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Water dispute can trigger nuclear war with India

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Jun 7, 2009
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Water dispute can trigger nuclear war with India: Nizami
Published: June 07, 2009

LAHORE - Chairman Nazria Pakistan Trust and Editor-in-Chief The Nation Majid Nizami has urged the politicians not to pave way for dictators in future and let Pakistan become an Islamic democratic welfare state.
He was delivering his vote of thanks at the foundation stone laying ceremony of Aiwan-e-Quaid-e-Azam at Johar Town on Saturday. The stone laying was performed by Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani.
Majid Nizami appealed to the present government not to take initiative for friendship with India unless the Kashmir dispute is resolved. India is not willing to solve the Kashmir issue and if we forget this dispute on her advice what would be left to solve with India, he said. He further said we consider Kashmir as jugular vein of Pakistan and India is building dams in Kashmir on our rivers by which, God forbid, Pakistan can become a desert within the next 10 to 15 years. We should say Lala Ji to show upright posture or otherwise prepare for a nuclear war”, he added. He said Dr A Q Khan made Pakistan invincible.
Majid Nizami said he declared Asif Ali Zardari as Mard-e-Hurr because of his prolonged ordeal in prison. He should review his statement that Pakistan has no threat from India as the fact is so. If India did not abstain from its course, there would be a nuclear war on water dispute.
The tripartite alliance of the US, Israel and India is against Pakistan and they have now started propaganda that Pakistan’s nuclear programme is not in safe hands, he maintained.
Majid Nizami said PML and PPP workers should remain ready to sacrifice their lives for Pakistan. Once Bhutto had said that we would fight for Kashmir for 1,000 years, he averred.

Water dispute can trigger nuclear war with India: Nizami | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
I wonder why we (Pak & Ind) like talking about Nukes so much?:undecided: :what: Maybe LEO toys should come with a kit of Nuke bombs, ICBMS etc. So that the kids on both sides can nuke each other on the maps to their hearts content. :lol:
I wonder why we (Pak & Ind) like talking about Nukes so much?:undecided: :what: Maybe LEO toys should come with a kit of Nuke bombs, ICBMS etc. So that the kids on both sides can nuke each other on the maps to their hearts content. :lol:

lol at lego toys with icbms :yahoo:

people with the nuclear rhetoric on both sides will be the first to run to englistaan incase of a limited war; let alone a nuclear war :rofl:
ye i think its time to wipe out India and Israel off the map enuff is enuff and create ICBMs.

oh hold on buddy; what makes you think the other side will sit idle :what:

i am sick of these statements; talkin every time of death and destruction :argh: why cant we bloody live in peace :guns:
India has only one operational nuke with a range of 150KM i am sick and tired of living in fear lets just deal with the problems we arent wearing bangles we will go to border and fight these scums and slumdogs
oh hold on buddy; what makes you think the other side will sit idle :what:

i am sick of these statements; talkin every time of death and destruction :argh: why cant we bloody live in peace :guns:

Well said. :tup:
Ya i also wonder why people of pakistan are so interested in using nukes and talking of nuclear war.Even after knowing consequences of nuclear war its unimaginable how Some people of pakistan want to make india and pakistan both a desert where no human not even a bird lives no trees. environment of whole earth radiationised. They want to start elimination of human race from earth. They do not care about themselves but they are also not sensitive towards their children as well. It looks from the statement that some people of pakistan do not beleive in sustainable development. They want to destroy whole earth before they leave this planet. Just for the sake of some regional issues they had put their entire race on the line.
India has only one operational nuke with a range of 150KM i am sick and tired of living in fear lets just deal with the problems we arent wearing bangles we will go to border and fight these scums and slumdogs

Actually you're being bombed daily by American drones. You should be sick and tired of living in the shadow of American troops. If anything you should go and fight those scums and plumdogs.:sniper:
ye i think its time to wipe out India and Israel off the map enuff is enuff and create ICBMs.

"With great power comes great responsibility"

Somehow i feel these words dont apply to pakistan. :wave:
India has only one operational nuke with a range of 150KM i am sick and tired of living in fear lets just deal with the problems we arent wearing bangles we will go to border and fight these scums and slumdogs

first of all i think you are out of information. India is third largest agglomerator of nuclear bombs in asia if we consider russia in asia and they have operational icbm capability of 5000km so better not underestimate your opponent.
Secondly you say you are living in fears. Please elaborate some of those in support of your claim. Thank you
and they have operational icbm capability of 5000km so better not underestimate your opponent.


you are mistaken my American friend, India have no operational Missiles beyond a range of a few 100 KM - their most recent Agni 2 test - with a range of about 3,000 - 3,500 KM, just failed and it will not be in operation untill in about 3 years time, or so.

Pakistans Shaheen 2, with a range of 2,500 KM, is currently not matched by India in terms of operational missiles that are ready for use.

Several western newpapers, and articles have in fact reported that Pakistan currently trumps India in terms of nuclear delivery systems, in operation.

you are mistaken my American friend, India have no operational Missiles beyond a range of a few 100 KM - their most recent Agni 2 test - with a range of about 3,000 - 3,500 KM, just failed and it will not be in operation untill in about 3 years time, or so.

Pakistans Shaheen 2, with a range of 2,500 KM, is currently not matched by India in terms of operational missiles that are ready for use.

Several western newpapers, and articles have in fact reported that Pakistan currently trumps India in terms of nuclear delivery systems, in operation.

One word: Agni III
Well said. :tup:

Pakistan have tried,tried,tired tried and tried with India, it thinks it is invincible as it interfered in Bangladesh by designs as it trained those Mukti buhins.

All Indians here on this website keep talking from both sides of their mouths, what is one to do.

times and again they bring in U.S. in the conversions to show that if they can have U.S. threaten us by writing things such as the instance when U.S. asked Pakistan if we are with them or against them, and how India offered full cooperation to U.S. at the time.

With this kind of neighbor what can u do who also brings in Israel into the subcontinent to threaten us, what can one do but to stand against tyranny and bully tactics.

Mind you we have tried to be friends with India by trying to negotiate peacefully, but it does not register with India.
Times a changing now; Pakistan should just ignore ramblings from the outside and just focus on the problem we have with the taliban right now; no can take anything from us; 71 was different; it cannot and will not happen again.

All these talks of doom death and destruction make me sick to the core; but yes if anybody threatens us; we have a solid reply for them...
Well, what's the use of all that water if it is contaminated with nuclear radiaton..
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