be allowed near the stadium cuz of so many cameras. You want presentable cops who are physical fit and look sharp. Has nothing to do with ugliness. This is widely practiced in western countries during high profile official visits. Good effort by Indian police, not so good by having it leaked.
The stadium is pretty close to me. The place is swarming with cops of all shapes and sizes.
They are talking about the beer belly cops, and also to have proper behavior.

Whats all this with white and black???

A chance to say things they are indoctrinated and itching to say anyways! To stoop to their level, it just shows their inferiority complex :lol::lol::lol:

As I said, the worst kind of hypocrites!

On topic - Mumbai cops are officially encouraged to lose weight, be fit, NOT to chew tobacco and be polite and presentable - at all times.

There is nothing wrong in penalising the non abiding ones. The whole 'ugly' bit is media bullshit. They should appear and behave professional, and there's NOTHING wrong in it.

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