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Chinese Nuke Sub Accident

hahhaa..the original source is from a bs tabloid :cheesy:

Rumors Circulate About Radiation Leak by Chinese Sub

Boxun reported that the accident happened suddenly, and that Chinese authorities had sealed off the area while an investigation was under way, while taking steps to ensure news of the accident did not spread.

Boxun.com has often carried articles that are critical of Beijing, citing sources in China, as well as covering some sensitive issues that the Chinese media have been reluctant to handle. But it has also been known to make mistakes, with the latest being an erroneous report that former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin had died.
Also keep in mind that the Varyag is currently docked at the Port of Dalian right now. Judging from the thousands of spectators at the port of Dalian, including Japanese journalists, I think it is safe to say that it is virtually impossible for the government to cover this up.

There were 1000s of spectators and many journalist still that shameful thing happened in 89..... and it was covered up by CCP..... only we outside people know...... but people in China are shown some thing else.
China Should Accept Responsibility for Radiation Leak at Nuclear Sub

Rumors are spreading through Chinese Internet sites and on Twitter accounts that an accidental radiation leak occurred on Friday at a Chinese nuclear submarine moored in Dalian port in Liaoning Province, in the northeastern part of China. The leak reportedly happened as technicians were installing new electronics equipment on the vessel. Chinese authorities have apparently sealed off the area following the accident, but the Chinese media and government have so far refrained from commenting on the veracity of the rumors.

In China, major news stories are often revealed through Internet sites due to the government's strict control over the media. The oil leaks in Bohai Bay on June 4 and 17 only filtered down to the public via posts on Twitter days or weeks later on June 21, and Chinese media finally began reporting on the accident on July 1.

Media outlets in the censorship-heavy country initially reported that only 10 tons of oil had spilled into the sea, affecting an area of just 200 sq. m. But on July 5, China's maritime authorities admitted that 840 sq. km of sea waters had been polluted. This is equivalent to 1.4 times the size of Seoul.

When a high-speed train crashed in Wenzhou city on July 23 killing around 40 people, Chinese authorities responded to the disaster in ways that are difficult to fathom. The day after the accident, clean-up crews tore up and buried a huge chunk of the train that had fallen off a bridge before the cause of the crash had even been revealed. Meanwhile, authorities ordered local media to focus their coverage on "moving stories" of heroism and survival, rather than digging into the reasons behind the crash.

China possesses at least six nuclear submarines, five of which are believed to be stationed in two naval bases in Qingdao and Dalian on the West Sea. The Jin-class nuclear submarine that was photographed by a commercial U.S. satellite in 2007 is powered by a 160 Mw reactor, which is a sixth of the size of a standard nuclear power plant.

A serious radiation leak on a Chinese nuclear submarine is a sensitive issue for Korea, as the country shares the West Sea with China. Water in the northern part of the sea follows the currents along China's east coast and flows into Korea's South Sea after reaching the Yangtze River delta. Radiation is absorbed by plankton, shellfish and other marine life, meaning that it quickly travels up the food chain as these are ingested by bigger fish.

Following the tsunami-triggered accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan several months ago, fears have risen over the safety of 13 reactors currently in operation along China's east coast. Chinese authorities must waste no more time in providing Korea with credible information regarding rumors of the radiation leak on the nuclear submarine. As China moves to claim the title of a major global power, so it must accept the strong sense of responsibility that befits that image in this deeply interlinked, globalized age.

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - China Should Accept Responsibility for Radiation Leak at Nuclear Sub
Yes I can see the Information.......:taz:
The South Korean New paper confirms this and a Japanese source has also confirmed but CCP have not confirmed yet as usuals...... :sick:

And here we have some overseas Chinese members who are feeling it is being funny on the part of Japanese and Koreans about reporting and alarming their sailors and fishermen about the incident......Is it a crime that Japan and Korea cares for it people and warns them about such incident......


The article I posted was meant to point out that the informations regarding to the leak was unreliable. Let's not jump to conclusion. If it was a major incident, then we would have news by now. Nobody disregarding this rumor, its just that we need more concrete informations.
just rumors and it's from the the tabloid who says jiang zemen had died just recently and many more bs..even the japanese source says take it with a bucket of salts..calm down my hindu friend. you're too desperate of china negative news....boxun.com, the original source for more bs news..lol

The article I posted was meant to point out that the informations regarding to the leak was unreliable. Let's not jump to conclusion. If it was a major incident, then we would have news by now. Nobody disregarding this rumor, its just that we need more concrete informations.

The whole internet is filled with news about that incident..... that blogger has pointed out different accidents in china in an high tone does not mean he is unreliable..... and its not only him..... news is popping from here and there on Internet may be in a week or so picture would be more clearer..
........Only if CCP were responsible enough we wouldn't call the loss of life and property in China as Rumors.
i want confirmation from government of SK or Japan or even US Navy... because they has the capability on conducting test on whether the water is radiatively polluted or not, if u have it, i wont border to believe it...
just rumors and it's from the the tabloid who says jiang zemen had died just recently and many more bs..even the japanese source says take it with a bucket of salts..calm down my hindu friend. you're too desperate of china negative news....boxun.com, the original source for more bs news..lol

Who told you I am a Hindu ??.... Is it written on an Indian face that all Indian talking about China are Hindus ??
I pray for well being of China people thats why I am concerned !!..... only if CCP were as concerned about such incidents happening there in China and not hide them...... they call China a superpower how cheap when you have to hide or stop the flow of truthful information to serve the BS propaganda of the party.
i want confirmation from government of SK or Japan or even US Navy... because they has the capability on conducting test on whether the water is radiatively polluted or not, if u have it, i wont border to believe it...

They have other good works to do...... The respective governments can issue warning in disguise in order to not anger China..... why should they be bothered if China party is not bothered about its own people.....
Indians here get excited over any bad news from China, even for these unsubstantiated rumours.
They have other good works to do...... The respective governments can issue warning in disguise in order to not anger China..... why should they be bothered if China party is not bothered about its own people.....

if logical evidence is credible, u should also accept the logical evidence from Chinese members on proving how the accident is a BS story...

solid facts please....
Every thing coming from China is a Rumor 1st hand...... your personal attacks is of no good..... provoking me for the same..... post reported !!

I was joking about the radiation leaking from Fukushima part lol. Get a sense of humor man.

Ok so you are really concerned about the situation and the Chinese people, right? Why don't you and I take this to a major newspaper outlet and spread the news so that the Japanese and South Koreans and what not could pressure the Chinese government into leaking more information?
There were 1000s of spectators and many journalist still that shameful thing happened in 89..... and it was covered up by CCP..... only we outside people know...... but people in China are shown some thing else.

I don't see the reason why you are trying to bring that up here in this thread. Besides, you know that that event was (and still is) overhyped in the outside world.
There were 1000s of spectators and many journalist still that shameful thing happened in 89..... and it was covered up by CCP..... only we outside people know...... but people in China are shown some thing else.

Everyone in China knows about the June 4th incident. They call it the 8^2 incident to evade the censors on the internet. I am not saying that censorship is a good thing but you must know where to draw the line. If some right wing Japanese blog claimed that an alien ship landed in China and the "Commies" brutally gunned down all the extraterrestrials and used the technology from the UFO on China's space based battle station, would you believe it as well?

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