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Wikileaks:India, Iran Supported TTP

Iran, never have trusted Persians, nonetheless, they are a Muslim country and as such have concerns with regards to Jundullah group, this can be discussed with Iran and sorted........however India, a different story...........not human enough to talk

What else do I say... Pathetic.
ISLAMABAD: UAE's security officials believed that India along with Iran had supported the Pakistani Taliban and Pushtun separatists, even as US suggested that UAE was a source of funding for the militants, a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks discloses.

The strange allegation by UAE officials is noted in a State Department cable which reports the details of a meeting between officials of the US Treasury Department and those of UAE's State Security Department (SSD) and Dubai's General Department of State Security (GDSS) to discuss suspected Taliban-related financial activity in the UAE.

The meeting, spread over several hours on December 15-16, 2009.

In the meeting GDSS officials noted Iran's support to Taliban in Pakistan, adding that it believes that India also has supported Pakistani Taliban and Pashtun separatists.

The meeting from the US side was represented by Treasury Department acting assistant secretary of the Office of Intelligence and Analysis Howard Mendelsohn.

Mendelsohn also raised Afghanistan and Pakistan-based extremist and terrorist groups, to include Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT) and Jamaat al-Dawa al-Quran wa al-Sunna (JDQ), according to the cable.

UAE security services were not familiar with the names of specific UAE-based LeT members shared by the Treasury, but promised to follow up on the information, the report said.

"DSS officials were familiar with XXXXXXXXXXXX who reportedly provides funding to the Taliban/Haqqani Network, according to US intelligence.

"The GDSS officials stated that they do not believe XXXXXXXXXXXX is loyal to the Taliban, and noted that he has cooperated with Pakistani authorities, as well as with Afghan President Karzai," the cable said.

"They pointed out XXXXXXXXXXXX's past visits from former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mullah Zaif, but noted that such visits - which may have resulted in financial support -have ceased," it said.

"GDSS continues to monitor XXXXXXXXXXXX although at present they do not believe that he is a Taliban financial manager," it said.

Mendelsohn suggested that he may be a pragmatist who maintains relationships with legitimate authorities, but insisted that the US government has information that suggests he is still involved with the Taliban.

"During the course of the two multi-hour intelligence exchange sessions, GRPO and Treasury analysts walked through the previously shared information suggesting that Taliban-related finance officials have visited the UAE in order to raise or move funds," it said.

UAE officials believed India supported Pak Taliban, Pashtuns | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

India, Iran supported Pak Taliban: leaks - GEO.tv

No proof that India actually supports TTP. It's an allegation :blah::blah::blah:

Besides this is big news coming from Iran which is supposed to be a "brother country"

Anyone else see that this source is from green media? :D
Well, the US has alleged that Iran is supporting some elements of the Taliban as well, to inflict damage upon the US in Afghanistan, much like it supported some Sunni insurgents, along with the Shia militias, in Iraq.

But the main target of Iranian support for the Taliban is the US, not Pakistan.
No proof that India actually supports TTP. It's an allegation :blah::blah::blah:

Besides this is big news coming from Iran which is supposed to be a "brother country"

Anyone else see that this source is from green media? :D
Given that the Indians always like to point to 'foreign intelligence reports accusing the ISI' as evidence of Pakistani guilt, the same can now be argued here, that the intelligence agencies of a nation supporting India's quest for a permanent UNSC seat are alleging Indian support for the TTP terrorists.

This is pretty big since it comes from a nation friendly to India.
Indian support for TTP terrorists. Of course if you are suggesting that you accept Indian support for terrorists in Pakistan, then there is nothing to deny.

Why should we deny a person's opinion? And even after repeated request I'm still yet to get the original cable!
Given that the Indians always like to point to 'foreign intelligence reports accusing the ISI' as evidence of Pakistani guilt, the same can now be argued here, that the intelligence agencies of a nation supporting India's quest for a permanent UNSC seat are alleging Indian support for the TTP terrorists.

This is pretty big since it comes from a nation friendly to India.

Indian support for TTP terrorists. Of course if you are suggesting that you accept Indian support for terrorists in Pakistan, then there is nothing to deny.

Let's not rush into posting before reading the OP, shall we?

ISLAMABAD: UAE's security officials believed that India along with Iran had supported the Pakistani Taliban and Pushtun separatists, even as US suggested that UAE was a source of funding for the militants, a diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks discloses.

The strange allegation by UAE officials is noted in a State Department cable which reports the details of a meeting between officials of the US Treasury Department and those of UAE's State Security Department (SSD) and Dubai's General Department of State Security (GDSS) to discuss suspected Taliban-related financial activity in the UAE.

Read carefully without prejudice.

This actually is a blame game going on between UAE and US diplomats.

BTW, as per your 'logic', the country friendly to India (UAE) says India is supporting the TTP and the country friendly to you (US) says UAE, and not India, is supporting the TTP.
The irony of hypocricy by Indians is that you Indians close your eyes to all other wikileaks which are also personal statements of ABC same is this one.

Are you seriously comparing the statement of the US ambassador to Pakistan (Anne Paterson) to that of a no-name UAE official?

So I assume you believe any tom, dick and harry as long as he/she tows your line eh?
Does credibility of the speaker mean anything to you?

So dont try to prove yourself over smart here.

No offence, but I really wouldnt call you a good judge to begin with...

And mr bhartiya i also find it funny that You Indians termed wikileaks so far the most authentic source because many statements it published are against Pakistan but when it come to Indian terrorism you suddenly realised oh that is a statement from UAE officials not authentic

First off...please save us the constant BS of switching between "Bhartiya, Bhartis, Indians, Hindustanis"....stick to one and move on...
I really dont understand what "Bharat aka India aka Hindustan" implies.....I think everyone here knows who you're referring to....so please no need to show off the multiple names that you know India is called by...Thanks!

When was it that Indians called Wikileaks fool proof evidence? Please....let us know...
But what we do know is that your own allies have doubts about your commitment to WOT and involvement in supporting terror groups.....proven or not, it goes a long way in showing how Pakistan is perceived by its own friends, let alone the larger P5 minus China...

I think authenticity of Wikileaks is not in question here....what it does show us is how nations and actions are being perceived by international players...
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Given that the Indians always like to point to 'foreign intelligence reports accusing the ISI' as evidence of Pakistani guilt, the same can now be argued here, that the intelligence agencies of a nation supporting India's quest for a permanent UNSC seat are alleging Indian support for the TTP terrorists.

This is pretty big since it comes from a nation friendly to India.

How about we first see the actual transcript of this discussion to start with as Abir pointed out.....
It's just a matter of time before Kashmir if free from bharat.. << i swear that's going to be one of the best days of my life ;) :pakistan:

Correction - a big day in your grandson's,great grandson's,great great grandson's ,great,great.......just forget it pal.
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Unfortunately logic is missing with many members on this forum and emotions run high. Since I reject wikileaks all together, I will approach this with logic. The article mentions two things with regards to the subject of the article:

1) The US says that UAE supports these terrorist groups
- There are also many other wikileaks that similarly mention that Saudi-Arabia is the largest funder of these terrorist groups, together with Kuwait, Qatar and UAE. Saudi-Arabia and UAE in particular have been mentioned several times in multiple of these wikileaks.

2) United Arab Emirates says that they don't and instead that it is Iran and India that supports these terrorist groups.

Now in response to the above:

1) I know Pakistanis and further to the east barely know anything about the middle-east, but anyone in the middle-east could tell you that this is what they always knew and they don't need wikileaks to tell them this. Some Pakistanis/Arabs on this forum even proudly advertise the monarchists support for all these terrorists in Asia and beyond. Do you think the terrorists know borders? They don't even recognize your borders, nor can you keep them in Afghanistan even if you wanted. UAE in particular was mentioned that it supports the the terrorists in Pakistan to damage your port because they consider it an economical threat to their port. Can you grasp all of this or not?

2) I guess it all comes down to whether you are willing to take a fat pagan monarch system for their word, against all odds of it being false.


Now since Pakistan is in a sort of a warish thing with India, you could expect them to support some elements in Pakistan too.

However, we have quite some issues with baluch/Taliban terrorists... not only ideological difference, but we are in actual war with them. They get killed on sight at the border.

As for Iran support anything in Afghanistan, we had been supporting and arming the Tajek/Uzbek/Hazaraa, far long before many of you guys were even born. This however, has nothing to do with Taliban terrorists.
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Given that the Indians always like to point to 'foreign intelligence reports accusing the ISI' as evidence of Pakistani guilt, the same can now be argued here, that the intelligence agencies of a nation supporting India's quest for a permanent UNSC seat are alleging Indian support for the TTP terrorists.

Which intelligence agency are we talking about here?

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